Mullah Ali Qari (ra) in his Arabic commentary of Mishkaat wrote an
incident about Ibrahim bin Adham (ra), who wasan eminent spiritual
leader of his time. He writes that Ibrahim bin Adham (ra) said "While
walking one day I came across a wealthy young man who was spewing due
to having drank liquor. He vomited so much that flies started buzzing
around him. This excessive spewing caused him to lose consciousness."
Upon initially seeing him Ibrahim bin Adham was very upset. The
thought occurred to him that the very tongue that pronounces the name
of Allah has been spoiled by the impurity of liquor. He fetched a pail
of water and washed the vomit around his mouth. He prayed to Allah
with the following words: "Oh Allah, thoughhe is unworthy and
disobediently involved in sin, You are my Friend and he is a servant
of myFriend. In view of the fact that I consider him to be Your
servant even though he is a sinner I will cast my attention onhim, for
he is nonetheless connected to You."
The splash of cold water on his face immediately woke him up. He came
to his senses and sat up. He said: "Ibrahim you are such a prominent
Wali Allah (friend of Allah), he who has given up the Kingdom of
Balkh, yet you are tending to a miserable drunkard like myself?"
Ibrahim replied, "Seeing you in this disabled statearoused compassion
in me. I saw you in a state where flies are buzzing around you, but
becauseyou are a servant of my Allah, I deemed it correctto serve
you." The youngman was very surprised saying, "I was always under the
impression that men of Allah look down upon sinners. Today have I come
to realize that none are as compassionate upon sinners as the friends
of Allah. Please give me your hands, so that I can make Taubah, I can
repent for my sins and become Bayat to you."
Sultan Ibrahim (ra) accepted his request for Bayat and made him repent
from his sins. At that moment he received kashf (ability tosee some
hidden things) that this young man who had just repented had surpassed
many pious individuals of that period.
Indeed, at the very moment a person repents from his sins, he becomes
the most beloved to Allah. Even the angels celebrate in the heavens
saying that so and so has asked forgiveness from Allah and has come
close to Allah.
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