Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hinduism to Christianity to Islam,Islamic Stories - ,

The following story is about a brother from Guyana who became a Muslim
from being a Hindu and Christian Priest for 10 years.
His current name is Ahmed Tabarani. He was born in a poor Hindu family
in Guyana. However, he used to dislike worshipping statues since his
childhood. As he grew up, he became connected with the localChurch
because they worshipped three divinebeings (God, Jesus and Holy
Spirit) rather than worshipping hundreds of idols. Eventually, he
became a Christian and studied for many years to become a Christian
priest. The Church hired him and paid for all his travelling and
living expenses. His family became very pleased to see that because he
became a Christian, theirpoverty was removed. Asa result, the whole
family became Christians. During the 10 years of serving as a Priest,
he always used to wake up at night and meditate. He used to ask God to
show him whether he was following the truth. In one such nights, he
had a vision. He saw that three people dressed in white long throbes,
wearing turban and beard are walking towards him and these people are
to show him the true religion. After seeing this vision, many years
passed by but he didn't see such a thing happening. But one day,a
group of Muslims (part of Tabligh Jamah) visiteda Masjid near his
place to call people towards Allah. That afternoon, as he was going to
the Church, he saw three of these Muslims are coming towards him.
Immediately, he remembered his vision. These three Muslims resembled
exactly what he saw in the vision. Then he approached them and asked
what religion they follow. The Muslims told him about Islam and he
became a Muslim on the spot and quit being a priest. Poverty again
took over his family as he quit his job. All his family members,
especially his mother, became angry at him for becoming a Muslim. But
he said the following words to his mother, "Dear mother, I could give
you a new pair of shoes, but they will become worn out. I could give
you a new dress, but that too will become old and ripped. But I can
give you something that will never finish. My mother, say 'There is no
god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.'" The mother was really
touched by this statement and became a Muslim. Following her, everyone
else in the family also became Muslims. For 15 years, Ahmed Tabarani
is a practising Muslim serving Islam with his total energy. He is
currently living in Canada.

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