Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Food & Nourishment -, My question is: my wife and I are Muslims and we try to eat halaal meatas much as possible. But my mother is not Muslim and she buys meat from stores that do not sell halaal meat and cooks it.Is it haraam to eat the meat that she cooks for us?? Please note that shedoes that with a good intention. Is there any harm in refusing to eat the food she offers to us? What is the ruling onthat? May Allah reward you with good. Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: If the meat has been slaughtered by one of the People of the Book (a Jew or a Christian) and we do not know themethod of slaughter, butmost people in the country kill meat by means of electric shock or by slaughtering it for someone or something other than Allah, it is notpermissible to eat that meat, on the basis of what is usually the case. The same applies if one is not sure whether the meat was slaughtered properly or killed by means of electric shock. That is because of the report narrated by al-Bukhaari (5485) and

- *-Visit -http://aydnajimudeen.blogspot.com/- I work for about
three years in KFC. They told me that the chicken is halaal. They also
had a certificate. But now i have checked the e-codes on the site
guidedway.comand i have seen that it is mushbooh. So i want to know ur
And i have one more very important question.They use shortening(oil).i
checked that about shortening on guidedway.comand it says IT DEPENDS.
so i am not sure whether is haraam or halaal. my question is can I eat
friesor is it better to avoid it.
What is the ruling on fish burger?.
Praise be to Allaah.
In order for it to be permissible to eat chicken and meat that is sold
in Muslim countries and elsewhere, two conditions must be met:
1. The meat should have been slaughtered in the manner prescribed
in sharee'ah; it should not have been stunned with electricity, or
drowned in water, or any other means of killing that is done in some
2. The one who slaughtered the meat should have been a Muslim or a
kitaabi (one of the people of the Book, i.e., a Jew or Christian); it
is not permissible to eat meat slaughtered by a communist, atheist or
See the answer to question no. 83362 .
If it becomes clear to youthat the chicken sold in these restaurants
has not been slaughtered in the manner prescribed in sharee'ah, it is
not permissible for you to eat it and it is not permissible for you to
work with those who sell it, because that comes under the heading of
cooperating in sin and transgression.
It is permissible to eat fried meat and fish from these restaurants,
subject to two conditions:
1. That it is not fried inthe same oil as the non-halaal chicken
or in vessels in which chicken was fried, until they have been washed,
because the non-halaal chicken is maytah (dead meat) and is najis
2. The meat should be halaal.
And Allah knows best.

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