Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Food & Nourishment - , Dought & clear - , The difference between the wine of this world and the Hereafter.

We all know that wine isforbidden in this world and that it causes
intoxication and fogs the mind; hence it is rijs (an abomination) and
the handiwork of the Shaytaan, and it is the mother of all evils as
the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him). My question
is: why is wine haraam in this world and halaal in the Hereafter?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Allaah, may He be exalted, describes the wine of the Hereafter as
being different from the wine of this world. He says (interpretation
of the meaning):
"Round them will be passed a cup of pure wine —
46. White, delicious to the drinkers.
47. Neither will they have Ghoul (any kind of hurt, abdominal pain,
headache, a sin) from that nor will they suffer intoxication
[al-Saaffaat 37:45-47]
So Allaah describes the wine of the Hereafter as:
1. white
2. delicious to the drinkers, unlike the wine of this world
whichis distasteful when drunk
3. having no "ghoul" (hurt, abdominal pain, headache, a sin) in
it, which is what affects one who drinks it in this world, of
headache, painin the stomach and loss of reason. In Soorat al-Waaq'iah
it says: "Wherefrom they will get neither any aching of the head"
[56:19], i.e.,they will not get a headache from it.
4. "nor will they suffer intoxication therefrom", unlike the wine
of this world which causes them to lose their minds.
See: Tafseer Soorat al-Saaffaat by Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, p. 107-109.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The wine of the Hereafter is good, and does not cause any intoxication
or harm. As for the wine of this world, it is harmful and causes
intoxication. In other words, in the wineof the Hereafter there is no
ghawl (intoxication) and the one who drinks it will not become
intoxicated; it does not cause him to lose his mind and it does not
cause physical harm. As for the wine of this world, it is harmful to
mind and body alike. None of the harmful effects in the wine of this
world will be found in the wine of the Hereafter. And Allaah is the
source of strength. End quote.
Majmoo' Fataawa Ibn

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