Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Does the intention of offering ‘aqeeqah count for the udhiyah as well, and vice versa?.,Sacrifices - , Dought clear - ,

Is it acceptable to have the intention of offeringthe 'aqeeqah and
udhiyah together on Eid al-Adha? Is the 'aqeeqah valid or not? Please
tell me which of these actions is closer to the Sunnah?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The fuqaha' differed concerning this issue and there are two views:
The first view is that the udhiyah may also count as 'aqeeqah. This is
the view of al-Hasan al-Basri,Muhammad ibn Sireen and Qataadah, and it
is the view of the Hanafis, and one of two views narrated from Imam
They regarded this issue as being like when Jumu'ah and Eid fall on
the same day, and offering one of the two prayers counts for the other
one too, because they have in common the number of rak'ahs, the
khutbah and the factthat Qur'aan is recited out loud in the prayer, so
the actions are the same. The same applies here, the act of
slaughtering the animal is the same.
They also said: It is like when the Muslim prays two rak'ahs intending
them to be both greeting the mosque and the regular Sunnah.
The second view is that the udhiyah does not count as the 'aqeeqah
too. This is the view of the Maalikis and Shaafa'is, and it is the
other view narrated from Imam Ahmad.
These scholars said that the udhiyah and 'aqeeqah are two different
sacrifices offered for different reasons, so one of them cannot count
as the other one too, just as if the sacrifice offered by the pilgrim
doing tamattu' and the sacrifice offered as a fidyah are combined, the
one cannot count as the other too.
And they also said that the point of offering udhiyah and 'aqeeqah
isto shed the blood of the animal in both cases, because they are two
rituals with the aim of shedding the blood of the animal, therefore
one cannot count as the other too.
Ibn Hajar al-Makki al-Shaafa'i was asked about slaughtering a sheep on
the days of sacrifice with the intention of both offering a sacrifice
and offering 'aqeeqah: does it serve both purposes ornot?
He replied:
What is indicated by the words of our companions and we have been
holding this view for many years, is that they cannot be combined,
because both the udhiyah and the aqeeqah are Sunnah and each is done
for its own sake and is done for a reason that is different than the
other. The purpose behind one is not the same as the purpose behind
the other, because the udhiyah is a sacrifice offered on behalf of
oneself and the 'aqeeqah is a sacrifice offered on behalf of one's
child, because by its blessing one hopes that the child will be
righteous and kind to his parents and may intercede for them. Saying
that they may be combined negates the purpose behind both of them, so
we cannot say that. This is like what they say about the Sunnah of
doing ghusl for Jumu'ah and doing ghusl for Eid, and the Sunnah
prayers of Zuhr and 'Asr. As for the prayer to greet the mosque and
so on, they are not done for their own sake, rather that is done so as
not to transgress against the sanctity of the mosque, and that may be
achieved by offering anyother prayer. The same applies to fasting
Mondays, because the purpose is to fill this day with worship by
observing this special fast, but it may be achieved by observing any
other fast on that day. But this does not apply to udhiyah and
'aqeeqah, so they are not like that, as is clear from what I have
stated… End quote.
Al-Fataawa al-Fiqhiyyah (4/256).
What seems to be the case – and Allaah knows best – is that it is
acceptable to offer one sacrifice with the intention of 'aqeeqah and
udhiyah. This view was favoured by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may
Allaah have mercy on him).

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