The creed of trinity and trinitarianism advocated by some Christians
in ourday is a very serious delusion. Apart from being a great slander
against God and the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), it is also a serious threat.
In our previous articles, we dwelled on how this creed that Christians
call trinity or trinitarianism contradicts with the creed of unity of
God explained in the Gospel, and that the trinity creedbecame
widespread dueto the misinterpretationsmade after the Prophet Jesus
We also explained that that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) being a
manifestation of God does not mean that he isthe Self of God, and God
is beyond this . This is certainly contrary to God's ruling, His
might, His attributes, wisdom and rationale. (You can read the other
related articles here and here )
In these articles we show and express that this false creed is a
greatthreat. It is of great importance for our Christian brothers to
be aware of these dangers that the creed of trinity brings forth and
that it may bring forth in the future. Some of these dangers are as
1. The danger of ascribing partners to God:
According to both the Gospel and the Torah ascribing partners to God
means polytheism. Consequently with the creed of trinity , genuine
Christians inadvertently fall into this great danger of ascribing
partners to God by ascribing the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to God (Surely
God is beyond that). This danger of ascribing partners to God is not
an issue that should be ignored. All-Mighty God states in the Qur'an,
regarding this dangerous idea as follows: " The heavens are all but
rent apart and the earth split open" (Surah Maryam, 90). Ascribing
partners to God is a great sin in God's Sight. In the Qur'an God
expresses Histhreat against those who commit this sin:
God does not forgive anything being associated with Him but He
forgives whoever He wills for anything other than that. Anyone who
associates something with God has committed a terrible crime. (Surat
an-Nisa', 48)
In the Gospel, Christians are forbidden from ascribing partners to God:
And [they] exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to
look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. [Surely God
is beyond that]… They exchanged the truth of God for a lie,and
worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator . [Surely
God is beyond that] — Who is forever praised. (Romans, 1:23-25)
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve
Him only .'" (Luke, 4:8)
The oneness of God is also clearly and comprehensively stated in the
Gospel. Indeed, in one part of the Gospel, the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh)states that one of the most important commands of God is to
remember God as the One and Only:
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing
that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the
commandments, which is the most important?". "The most important one,"
answered Jesus, "isthis: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord
isOne. "Well said, teacher,"the man replied. "You are right in saying
that God is One and there is no other but Him. (Mark, 12:28-32)
(You can read the Gospel sections in which faith is preserved for God
as the One and Only and without ascribing partners to Him here .)
In light of these explanations, some Christians may gloss this stating
that they, in fact, have faith in God as the One and Only God; but
that they do not accept the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)as a separate being;
(Surely God is beyond that) since that One Being manifests itself in
three different forms as the body, spirit and consciousness. However,
in its essence, this explanation harbors a very serious contradiction
and error. You can read our explanations related to this here .
2. The danger of all endeavors coming to naught
Another great danger our genuine Christian brothers will face with the
error of trinity is the possibility of all effort they claim to make
in the name of God to come to naught. This is agreat danger for
Christians who, disregarding reminders and warnings, continue to
ascribe partners to God only because of this delusion, and do not
resort to their conscience, but assume themselves to be on the true
path. Such a dangershould not be underestimated. In the Qur'an, God
warns:"Some faces on that Day will be downcast, laboring, toiling
endlessly" (Surat al-Ghashiyya, 3). In the Torah, on the other hand,
the prayers of those who sincerely believe is as follows: Maythe favor
of the Lord ourGod rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for
us—yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalms 90:17).
Consequently there will be people whose endeavors will come to naught
in the hereafter. A devout believer shouldnot see this danger far from
himself and should resort to his conscience. Right now, God calls our
Christian brothers who were inculcated with thecreed of trinity for
years to search their hearts with these reminders and warnings.
3. The danger of hidden disbelief and atheism
Another danger broughtby the creed of trinity is that it causes hidden
disbelief or that it drifts people into atheism. It isno doubt and not
difficult for any person who is well acquainted with the Gospel to
grasp the irrationality of the creed of trinity . In fact almost all
Christians are aware of this fact. But they make themselves believe in
it putting forth many pretexts or remain silent under the threat that
otherwise "they will abandon the religion."
Some of them, on the other hand, are drifted into disbelief because
consciously and logically they cannot accept this creed and they
inwardly do not believe. This is a great threat. There are hidden
unbelieving people in Christianity who appear devout although they are
awareof the invalidity of the trinity. The hidden unbelievers who lose
their religion due to this superstitious creed constitute the danger
of hypocrisy in Christianity. Hypocrites, on the other hand, are the
main reason of conflict and separation in religion. They are the
source of brand new innovations and superstitious beliefs developed to
render Christians weak and draw them away from worshipping.
Apart from this, growingnumber of Christians totally divert from the
true path and become atheists because they feel that the idea of the
trinity opposes sound logic and rationale. The atheists in question
also openly express their arguments. Our Christianbrothers are, no
doubt, aware of this situation. Of course just because these people
cannot be convinced about the truth of trinity does not justify their
drifting into disbelief, hypocrisy, or atheism. If a person is truly
sincere, he is obliged to turn to God by heart, strive to see and
understand the truth, and abide by whathis conscience guides him
towards. However, no matter how mistakenthese people may be, one
should not ignore that the source of danger from hidden disbelief and
atheism is the idea of trinity .
From the history of Christianity, it is also possible to understand
the great ideological and actual conflicts brought by the idea of
trinity, which have been carried forward to our day. It is impossible
for arighteous creed to be the source of such great conflicts and
tribulations. It is possiblethat until now, some Christians have not
assessed the dimensions of this danger. It is likely that, they try to
uphold afalse belief inherited from their forefathers, assuming that
it is a provision of the Gospel. However, this is a belief definitely
contrary to God's command. When they consider the Gospel in a rational
way and see the tribulations brought by a superstitious belief,
theywill understand this better. Consequently, wecall genuine
Christians totake refuge in God, to think without being under the sway
of inculcations, and to make their decision withtheir purest of
It is important for genuine Christians to understand the true
purpose behind the articles about Christianity on this site
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