Monday, December 17, 2012

When there is a Sick Person in Our House

Illness is a trial from Allaah The Almighty, with which He, The
Exalted, afflicts whomever He wills from among His servants; totest
this person and purify them from any sins. The Prophet said: "A pious
Muslim's situation is amazing, for it is all good; and this is not for
anyone except for the pious Muslim. If he is granted[from Allaah]
welfare, he is thankful and this is good for him.If he is inflicted
with distress he is patient and this is good for him." [Muslim]
A member of the family may become ill and bedridden; or there may be
elderly members that need special care. Cases suchas these definitely
require a greatdeal of concern and conscientiousness. A feeling of
tranquility and psychological comfort are necessary in a patient's
room, which is a positive factor in the process of recovery. This
• Caring for the patient and supplicating Allaah The Almighty that He
cures him, in a way that helps the patient feel optimistic and pleased
with the decree of Allaah The Almighty. We supplicate for the patient
by saying, "Ath-hib Al-Ba's Rab An-Naas. Ishfi wa anta Ash-Shaafi,la
Shifaa' Illa Shifaa'uk, Shifaa'an la Yughaadiru Saqama." (Remove pain,
O Lord of people. Cure for You are the Healer and there is nocure
except Yours, [Your cure is] acure that leaves no illness.)
• Another Du'aa (supplication) forthe sick is: "Allaahumma Rab
An-Naas, Muth-hib Al-Ba's, Ishfi anta Ash-Shaafi, wala Shaafi Illa
ant, Ishfi Shifaa'an la Yughaadiru Saqama." (O Allaah, Lord of people,
Remover of pain. Heal for You are The Healer and there is no healer
except You. Cure a cure that leaves no illness.) [Ahmad and
• The lighting in the patient's room should be suitably low to give a
feeling of comfort and peace. Care should be taken so that the lights
do not point directly into the patient's eyes. When the patient needs
sufficientlighting to be able to read, this can be provided if his
condition allows it.
• Ventilation in the room should be suitable without letting the
patient be exposed to strong air currents.
On opening windows to freshen the air in the room, a partition should
be placed so that air currents do not directly blow towards the
patient. Limiting theair flow can also be achieved by opening the
windows slightly. Maintaining a constant temperature in the patient's
room is also very important.
• Maintaining the room's cleanliness without upsetting thepatient by
taking care to use disinfectants [avoiding toxins likechorine] in the
cleaning process, and trying to minimize the circulation of dust
particles and noise pollution that result duringcleaning.
• Having plants and flowers in the patient's room [or as a view from
his window] because it provides a kind of joy and refreshment, and
helps the patient to be more comfortable psychologically. Changing the
arrangement of the flowers from time to time imparts a feeling of
change and prevents boredom. Itis important to take care to keep
strongly scented flowers away from the patient's bed if his health
requires that.
• Fulfilling the patient's needs and providing his requirements
without him having to repeatedlyrequest them.
• If the patient is able to serve himself, it is best to have his
medications nearby within reach,on a table near o him; along witha
glass of water, paper tissues, a small clock, a Quran, a book he
enjoys, a small radio and so on.

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