Sunday, December 16, 2012

Visiting the sick – III

When visiting is not possible
If visitation is not possible then calling the sick on the telephone
or writing to them can also have a very positive effect. However, the
actual visitation has a stronger result and gives the patient a
feeling of warmth that no telephone call or letter could ever
The visitation causes truthful emotions and noble feelings to shine
through. It allocates time to have heartfelt discussions and share
memories of times gone past. It is also one of the social rights of a
Muslim upon his brother. This Islamically given right is for a good
purpose, as someone who suffers with an illness is usually in great
need for others to be with him, to consolehim, to care for and to talk
to him. This social behavior is related to the value of charity
andgiving in Islam.
Visiting the sick is a truthful expression of benevolence, empathy and
brotherhood amongst Muslims. It strengthens our relationships and
increases the ties of love and affection for others in our hearts.
This is especially true when we think of the sick and their mental and
emotional state. When an ailing person feels the affection and
compassion from their fellow Muslim and the Islamic community, he in
turn will show the same feelings towards them. It creates a snowball
effect in thecommunity and amongst our families.
Words can make a world of difference
A relative, friend or a physician of the sick can go beyond the
barrier of the ailment to not only help the ailing person feel valued
and loved, but also he can help toreinforce his religion and his trust
in Allaah.
This can be achieved through a few sincere words and advice where
Allaah's Countenance is sought. Heartfelt and thoughtful words can
help those in poor health focus on what is important, and help them to
see their life in this world more clearly without the burdensome
worries of fear, despair or anxiety.
Our words of remembrance can even change their outlook and give them
hope for their future. People can have soaring ambitionand
determination with high self-esteem, even when ill.
A good attitude creates a good feeling and can distract them from
their pain; affliction and hardship may also be reduced in their eyes.
No one can deny how the psychological state and environment of the
sick can have a great impact in a positive direction for their
well-being and recovery.
Also, when visiting a sick person, do not forget the guidance of
ourProphet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, and his teachings on the
manner in which he used to talk to the sick, as well as the mannerof
his prayers for them.
Ibn Majah narrated that Allaah's Messenger, sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam, used to visit his companions when they were ill. He would come
close to the sick and sit beside their heads and then ask them about
their condition. He, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, would say: "How do
you see yourself?" It was also reported that he would ask the sick if
they would like anything specific by saying: "Do you like anything?"
If the sick wanted anything and the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam, knew that it would not harm him, thenhe would ask for it. He,
sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, used to wipe the body of the sick with his
righthand and then say: "O Allaah, Lord of the people, remove the
hardship and give the cure. You are the One who cures, and there no
cure except from You, a cure that will not leave any sickness behind."
[Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
The Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, would repeat his prayer for
the sick three times as he clearly demonstrated once by saying to
Sa'ad: "O Allaah cure Sa'ad O Allaah cure Sa'ad, O Allaahcure Sa'ad."
[Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]. He would sometimes sayto the sick whom he
visited: "No harm (may befall you), may this (sickness) be a purifier
(of your sins) with Allaah's Will." [Al-Bukhaari] Or he, sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam, would say: "(May this be) an expiation and
purification (from sins)." [Ahmad]
Muslim brotherhood is a bond between us all that is strengthened or
diminished by our own actions, If we as a society neglect our
community — it will also neglect us when we are in need. Taking a
little time out of our busy schedule every month to visit those in our
community that are ill is something that we can all do andis something
that we are obligated to do. We don't have tobe the best of friends
with the ailing person to visit them — theycan even be perfect
strangers. Wecan go in groups and our visit canbe brief.
The benefit to each of our communities is so tremendous and will aid
to unify us as an Ummah and also bring us tranquility as individuals.
When we pray, we stand together foot to foot and when we are ill we
should be together hand in hand.The reward is worth our time.
For those suffering with an illness
Many of us suffer with pain and have had life that show us a side we
were previously unfamiliar with. There are others that suffertoday and
wait for a cure.
We can all ponder over the question of whether or not our experience
of sickness has taughtus patience and contentment with our life. We
may also wonder if it has taught us to submit to Allaah's will, so our
deeds may be weighty on the scale? It can be a tough lesson for us to
face the harsh reality of illness and then additionally have to
comprehend who was really there for us when we needed them and who
wasn't. Indeed, there are few who choose to share our pain and sadness
that accompany illness. But it can be agreat eye opener — allowing us
to see things we otherwise would not have and then we can truly come
to the understanding of what is, and what isn't important.
We can also be closer to Allaah when we are sick. When we're ill,we
tend to appreciate the gifts that Allaah has given us much more in
depth. Accepting fully that it is only He who can help us and can cure
us, and without that — there is nothing. Still, as so often happens —
it is human nature when our health is restored, so is our denial and
egos. We can all easily forget the gifts of Allaah and His care. We
can forget that it is Allaah who is the Grantor of our health once we
recover, yet once again we easily remember when it is lost and out of
our control.
We must begin to view our trials as gifts from Allaah aid in reminding
us of Him. He is the One who has given us every gift and bounty we
have. If it was notfor these trials, it is very possible that we could
spend our entire life without remembering the infinite number of
Allaah's favors upon us. Allaah's gifts and favors are many, but they
do not last forever. Our lives are like roller coasters of trials and
happiness. We must work hard to patiently endure our trials on the
down slopes while still giving thanks, and enjoy our lives not
forgettingto give thanks to Allaah for our blessings while on the way
up. There are countless ways that wemay be afflicted with trials:
within our self, our wealth and our faith. However, a believer faces
trials with patience. He praises Allaah at all times and deals with
his trials in the proper manner to the best of his capability.

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