Sunday, December 16, 2012

The words insha'Allahand masha'Allah have a special place in the glorification of Allah

What is the special secret in the recitation of the words
"insha'Allah" and "masha'Allah"?
Why is it important to use the words "insha'Allah" and "masha'Allah"
whenever necessary?
What important statement has Mr. Adnan Oktar made on this subject?
Our Lord is infinitely merciful. He bestows matchless blessings on
people throughout their lives. In addition to physical blessings, He
also bestows spiritual ones: He forgives their mistakes, accepts their
repentance, protects them, conceals their sins,increases their
happiness and leads them to the true path. Allah ensures that all
things are favorable for believers, and He supports them in
variousways. The terms insha'Allah and masha'Allah that appear in the
Qur'an possess very broad and deep significance, and much mercy.
Insha'Allah and Masha'Allah Are Two Very Important Terms That Repeat
the Name ofAllah and Prevent Polytheism
True faith and unalloyedlove involve absolute submission to Allah. One
is careful not to make even a momentary error.One knows that
polytheism may arise themoment one feels any loss of trust in Allah or
seeks any helpers other than Allah. For that reason, a believer with
unsullied faith turns to and trusts in Allah alone because he knows
that Allah reigns over all things, that His power is unfettered, and
that not a single leaf can fall unless He so wills it. He istherefore
aware that theonly place to seek help for any reason is Allah. He has
adopted Him as his guide. He feels no need to rely on anyone other
than Allah, or to seek help from anyone else or any other power
because he knows that everything that happensin the world does so by
Allah's leave. So someone with true faith acts with that awarenessat
every moment of his life. Therefore, by the word "insha'Allah" he is
reiterating that everything happens by Allah's leave and is created by
Him in destiny. If someone says that he will do something and forgets
to say that Allah will create it, then that is polytheism. But if he
says, 'insha'Allah', 'I will do it by Allah's will, through Allah's
creating it in destiny,' then, by Allah's will, he avoids polytheism
and becoming someone whoascribes equals to Allah.
On the other hand, if a person says, "How lovely" when he sees beauty,
then he is ascribing a divine significance to it. But if he uses the
term "Masha'Allah," meaning "How finely Allah has created," then he is
protected against polytheism. For that reason, "insha'Allah"
and"masha'Allah" are two very important terms that eliminate
polytheism in the End Times and that repeat the name of Allah.
All-Wise Allah reveals in Surat al-Kahf in the Qur'an that these two
expressions are the key to protection against polytheism and praising
"Never say about anything, ' I am doing that tomorrow,' without adding
'If Allah wills. ' Remember your Lord when you forget, and say,
'Hopefully my Lord will guide me to something closer to right guidance
than this'." (Surat al-Kahf, 23-24)
" He is, however, Allah, my Lord, and I will not associate anyone with
my Lord. Why, when youentered your garden, did you not say, " It is as
Allah wills, there is no strength but in Allah"? Though you see me
withless wealth and children than you possess," (Suratal-Kahf, 38-39)
Mr. Adnan Oktar describes how the repetition of "Insha'Allah" and
"Masha'Allah" eliminates polytheism:
ADNAN OKTAR: Allah tells us to say "insha'Allah" when starting any
task or in reference to anything happening tomorrow. In other words,
"by Allah's leave,""by Allah's will." This is a recitation of the name
ofAllah. Like "La ilaha illAllah," "subhanAllah," "Allah-u akbar" or
"alhamdulillah." It is a recitation of the name ofAllah. It is
therefore propitious. Those who make much use of the words
"insha'Allah'" and "masha'Allah" will rule the world in the End Times.
That is a feature of the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh); they are
secret words. It is also a feature of the People of the Cave. A
feature of the End Times.When we see something,we say, "Masha'Allah,
how well Allah has created." We are thus protected against polytheism.
"Insha'Allah"means by Allah's leave, by Allah's creation, with Allah's
creation in destiny. Both are anti-polytheistic terms. They are blows
struck against polytheism. Two words that demolish polytheism. Allah
says in Surat an-Nur that those who do not ascribe equals to Him will
rule the world. Now if I say, "I will do something tomorrow," if I say
that in forgetfulness of Allah, if I forget that Allah will create it,
that is polytheism. But if you say, "insha'Allah", "by Allah's leave,"
"by Allah's creation in destiny," then you are protected from
polytheism. You have not become a polytheist. And if you say, "How
lovely that is," then you are ascribing divine nature to it. But ifyou
say, "How finely Allah has created that," you are protected against
polytheism. "Insha'Allah" and "masha'Allah" are two recitations of the
name of Allah that will demolish polytheism in the End Times. They
smash the idols, insha'Allah ... (17 June 2010 Kahramanmaraş Aksu TV
and Kaçkar TV)
The Terms Insha'Allah and Masha'Allah Are the Keys to the Global Reign of Islam
The global reign of the moral values of the Qur'an is glad tidings
foretold in the Qur'an, revealed in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas)
and discussed in the works of Islamic scholars. Our Prophet (saas) has
reported that Allah will bring about the global reign of Islam using
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) as His instrument.The coming of Hazrat Mahdi
(pbuh) in the End Times, by Allah's leave, and bringing about the
global reign of the moralvalues of the Qur'an is foretold thus in the
hadiths of our Prophet (saas):
(Sunan Abu Dawud, 5/92).
In another hadith, our Prophet (saas) reveals that Hazrat Mahdi
(pbuh)and his followers will make much use of the terms insha'Allah
and masha'Allah :
Our Prophet (saas) notes that those who use thesetwo terms have a deep
love of Allah and a pure faith:
A PERSON'S FAITH." (İsmail Hakkı Bursevi, C.Sagir, 2-50)
Therefore, since Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and his followers know that all
they do happens by Allah's leave they always use the term
"insha'Allah." They knowthat the success of what they do lies with
Allah. They therefore praise Allah and say, "masha'Allah." They
frequently recite these two expressions, since they are people who
have profound faith andproperly know the names of Allah and fear Him.
By Allah's leave, the global reign of Islam willcome about through
thisbehavior far removed from polytheism and their passionate devotion
to Allah.
Mr. Adnan Oktar describes how the recitation of insha'Allah and
masha'Allah is a sign of the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) andthat
those who make that recitation will rule the world:
ADNAN OKTAR: The word masha'Allah refers to 1987 without the
gemination mark or 2016 with it. The word insha'Allah refers to
1997without the gemination mark [the repeating of " a'A" in
"insha'Allah and masha'Allah] or 2027 with it; it refers to
globaldominion. The more onesays insha'Allah and masha'Allah , the
more that global reign progresses. There are a specific number of
repetitions of insha'Allah and masha'Allah for this. When that number
is reached, that reign will have come about, insha'Allah . So our
brothers must make wide use of insha'Allah and masha'Allah . Our
Prophet (saas) says, "A person says insha'Allah every time he speaks
outof perfection of faith." "Saying insha'Allah comes from perfect
faith," he says. "There is no more virtuous obedience for people than
to say insha'Allah," our Prophet (saas) says. Insha'Allah and
masha'Allah mean step by step progress toward Islam and Islamic Union.
Whenever you say it, youtake another step. But there is a limit
referred to by Allah, and once that limit is reached, thatis it,
insha'Allah . (20 March 2011 Kanal Avrupaand Çay TV)
ADNAN OKTAR: Insha'Allah and masha'Allah are like music to my ears. To
hear a person saying insha'Allah and masha'Allah is so nice. Those who
recite them will rule the world, insha'Allah. Those who recite them in
abundance will rule the world. Insha'Allah and masha'Allah are a mark
of the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). They are their sign,
theirseal. And since we are also followers of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh),
insha'Allah and masha'Allah are a sign for us, too. (20 August 2011 A9
The Two Worthy Individuals of the End Times, the prophet Jesus (pbuh)
and Hazrat Mahdi(pbuh) Will Use Insha'Allah and Masha'Allah Very Much.
The first letter of the name of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) [Isa] refers
to the "i" of insha'Allah , and the "m" of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) refers
to masha'Allah . This is without doubt an immaculate secret created by
Almighty Allah. Because these worthy people will be instrumental in
the global reign of Islam in the End Times, and in "insha'Allah" and
"masha'Allah" being repeated by everyone.
One of these worthy individuals, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will
frequently recite the word "insha'Allah" in themiracles he performs.
This is revealed as follows in the Qur'an:
" as a Messenger to the tribe of Israel, saying: 'I have brought you a
Signfrom your Lord. I will create the shape of a bird out of clay for
you and then breathe into it and it will be a bird by Allah's
permission . I will heal the blind and the leper, and bring the dead
to life, by Allah's permission . I will tell you what you eat and what
you store up in your homes. There is a Sign for you in that if you are
believers." (Surah Al 'Imran, 49)
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) willpraise the name of Allah in the face of
everythingbeautiful that he sees, allof which are manifestations of
Allah, and will frequently repeat the word "masha'Allah" out of his
deep faith in and love ofAlmighty Allah.
Mr. Adnan Oktar describes the secret behind the repetition of
"insha'Allah" and "masha'Allah":
ADNAN OKTAR: Insha'Allah and masha'Allah prevent disaster striking
that region. One. They are the key to the global reign, two; the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) used to say,"insha'Allah" and he resurrected the
dead. "Insha'Allah," he would say, and he placed his hand on the faces
of the sick and cured them. "Insha'Allah," he said, the blind were
able to see again. And Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Masha'Allah is the "m" of
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) name begins with the "m" of
masha'Allah. And the name of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) [Isa] begins
with the "i" of insha'Allah . Insha'Allah and masha'Allah , these two
will bring about global dominion, insha'Allah. Hazrat Mahdi(pbuh) says
"masha'Allah" whenever beauty is made real. He says, "masha'Allah"
whenever he sees beauty. He sees a manifestation of Allah and says
"masha'Allah." The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) also says it, but it refers to
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Insha'Allah and masha'Allah are the keys to the
global reign. Those vibrations, insha'Allah and masha'Allah , will
bring about global reign. Allahmakes them His instrument. No disaster
strikes. That is the wisdom. (10 November 2011, A9 TV)
Masha'Allah is recited to express the sublime artistry and might
Allah. That is why believers frequently praise our Lord by repeating
the word "masha'Allah." Using this term and feeling it sincerely in
one's heart reminds people around that Allahis the Lord of all. And it
isdefinitely of great benefit to people to remind them that it is
Allah Who does all thingsbecause human beings have a predisposition to
forget their own weakness and fall into heedlessness.
There Is Great Health for Muslims in the Word "Insha'Allah"
Destiny is Allah's knowing everything thathas happened and will
happen. A great many people wonder how Allah can know what hasnot yet
happened and fail to grasp the idea of destiny. But things that have
not yet happened have only not yet happened for us. Allah is
unfettered by time and space, and it is He Who created time and space
in the first place. For thatreason, past, present and future are all
the same for Allah, and are all already over and done with. In the
same way that we can easily see the beginning, middle and end of a
list, so Allah knows all of time, to which we are subject, from
beginning to end as a single moment. Human beings simply experience
these events when the time comes and witness the destiny created for
themby Allah. To maintain anything else, to claim that one's plans for
the future will certainly come about, means pride before Allah. But
remembering that everything is under the control of Allah by using the
word "insha'Allah" ismost healthy in terms of knowing that things only
happen if Allah so wishes.
Surat al-Kahf, in Which the Words "Insha'Allah" and "Masha'Allah"
Appear Points to the Global Reign of Islamic Moral Values:
Al-Kahf is a Surah that point to the global reignand the way of the
Mahdi because multiplying the number of the Surah by the number of
verses in it gives the figure 1980:
Surat al-Kahf consists of 110 verses and is the 18th Surah.
And 1980 is the date of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). These
twoterms appearing in a single verse in Surat al-Kahf point to the
global reign that Allah conceals behind "insha'Allah" and
"masha'Allah." (Allah alone knows the truth).
The word masha'Allah gives the dates 1987 without the gemination mark,
and 2016 with the gemination mark.
The word insha'Allah gives that dates 1997 without the gemination mark
and 2027 with the gemination mark. Both dates refer to the global
reign of Islamic moral values.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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