Thursday, December 13, 2012

The traps of Satan for women on the Web

The Internet remains the first ever outlet for advocates of true
causes and meritorious values, soas to disseminate their knowledge,
manners and benefits, at a time when the global media is mostly
dominated by evil.
Naturally, though, the Web houses religious, intellectual and didactic
trends from all over the world. No distinction is made in terms of
available opportunities, except in accordance with [Internet users']
personal efforts, drive and financial capability.
Therefore, righteous scholars, students and male and female callers to
Islam have set out to utilize the Internet. As such, they seek and
propagate knowledge, and invite others to Islam through it, hoping for
reward from Allaah The Almighty. On their part, righteous women
havemade great contributions, which are collectively appreciated.
However, humans will be humansand they have innate dispositionsand
tendencies that cannot be altered, except with strenuous efforts and a
constant struggle. [In light of this, we will mention] one of the
major obstacles and greatest risks to the process of Da'wah (call to
Islam), which threatens to destroy all the hard work done for Islam
and [its] knowledge, perhaps even giving rise to a moral degeneration.
Thisis [the danger of] men and women, as two sexes with inherent
mutual attraction, having the chance to form relationships with one
another. Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls, regardless of
their honest tendencies and sound intentions.
Therefore, when the Quran commanded the wives of the Prophet against
softening their speech, so that corrupt-hearted men would not covet
them, it was not [a manifestationof] an intellectual siege imposed on
women. These were the most righteous ladies in the world being given a
warning not to arouse the desires of men who were forerunners [in
faith] and who lived at the time of the Prophet . What, then, should
the situation be with women of these times, even if they are virtuous
callers to Islam and righteous seekers of knowledge?
Any woman who claims that she is saved from temptation is,
regrettably, deluded and conceited. Sadly, the real world records
poignant incidents arising from relations that started off innocently
and in the service of Da'wah, ending only in a calamity that would
make one shudder to even write about.
This takes place even as one [onlywants to] establish chaste and
brotherly relationships and simply under the umbrella of cooperation
in righteousness andpiety. The following are examplesof Satanic ways
to [mislead] women working online in the field of Da'wah and for
The first way:
Women become members on forums or accept work as a moderator, with men
they do notknow or have even heard of before. Some website owners
offer girls the task of supervising or administering their message
boards, and exchange phone numbers and e-mail addresses with them, for
the purpose of getting the job done.
Now, people usually have good intentions, but, with time, each party
develops the courage to converse with the other about things outside
the framework of the mission of Da'wah. They speak about personal
matters and may end up in the inevitable – a relationship.
The second way:
Some religious women browse websites and forums, where members are of
both sexes. A subject may pique their interest and they may want to
add a comment. Since that action is notallowed unless one provides an
email address, she does so and then makes her point. Thereafter,Satan
may make the one in charge of the forum think it is a good idea to
encourage that serious commenter. Thus, he maysend a gracious note to
the woman, passing on nice words, cordial sentiments and a special
offer for her to be an active member or a moderator of a sub-forum.
Over time, the connection between them develops, until they end up in
that notorious position [of a relationship].
The compliment may be sent by the male member directly to the woman's
e-mail address or [on the forum, in reply] to her comment on the
subject. Over time, unfavorable events tend to take place.
The third way:
A woman who is relatively committed to her faith may register [on a
forum] with an anonymous or male-sounding username. Then, she may get
acquainted with a member posing as a female; due to the latter's
shrewdness and guile, the former may actually strongly believe the
other to be a woman and seek advice, guidance and religious rulings.
Afterwards, the one [posing as a female] may ask to meet with the
woman, hosting her at home. She may accept the invitation, after
revealing her true female identity, when trust has been built between
her and her alleged female friend; but, it turns out to be a guy and a
horrible crisis takes place!
The fourth way:
Some devout women may seek religious edicts or counseling from people
who pretend to be scholars or have experience in parenting, for
example, to attracttheir victims. These ladies would vent to them,
about their concerns, personal problems and family conditions. The
alleged scholar or parenting expert may gradually persuade the woman
to tell him about her most private matters, in order for him to
prescribe a successful solution,grant her an appropriate ruling and
hold a proper consultation. When people like him achieve what they
aimed for and are privyto the secrets they desired to know about the
women, they blackmail them with that information. Thus, sins are
committed and virtue is violated.
The fifth way:
Similar to the aforementioned situation, a Muslim woman may fall
victim to some who claim to interpret dreams; such people are
noticeably increasing by the day. Therefore, what is to say some of
them would not tamper with the interpretation of certainvisions, as
long as it attracts clients, earns them fame and inducts them in to
the ranks of noble and meritorious figures? But, this causes many
women to become easy marks for dream interpreters, who deceptively
use[their request for] dream analysisto trap those among them who are
weak, in terms of personality,intellect and faith.
Please do not understand from these examples that we are generalizing
in our judgments, exaggerating in our sayings or speculating regarding
unseen matters. Reality witnesses the veracity of what we state and
draws attention to its danger.
Hence, we should not trust all people without distinction, no matter
how they appear.
Hadeeth experts from among therighteous predecessors would investigate
and scrutinize the characters and lives of narrators, so as to
distinguish whose reports can be accepted as authentic transmissions
from theProphet . This is despite the fact that many narrators of
Hadeeth were actually religious and observed acts of worship. Yet,
this was done to ensure the soundness of the traditions of the Prophet
and based on knowledge of much fabricated input interposed by many
fibbers and liars.
Hence, if people in ancient times lied about the Prophet and made up
Hadeeths that he never said, could not some deceitful people [today]
give false dream interpretations?
The sixth way:
Chat rooms are among the most dangerous and wicked innovations of
those who seek corruption and violation of honor; they are venues for
the breakdown of virtue and annihilation of modesty.
How many times has morality been breached in those rooms! Moreover,
how often have they paved the way for unlawful intimacy!
Tempted by Satan, some righteous girls enter chat rooms, at times, out
of curiosity and sometimes, to explore the unknown and do Da'wah! They
choose a made-up name and log onto these rooms of indecency and
immorality. There, they comeacross very obscene words, and for the
sake of reform and giving advice, these poor women tolerate that
atmosphere of idiocy and impudence.
They chastely send out [words of]admonition and reminders, but quickly
fall, themselves, into the face of immodest expressions that violate
virtue. Time after time, the woman thus surrendersto her desire and
slips into shameful sin.
Finally, I say again that I neither generalize in my judgments nor
exaggerate in what I say. I am just protective of Muslim women and
sisters, in terms of their faithand creed.
O Allaah The Almighty, preserve our religion for us.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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