Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The miracle that prevents the sun’s ceasing to exist

A Giant Ball of Fire
An enormous ball of fire that split away from the Sun has a
temperature of 60,000 degrees and is filled with ionised gas
particles. The reactions that take place inside the Sun, which is a
giant nuclear reactor, release enormous energy. The slightest
deviation that might occur in these reactions, which represent the
fundamental source for the survival of human life, would lead to the
Sun being extinguished or else exploding within a matter of seconds.
The fact that such a danger never arises stems from the way that these
processes within the Sunhave been regulated with a miraculous
sensitivity. When we examine the Sun and theSolar System we encounter
an enormous equilibrium. The effect that prevents the planetsfrom
spinning off into the frozen wastes of space lies in the equilibrium
between theSun's gravity and the planets' centrifugal force. The Sun
attracts allthe planets with a powerful gravitational force, while
thanks to the centrifugal force that stems from the rotation of the
planets this gravitational effect is reduced and an immaculate
equilibrium is established. Were the planets to revolve just slightly
slower, then theywould quickly be pulled toward the Sun and swallowed
by it with a huge explosion. Yet none of this ever happens, and all
the planets continue in theirown courses. That is because, as Allah
reveals in a verse: "Each one is swimming in a sphere." (Surah Yasin,
The Glorious Equilibrium in the Sun…
The Sun is a giant nuclear reactor. Inside it,hydrogen atoms are
constantly converted into helium, as a result of which light and heat
are given off. In order for the light and heat that reach the Earth to
be released, four hydrogens have to combine and turn into one helium.
Hydrogen, which has one single proton in its nucleus, is the simplest
element in the universe. The heliumnucleus, on the other hand, has two
neutrons and two protons. The process that takes place in the Sun is
the appearance of one helium element from a combination of four
hydrogens. Enormous energy is released during the course of
thisprocess. Nearly all the heat and light that reachthe Earth is the
result of this nuclear reaction inside the Sun (Harun Yahya, The
Creation of the Universe). However, it is impossible for four hydrogen
atoms to combine and turn into helium in a single moment. In order for
this to happen, a two-stage process is required. First, two hydrogen
atoms combine and give rise toan "intermediate formula" with one
proton and one neutron.This formula is known asa "deutron." A helium
nucleus subsequently appears when two deutrons combine together.
The Strongest Nuclear Force
We may now ask the realquestion. What is the force that attaches two
separate atomic nuclei together? This force if known as "strong
nuclear force," the greatest nuclear force in the universe. It is
billionsupon billions upon billions of times more powerful than
gravity. It is thanks to this force that two hydrogen nuclei are able
to adhereto one another.
However, research has shown that strong nuclear force is at just the
right level to bring this about. Were strong nuclear force just a
little weaker than it actually isat this moment, then thetwo hydrogen
nuclei could not combine. Two protons approaching one another would
immediately repel each other, and thus the nuclear reaction inside the
Sun would come to an end before it had even begun. In other words, the
Sun would never have existed. The well known scientist George
Greenstein describes this state of affairs by saying "if strong
nuclear force were just a little weaker,then the light of the Earth
would never shine."
The Balanced Reaction inthe Sun
But what would happen if strong nuclear force were a little stronger?
Inthat event, a di-proton with two protons would form, rather than a
deutron consisting of one proton and one neutron. In that event, solar
fuel would suddenly become unbelievably powerful, so much so that the
Sun and all other stars like it would explode within a matter of a few
seconds. If the Sun were to explode, then the earth and all living
things on itwould turn into coal in just a few seconds. Yet thanks to
the mercy of Almighty Allah, our Creator, strong nuclear force stands
at exactly the required level, and the Sun performs a balanced
reaction; in other words, it "burns slowly."
All this shows that strongnuclear force has been regulated in such a
way as to make human life possible. Were there to be any deviation in
this, stars such as the Sun would either fail to come into being, or
else would be destroyed in a very short space of time in a huge
explosion. Allah has created the Sunin a very special way, such as to
support human life, and tells us of this in the Qur'an in verse 5 of
Surat Ar-Rahman: "The stars and the trees all bow down in
It is Allah, the Lord of theWorlds, Who created theuniverse from
nothing and then designed and arranged it according to His choosing.
After having created them, Allah bestowed a specificorder on the Earth
and sky, using no previous models. The way that thebodies in the
universe remain stable thanks to miraculous balances is one of the
proofs of the perfection of Allah's creation. As Almighty Allah tells
us: "Among His signs is that He shows you lightning, a source of fear
and eager hope, and sends down water from the sky, bringing the dead
earth back to life by it." (Surat Ar-Rum 25)

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