Friday, December 14, 2012

Surat At-Tawba, 128 (Believers are very devoted to one another)Gb

A Messenger has come toyou from among yourselves. Your suffering is
distressing to him; he is deeply concerned for you; he is gentle and
merciful to the believers (Surat At-Tawba, 128 )
"A Messenger," a Mahdi (a.s.) "has come to you from among yourselves.
Your suffering is distressing to him; he is deeply concerned for you;
he is gentle and merciful to the believers." Look, Allah swears an
oath and says"Your suffering is distressing to him." For example, a
Muslims being in any kind of distress, that could be a psychological
trouble, that could be material ora trouble due to disease;the
believer is bothered with that. Since they do love and protect each
other, they do not say "What is it to me?" due to compassion. This is
not so among unbelievers, the man would say "What is it to me?" He
would not even bother and enter into something that would discomfort
him. He says"distressing to him." Look, he is distressed with it, it
bothers him. If the man is bothered, he is even ten times more
bothered. He wants to solve it for sure. "He is deeply concerned for
you." How is a mother concerned with her child? How is a father
concerned with his child? An affection that would not even be
comparable to that, I mean that is a great affection. No harm should
come to them, they should be healthy, they should be joyful, noharm
should come to their happiness. They should have strong faith.They
shall go to Paradise, no word should come to their dignity and honor.
He acts very painstakingly so that no harm comes to their honors and
good names."He is gentle and merciful to the Muslims."What does
merciful mean? He both loves andpities them. A love mixedwith pity.
Pure love turns away; it is bad and there is desire in it. But when it
is mixed with affection, it is both very pleasant and very acceptable;
and this is true love. The exact meaning of love is affection. For
example, I love my little kitten here with compassion, love mixed with
pity. BecauseI want no harm to come to her, I do not want herto be
tired, to be sad; but if I am not concerned with her tiredness or if I
am not concerned with her disease but if I am just saying "I love her"
then this is very bad, that wouldn't be okay.. "And merciful" in the
verse"merciful." Why mercy? You are sparing them from unbelievers,
trying to protect from Hell, taking care of their health, avoiding
microbes. You are careful against the cold, against the hot, you
protect them against hunger. You protect them against sleeplessness,
everythingthat comes to your mind;being merciful about everything
materially and spiritually everything that they would benefit from. "A
Messenger has come." Itsabjad (numerological) value is exactly 1990.
Notmore, not less. It points to Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.). It points to the
system of the Mahdi; but this verse is a verse that directly tells
about our Prophet (saas). But in one respect; it also refers to Hazrat
Mahdi (a.s.) as a second meaning.

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