Friday, December 14, 2012

Surah Saba, 8, 18 (Traveling in safety would be made possible at the time ofHazrat Mahdi (pbuh))Gb

Between them and the Cities on which We had poured our blessings, We
had placed Cities in prominent positions.
For instance, that is the same at the moment as well; Kadikoy,
Bostanci [districts of Istanbul] all these are in fact different
cities, every one of them is actually a different city, Besiktas for
instance is a different city but each other can be seen from the
Making them measured stages on the way.
Avenues, wide roads.
Travel between them in safety by night and day.(Surah Saba, 18)
When will it be made possible to travel in safety? At the time of
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), when Islam prevails the world. What does the
abjad [alpha-numerical] calculation of this verse give? 2023. It gives
one single date; 2023.
Has he invented a lie against Allah or is he possessed?"
This is the first thing thatcomes to their mind instantly.
Is he possessed? No indeed! Those who do not believe in the Hereafter
are in punishment and deeply misguided. Have they not looked at the
sky and the earth in front of them and behind them?
For instance meteors, thousands of meteors have been lined up in the
sky, we have shown it as a VTR. Right? We have also shown that
theground of the earth is asthin as the apple skin; in proportion to
an apple itis as thin as the apple skin and there is magma beneath it.
Have they not looked at the sky and the earth in front of them and
behind them? If We willed We would cause the earth to swallow them up,
I can create an enormous earthquake
or make great lumps fall down on them from the sky." We can make
meteors rain down.
There is certainly a Sign in that for every remorseful servant. (Surah Saba, 8)
There is a proof in them, says Allah. But who would be thinking
aboutthis Allah says? Every servant turning to Allah would be thinking
aboutthose says Allah insha'Allah.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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