Sunday, December 9, 2012

Story - Part 1 - IT WAS CRAWLING

beneath my skin.
The instant fire licking upmy spine, fevered my body, making me feel
like I'd been dipped in a pool of lava, and left out to dry in the
Sahara desert. I shook off another painful shot, as atremor tore
through me, and I growled.
It was her. She wanted out, and she wanted it now.
Shivering, I twisted on my side, folding my body into the fetal
position to try stave off the shivers. I wasn't cold, and the feeling
of skin tearing apart, made me claw at the ground in agony, leaving
behind ten claw marks.
Let me free, it was saying.
Begging to be freed fromher captivity, pacing and clawing her way to
the surface.
I couldn't make out what was happening, just the fact that I was in
pain. Myteeth clenched to ward off another scream, as the scorching
pain slithered down my throat. I felt like I had swallowed a ball of
flame. Fire soon boiled through my torso, searing my shoulder blades,
and snapping my clavicle in half, and a guttural scream tore through
my throat.
Closer, she was close.
My body convulsing uncontrollably, and the sound of bones cracking,
rendered me deaf for a few seconds, before I heard another. I was a
writhing puppet, fighting control to contain my body. It was useless.
Tears soon sprung to the surface, as I eyed a blurryimage of what
looked like my hand—bent awkwardly back, and unnatural, before it
distorted into something unrecognizable.
Another snap, and my spine flipped backward, and I howled, arching
myface to the mocking moonlight that glistened overhead.
That's it, let me go, a voice whispered in the dim of the night.
That's when I knew something ugly had taken over me. Something more
animal that I could ever imagine,was about to unleash.
It was the wolf, and she wanted out.
Demanding she get out, but I squashed the feeling down, and let
thetremor take over my body. Sweat coated my skin, and my vision
impaired for another minute, before I stole one last glance at the
moon. It was like she wasgoading me. Helping the wolf escape. I
shivered again, stowing for time.
But time wasn't on my side.
The animal howled to be loose.
I kept it caged, but eventually it showed its face.

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