Thursday, December 13, 2012

Story - Moons Peak [FINISHED]- Strangled Cry (chapter 6) Gb

I WOKE UP with a start.
Studying my surroundings, I noticed I was curled up in my own bed. How
did I even get here? I couldn't even remember falling asleep. Or
making it to my room. I frowned just I noticed I was sleeping in an
oversized jacket.
Satchel's jacket he'd given me when I was cold. We'd been enjoyingthe
sunset I remembered,but I couldn't recall the night ending.
I looked out to the eerie light that flitted in through the open
window. Curtains blowing in a ghostly manner. And the sound of a
distant strangled cry coming from outside.
I braced myself and struggled to hear more. In fact, I could hear my
heart beat thudding, as ifit was demanding my ears attention.
I tightened the jacket around me, and sat on my knees to see if my
ears were playing tricks with me. No. There was definitely someone out
there. I wasn't sure if the strangled cry was human or not, but it was
I jumped in my skin when I heard the sound louder. It wasn't a
strangled cry like I thought it was. It was more like a howl.
The sound of an animal, moaning. I could only make out one animal from
this point, but it sounded sad. Like it was calling me for my company.
I shook my head and mentally forcedmy head to shut it out.
But I couldn't.
Still half asleep, I shrugged on a pair of sneakers, and snuck down
the stairs to the front door. I ruffled a fewjackets from the open
wardrobe downstairs and found a flashlight sitting on the top shelf.
It looked a century old, and I wasn't expecting it to flash on, but it did.
As soon as I was outside, Isquinted my eyes to see the red flag
fluttering in the wind again. I was about to go searching in that
direction, but a nerve pricked as soon as Iheard something crackling
to my nearest right.
There was an opening path that lead through the pine trees, that was
covered in dark clouds. It was impossible to see your way through it
in the daylight let alone thistime of night.
Even the moonlight didn't give it much light.
I flicked my flashlight andsaw a squirrel flee from the light I'd
flashed on it, and I relaxed. I decided to go in that direction and as
I followed the windy path in to the forest, I'd realized I had
slightly gone off track.
I wasn't too worried, since I was sure I hadn't wandered too far from
the house. I noticed that the howling had stoppedever since I sought
out the forest and frowned at the sound of a weird panting noise
coming from behind me.
Just when I spun on my heels, I saw a black figureleaping in the air,
and before I had any thought on how to react. I felt theimpact of the
ground nearly stun me to unconsciousness. I blinked a few times, and
groaned. My stomach felt like someone had a ton of bricks leaning on
it, and my back had felt like I'd been a target from a car accident.
I froze just I met my eyes with the sharp edges of teeth barring at
me, withits front paws pinning me to the ground. The smell of wet dog
flitted up my nose, and I almost squealed.
A wolf's muzzle was almost kissing my nose an its' piercing green eyes
were stunning, but regarding me like a pieceof meat.
I was fresh meat in its eyes, and a meal I was sure that he was going
toenjoy in the next few seconds.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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