Monday, December 10, 2012

Self-preservation of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) : Birth of Imam Ali (AS) : Ghadeer Affair :

When human being is in the normal and natural condition, he can better
be the master of his wits and control himself and take distance and
move away from the sins and bad acts and get himself aside from them.
But when the flames of anger, rage or jealousy are lit, then it is
only withdifficulty that man could think and keep in view fact and
God. Therefore, most of the crimes are committed at times whenman
looses his normal natural condition.
But, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) who was a self made and sublime
person his approach and behavior was different than that of the
others. He, in all the conditions, kept his attention focused and
concentrated on God andtook distance from anything which did not have
the approval of God, whether he was at home or in the battle field,
both in joy or anger .
We would better have a glance upon his behaviorand conduct in the
battle field to prove our point. In the battle of Khandak "the trench"
all the people of Medinah dug up a great trench on the sides of the
city and filledit up with water to block the enemy's way. Amro bin
Abduwad, the famousand gallant Arab warrior among the enemy army,
challenged the Muslims to send him a match for the fight. Nobody among
the Muslims plucked the courage to give him a response and came out to
face him. On this occasion Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) came out taking
stable and strong steps to face him with a heart full of faith. He
said, "Oh Amro do not boast off too much aboutyour bravery and
man-hood. The one who has the power and energy to fight you is
standing before you".
Amro viewed him and said: "You would better turn back I do not like to
kill you because I was a friend of your father."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) replied: "By God, I like killing you."
Amro got angry and climbed down from the horse and quickly attacked
Imam Ali (AS) with his sword but the sword did strongly strike Imam
Ali's (AS) shield andso it was not effective. Then Imam Ali (AS) by
blowing a strike of his sword made him fall to the earth and climbed
upon his chest to kill him.But Amro, out of his rage and anger spitted
at Imam Ali's (AS) face. Suddenly Imam Ali (AS) came down from his
chest and started walking on the ground. Then he came again towards
him. Amro enquired him, "what is the meaning of it that firstly you
struck me an effective blow and then let me go free?"
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said, "Oh Amro I use my sword for God and
not myself? At the time when I saw you fall to the ground and climbed
your chest, you spit at myface and made me angry.Had I killed you in
such condition I would had noreward to my credit because I was angry.
Therefore, I got up from your chest and started walking so that my
angerand hot temper is cooled down and subsided and Imay do my job
purely for God."
The bravery, ferocity, self-preservation and control of Imam Ali had a
very deep effect over the Arab champion. And attracted the attention
and eyes of both the friends and foes to such an extent that the
friendsraised the slogan of Takbeer (Allaho Akbar) from the depth of
their heart and the enemies hearts were filled up with tenor and
harassment, so far so, that it ended upon the defeat of the enemy.
Thisis the sole reason why hisdeed was decisive and fate making such
as the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said about it. "Thejob that Ali (AS)
did on the day of the Khandak (battle of trench) and thesword strike
by him (against the enemy) is more precious to God then the collective
prayers of the mankind and Jins together.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's (AS) Mercy and Compassion:
We learnt about the bravery and dauntlessness of Imam Ali(AS) in the
battle field butwe should not omit this point that if a man is brave,
ferocious, and dauntless but he does notpossess the qualities of mercy
and generosity then that bravery and gallantry has no value. The
bravery of Imam Ali (AS), when he stepped into the battle field, was
such that he did care andwas attentive to the injured, thirsty and
hungry ones. He would attack an aggressive enemy and kill him but when
he came across an injured thirsty and hungry enemy he would save him
from thirst and hunger and if he was injured then he would extend his
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) did fiercely fight the enemy but never
killed him while he was in a thirsty or hungry condition and he never
destroyed and dismantled the houses of the enemy. Because he
considered all these acts as against the norms of nobility and
generosity. This is the reason, why having taken the river water from
the control ofthe Muawiyah's forces in the battle of Siffin he ordered
his warriors to let the water free for all and sundry and do not
resist against the army men of Muawiyah if they wanted to use the
The army men of Imam Ali (AS) objected and said"the enemy having
takenthe water's control in their hand had stopped us from using it.
So that they wanted us to submitto them through this way. We would
better dothe same to them."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) replied, "No we will fight the enemy manly
and we consider this act against the human nobility and generosity. If
we do the same what they did then what would be the difference between
them and us? Beware, works are for God and we should not take steps
against His wish and will."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) Conduct during his ruler ship:
1. Siding with the masses
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS), with all the difficulties that he had
toface, used to personally attend the affairs and works. He would get
himself informed about the problems of the people. He did not drive
away his enemies due to personal enmities. So far so that he used to
give them their rights from the Baitul Mal (Islamic treasury).
Moreover, he did not give any privileges to his friends due to their
friendship. He continuously used to order his officials and workers to
have a conduct of justice with the people and if he observed any
misdeed or misconduct of his subordinates and workers he did not spare
them. So when one of the ladies known as Sooda approached him for
justice, he was then offering his prayers. He shortened his prayer and
smilingly greeted her andasked, "What is it that you want?"
With tears rolling on her face, Sooda complained about the tax officer
and his excesses.
He, in the same standing condition of his prayers, wept and said: "Oh
God be a witness that I have not ordered them to commit excesses and
aggressions against your slaves."
He at once picked up a skin piece and jotted down the dismissal
orderof his official and gave it to Sooda to take it to himas soon as
Another day he received the information that son of Hunaif (the
Governor of Basra) made himself present on a very colorful, richly
provisioned dinner table of one of the nobles and notables and
possibly theblood thirsty and cruel chance seekers and opportunists
may make the most of his political station and position.
He got seriously annoyed and reprimanded him forthis act of his and
wrote him a letter saying. "I have heard that you joined a richly
provisioned (colorful) dinner table which the poor were not allowed
tojoin. Be aware! That I am your Imam, leader and chief if I wish and
am inclined to it I can lay hand and provide myself with the best food
but I will not do such a thing because it is possible thatthere might
be some hungry people in the nooks and corners of my country who go to
sleep with empty stomachs. I have contented myself with a simple dress
and small quantity of food, which is bread and dates,from this world
of yours. Although you can not do this, which I practice but try it
that your way and path is not segregated from that of mine."
He, through this letter, gave him a good advice and exhortation and
reminded him about his duty. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) lived his
life with such a justice and equity that when Muawiyah a staunch and
extreme enemy of Imam Ali (AS) met one of his companions " Adi
Ibn-e-Hatim " and asked him, "How did you find Imam Ali (AS) during
his reign and rule?"
He replied, "The oppressive and coercive ones did not have the courage
of oppression during his reign and the weak ones always took benefit
from his justice and never allowed disappointment find its way towards
them. So that he repeatedly used to say, "Is it right and justthat
people consider and think I am their leader and Imam but I do not
share their difficulties and hardships?"
Still again, we read in thehistory that one day the governors
accompanied by his old friend Ibn-e-Abbas came to see him.
They saw their leader repairing and mending his shoes. Imam Ali (AS)
turned his face towards them and said, "What do you think is the price
of this shoe?" They replied,"It's value is not much. It can't be more
than a few Dirhams."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said, "By Lord this post that I have got,
if I could not make use of it in connection with the salvation and
safety of the poor, have not and arresting and stopping the cruelties
or restoration of the right and truth, then for me it'svalue would be
lesser than this shoe."
2. Canceling the distinctions and Privileges
The moment people took oath of an allegiance at his hand and accepted
his caliphate he climbed the pulpit and tribune and addressed them,
"By God till the time I possess even one single palm date tree in
Medinah. I will not take anything from the Baitul Mal (Islamic
His brother Aqeel stood up and said, "Do you takeme equal to a black
skinned living in Medinah?"
He said, "Oh brother sit down, you do not have any superiority over
that black man except through faith and piety."
One summer night his brother Aqeel invited himto dinner at his house
so that he may attract the attention of his brother towards himself
and he increases his monthly stipend.
He said, "Oh brother fromwhere did you procure and provide this dinner."
He replied "For a few days, I and my wife spentlesser amount of money
thus saved the surplus money to invite you to dinner."
He said, "From tomorrow onwards I would issue anorder that your
monthly salary may be curtailed and decreased to the equal of the
amount that you saved because, you can, as per your own confession,
spend lesser than that."
Aqeel was very much perturbed and annoyed and he started shouting
appealingly. Imam Ali (AS) picked up a piece of iron lying near him
heated it up (on a nearbylamp) and took it near his hand.
Aqeel cried, "Oh I am burnt."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said, "What a surprise that you are so
much afraid and cry of a fire which is provided by me alone. How are
you prepared to get me burntin the fire of God's anger? These are the
money and property of the people and I am the trustee and custodian of
Again, we observe that a group of the officials objected up on him and
said, "Had you given a larger contribution and portion to the
rebellious and the governors, you could run and manage the newly
established Islamic government in a better way. Then, you might have
ruled with authority and justice.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) replied, "What a surprise you want me to
lay the foundations of mygovernment, which is formed in the name of
Islam, upon the pillars of excess and injustice? By God, I will
definitely never do such a work."
Moreover, had the Muslim's money and property been my own property I
would not have done this thing still less all of it belongs to the
people and I am not more than a trustee.
3. Attending the Complaints
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) during his ruler ship personally attended
to the complaints. During the hot days of summer, when all the people
rested at their homes, he sat by the shadow of a wall, so that if
someone had a complaint he mightreach him and tell him about it.
One of the hot scorching summer days, when he was perspiring sitting
besides and leaning at the wall. A woman who was depressed and
disturbed came and said,"My husband has committed excess and ousted me
from the house in this hot weather. I wish you to attend to my
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) hung his head down and said, "Oh lady the
weather is hot, and can you possibly wait till it becomes better. Then
I will accompany you and attend to your matter. The woman said, "I am
afraid that the temper and anger of my husbandmay shoot up even
higher. It is better that you do the needful right away.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said, "very well, you walk on and I follow
you." Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS), along with the lady, came to the
door of the young man and called him out of the house. He did not
recognize Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) and knew that his wife has
called this man to her help.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said, "This woman says you turned her out
of the house. I have cometo advise you that you should have the fear
of God and be kind, nice and do good to your wife. The self-loving,
egotist giving an insulting reply to Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS)
said,"This matter is not your concern. I would do whatever I please.
Now, when she has brought you along with her I shallburn her with
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) was angry and annoyed at this response of
the man and shouted objecting. Thereafter, he laid his hand on his
sword to punish the youth. When people heard the loud voice of the
Imam, they rushed out of their houses. As their eyes met Imam Ali ibn
Abu Talib (AS), they respectfully came close tohim and saluted and
greeted him. The rude and impolite youth knewthat he was facing Imam
Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS). So he got embarrassed, loosing his wits fell
downto the ground and started making excuses and apologizes and
said,"I will accept whatever you say and hereafter I shall respect my
wife andnot annoy her."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said, "I hope you willdo the same." Then
he addressed the woman saying, "return to your home, I hope that you
would also be a good wife to your husband."

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