Friday, December 14, 2012

Moons Peak [FINISHED]- The Animal's Bite (chapter 7)

I SCREAMED AS it tore at my blouse.
The animal bite just missed the flesh on my side abdomen, as the
wolf-like animal chewed at my blouse. It was tugging me by the top,
and dragging me away.
I was out of breath, and I'm sure somebody had to have heard my cries.
The animal stopped just as its ears perked up at whatever that had
distracted it.
I didn't stick around to find out. I struggled free and ran. Picking
up speed that I was thankfulfor the tracks in highschool had
preparedme for.
I refused to look back, and I focused on getting one step in front of
the other. Panting uncontrollably, I couldn't find the way out of this
It was a labyrinth I swear I had been in this spot before. As soon as
I thought I was far enough, I dared to look behind me. I wasn't
followed. That was a relief.
Until I slammed face first into what I thought was a tree trunk. I was
about to scream, and felt a strong hand cover my mouth. I'd managed to
take us both to the ground. His weight was on me, and a familiar
sensation crawled up my spine, like some sort of de ja vu. But it
wasn't an animal. I blinked and looked up into the eyes of a boy.
The same boy I'd been watching the sunset with, under the Willow tree.
Satchel. He slowly removed his hand and smiled.
"I heard screaming. Whatare you doing out here?" He whispered in a
low, sensual voice. I could ask the same about him. I noticed his
green eyes glowed in the dark. If that was even possible.
"I...I don't know. I thought I heard someonecrying...or howling more
like it." His expression conveyed something like worry. Then he shook
his head, masking it.
"The only howling I heard, was you." He said, pulling me up off the
ground. Even in the dark he looked good. I shook my thoughts aside and
eyed his clothing.
"You're all dirty. Where have you been?" I asked warily. His eyebrows
raised in alarm.
"I live on a farm remember. It's inevitable." I groaned, at the big
rip in my blouse.
"Somethings telling me that you didn't do that yourself." I scowled at
hisstupid remark.
"Yeah, like I'd ruin a hundred dollar blouse like this one." I said
"That cost a hundred dollars?" I shrugged like it was obvious. What
did he know about clothes anyway? He was always filthy. But I had to
admit. He'd also cleaned up nicely for dinner. I sighed, hating the
fact that my blousse couldn't be saved, and that I'd have to can it in
the bin.
"It's cold." I stated matterof factly. He nodded.
"Let's get you back inside." He grabbed me by the waist gently, and
led me back to the house.By the time we were in the house, I slammed
my body down on to the mattress.
"I saw something out there. It attacked me." Helooked horrified.
"I didn't didn't hurt you did it?" He caught his tongue
abruptly and I frowned.
"No, just took a good chunk out of my blouse." I said in disgust. I
went tochange into a huge tee, and shorts, and he turned around like
he was embarassed I had done it in front of him. He was about to leave
to give me some privacy I had guessed, but I didn't want him to go.
After I quickly changed, I stopped him and caught him by the arm.
His eyes gleamed down at me.
"Can you maybe stay...just until I fall asleep?" He didn't look like
he wanted to, so I stepped closer.
"Please, just until I fall asleep. I don't think I can fall asleep by
myself. Please." He reluctantly nodded and sat on the window seat, as
I settled in bed. I watched him gaze out the window, as if he was
remembering something. He was lost deeply in his thoughts.
"Satchel?" He turned to me in earnest.
"Did you really write that song when you were seven?" He frowned, and
then chuckled.
"Yeah. I did." I smiled again a little sleepy.
"I like it. It's a sweet song...even though you used to chase me with
bugs and dirt when you sung it." This made him laugh, and I found
myselfliking the sound. He still had a smile on his face and I could
feel his piercing green eyes staining my soul. I almost had
butterflies. Then shook my feelings away. I'm not sure I could ever
fall for a lower class farmer like him. No, I wouldn't.
"I'm glad you like it." Satchel finally said, and I settled
comfortably in mypillow. I still had a smile on my face as I let sleep
envelop me, and I could've sworn he was saying he was sorry.
I couldn't exactly know what for, but the sleepy slumber my body took
to made the thought irrelevant.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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