Chapter 2
Finding Glorious God's Greatness, Magnificence, and
Perfection in Things
While we struggle to unravel the truth of this secret (perceiving the
Essence of His Being), we lack the words to describe it. How, then,
can it be possible for us to achieve this goal? Namely, to perceive
the Perfection and Glory of His Great and Eternal Being, with all the
deficiencies of comprehension that we must endure.
It is obvious that we can appreciate the station of a Force, only if
at the veryleast, we have an equivalent capacity within ourselves, or
if weknow of its corresponding likeness. Whereas, if we merely ponder
the amount of intelligence and understanding bestowedby Glorious God
from the beginning of the universe up until our age, we shall
experience nothing but perplexity and astonishment.
For example: In order to comprehend, just consider the magnitude of
understanding and intelligence that the Almighty Great Omnipotent
Being has bestowed upon each human being, from the beginning to the
end of the creation of the world.If we were to collect and lump it all
together, it would come to hundreds of billions of tons,
metaphorically speaking. Today's world populationis upwards of four
billion. Suppose that Almighty God has bestowed about an average of
half a kilogram of intelligence and understanding upon each person.
That would make about two billion kilograms, which, when converted to
tons, would come to a rather staggering amount. At the end, we are
plunged into a world of perplexityand astonishment. According to this
standard, if one ponders on what quantity of intelligence and
understanding has been bestowed upon mankind in each century or
generation, from the beginning of the world up to today, it would be
an astonishing and imperceptible issue. One would clearly find out
that, Praise be to God, the Greatness, Perfection,Knowledge and
Understanding of Him Almighty, Whose favors are indiscriminately
abundant, is totally beyond our understanding and perception.
Moreover, if you add the amount of understanding and intelligence of
three other inhabited worlds on our side (i.e., of the Jinn, the
Angels, and the Devils) to that of our world, what would it addup to?
If one considered the five other sides alongwith this side
encompassing eighteen thousand worlds, what could be reached? If one
were to include the animals' instinct as well, what would then be the
outcome, other than perplexity upon perplexity? The case can be
compared to the situation where, for instance, one small ant had the
task, according to its own ability, to do the statistical and
organizing work of the president of a country. Could the ant ever
accomplish such a task? No, never.
Thus man, according to what we have said, is notat all able to
perceive and fathom the Perfection and Force, andeven to estimate the
Plans of His Almighty Being. Therefore, when Khidher was explaining to
Moses while they wereriding on a boat, peace be upon them, the limits
of man's knowledge when compared to Almighty God's, Khidher pointed to
a sparrow. The sparrow perched on the side of the boat, dipped its
beak into the ocean, and then left. Khidher asked Moses: "How much
water did this sparrow take from the ocean by plunging itsbeak into
it?" Moses answered, Compared to the ocean's greatness, consider it
nothing. Khidher replied: Similarly, you can imagine that the total of
all of humanity's knowledge and understanding, from the beginning of
the world until the end, does not amount to a drop from the ocean of
Almighty's Knowledge and Understanding.
Thus the unworthy position of some among the underdeveloped, tempted
by Devils, allows them to show off. Compared to more educated people
or the inhabitants of other globes, however, they are zero plus zero.
Furthermore, there are some people who might possess a limited
knowledge granted to them by the Power of His Glorious Great and
Unique Hand in the science of matter and technology. These
peopleintentionally, unintentionally, and egotistically give
themselves the permission of wishing to reach the Precious World
(Proximity to His Almighty's Presence), without having acquired the
proper means, or reached the proper path. This is illusion, absurdity,
and insanity.
Thus, primarily, we hereby draw your attention to a series of brief
discourses on topicsthat may enlighten as well as explain the
Perfection and Greatness of His Almighty.
Second, we shall try to explain why man does not try to acquire this
fortune, even though he is inclined by nature to acquire it.
Third, we will briefly explain the methods one can use in making that effort.
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