Monday, December 10, 2012

Islamic Stories - The miracle at the spring of Tabuk

During the year of Tabuk, they went out with the Messenger of Allah
[PBUH=May Allah bless him and grant him Peace], and the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) prayed Dhur and 'Asr together.
Then he said,"Tomorrow we will meet, Insha Allah, at the spring of
Tabuk. Do not go there until well into the morning. You shouldnot
touch the water until i arrive." We all agreed and, the day after, we
all gathered at the spring of Tabuk. But,when we got there, two men
had already reached it before us and the spring was dripping with very
little water.
The Messenger of Allah [PBUH] approached and asked them: "Did you
touche this water?" Theysaid: "Yes, we did.""Take water with your
hands from the spring little by little until you have collected a
small amount in something." When this was done, theMessenger of Allah
[PBUH] washed his face and hands on it. Then heput it back into the
spring and the spring began to flow with abundant water, and thepeople
began to draw water from it. Then he said [PBUH): "If you live long
enough, you will see this place full with gardens."

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