Friday, December 14, 2012

Health Articles - Omega-3 fatty acid intake banishes inflammation and changes immune response

(NaturalNews) Wading through the varied sources on omega-3 clinical
trials and lab research can lead into a labyrinth of contradictions.
One studyeven claims there are no cardiac benefits from omega-3.
Some reports that are slightly more encouraging often suggest or imply
that youstill need pharmaceuticals for real healing or prevention.
One study claimed omega-3 lowers rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms
and supports lower dosages of pharmaceuticals. But what they added
that NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs)or anti-TNF (tumor
necrosis factor) drugs, with known side effects, actually curb the
NSAIDs and anti-TNF drugs don't cure. They ameliorate pain somewhat
with high risks of adverse side effects. A recent study supports a
conservativelypositive outlook on omega-3 fatty acids ability to
support the immune system and prevent inflammation.
The recent omega-3 study A study of 84 men 45 to 84 years old with at
least a two year history of diabetes Type II to determine the efficacy
ofomega-3 on inflammation for Type II mellitus. The omega-3 subjects
were given just under three grams daily of omega-3 incorporating DHA
and EPA, the types of fatty acids from animal sources.
The study in Tehran, Iran at the Department of Nutrition and
Biochemistry, School of Public Health . The study lasted only eight
weeks to determine the effects of short-term omega-3 intake.
The subjects who were given placebos of sunflower oil capsules had no
changes in their inflammatory markers from serum testing, while those
who did takethe strong omega-3 doses showed lowered inflammatory
The research concluded:"Findings indicate that omega-3 fatty acid
supplements may alleviate inflammation caused by Type II diabetes
mellitus." The"may" word is conservative med-speak used by most
A little more assertive omega-3 benefit reports from maverick MDs Two
different incidents of young men in Virginia and West Virginia, one
inhis mid-20s the other in his late teens, suffering from extreme
brain damages were brought out of comas and rapidly recovered thanks
to massive omega-3 dosing.
They both came out of their comas and rapidly improved toward total
recovery. ( )
Dr. Dwight Lundell, a cardiologist with 30 years experience, proclaims
the source of heart problems is not cholesterol or fats in general,
but arterial inflammation from processed oils and other factors. He
advises consuming healthy fats high in omega-3. ( )
Vegetable omega-3 sources, such as flax, olive oil, and other sources,
contain ALA (alpha-linoleic acid), which has to be converted by the
body into the more beneficial forms of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). But not everyone who is in poor health or
older can make that conversion.
The animal omega-3 fats (fish, fish oils, grass fed livestock meats),
contain already converted DHA and EPA to help deliver immediate,
stronger results.
Omega-3 fatty acids comprise most nerve andbrain tissue. There are
many other omega-3 benefits, including emotional stability, heart
health , skin health, blood sugar stability, improved memory, and
overall anti-aging.
For normal use, three grams or fewer daily of omega-3 is considered
adequate by most health professionals.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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