Saturday, December 1, 2012

Gems of Wisdom

Sayyiduna Imam al-Hasan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho:
*. Good manners and disposition are ten:
1. Truth in Speech
2. Strongly opposing falsehood
3. Charity
4. To repay favours
5. Kindness of kith and kin
6. Protect your neighbour
7. Right enjoined upon you on all creation
8. Entertaining guests
9. Etiquette and
10. The most important is Shame and modesty.
*. The best characteristic regarded amongst the wise is wisdom of
Taqwah (fear of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) and the worst
characteristic is bad behaviour and bad manners.
*. Those who extend a hand of friendship towards you then become
friends with them you will be regarded as just.
*. Your age continues to increase while your life span decreases
therefore assist somebody while you can with anything you have.
*. Momin is he who provides for himself in the hereafter while aKafir
(rejecter of Faith) is he who is busy in providing for himself the
comforts of the World.
Sayyiduna Imam al-Hussain Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho:
*. Dishonoured is he, who is a Miser.
*. If you wish to become a leader then make action and movement, toil
and labour your business.
*. You are seeing the different types of business dealings shows that
the World is changing its colours (becomingmore fickle), turning its
face away, emptying itself of good, but we still have a little time, a
contemptible life is left, dangerand fearfulness has enclosed, Alas
with regret, can't you see that justice and truth have been placed
behind, falsehood is being practised openly, whosoever hand you grab
to rescue he does not want to be rescued towards the everlasting and
Almighty creator, nor does he wish to fulfil his duties to his Eternal
Lord. I prefer martyrdom, instead of living a life under these
oppressors for such a lifeis also a crime.
*. The World has changed coloursand it has been deprived of good, Is
there nobody that would stop the oppressor fromoppression, The time
has comefor the Mo'min to come forth and to sacrifice everything for
the sake of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*. Do not fear that which you do not understand, not cannot attain.
*. Do not keep high hopes for anyremuneration for work which is more
than necessary.
*. If you know the results of a jobwill be difficult, then do not take
its responsibilities upon your shoulders.
*. The highest status amongst the forgiving is of that person who has
all the power to avenge himself yet he adopts to forgive.
*. All the people whom I loved have departed from this World and I am
left amongst those whom I don't like.
*. The best use of wealth is to modestly and honourably resolve it.

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