Friday, December 28, 2012

Etiquettes of reading the Noble Quran

It is very significant, for you, dear reader of the Quran, to observe
the following:
· Do not touch the Quran except when in the state of ritual purity
(Wudhoo), and only recite it when you are in that state.
Brush your teeth with a wooden tooth stick (Siwaak), remove food
particles from between them, and freshen your mouth before reciting.
Sit up straight if (readingwhilst) not in prayer, anddo not lean back.
Face the direction of prayer (Qiblah) when reciting.
Rinse your mouth out with water if you cough up mucus or phlegm while reciting.
Stop reciting when you yawn, for when reciting, you are addressing
your Lord in intimate conversation, while yawning is from the Devil.
At the beginning of your recitation, seek refuge in Allaah from the
accursed Devil by saying the Isti'aathah (i.e., "A'oothu Billaahi min
Ash-Shaytaanirraajeem", which means: "I seek refuge in Allaah from
Satan, the accursed."), whether beginning to read from the beginning
of a Soorah (Quranic chapter) or from some other part that one has
Once you have begun, donot to interrupt your recitation from moment to
moment with human words, unless absolutely necessary.
Seclude yourself when reciting it, so as not to beinterrupted by
someone, forcing you to mix the words of the Quran with a reply, for
this nullifies the effectiveness of having taken refuge in Allaah from
the Devil at the beginning.
Recite it slowly without haste, distinctly pronouncing each letter.
Try to comprehend what is being said in every verse.
Pause at verses that promise Allaah's favour, long for Allaah Most
High and ask of His bounty. At verses that warn of His punishment, ask
His protection from it.
Ponder over the stories of past civilisations and individuals, taking
heed and benefiting from theirexample.
Learn the meanings of the Quran's unique lexical usages.
Pay attention to each letter so as to clearly and fully pronounce
every word, for each letter earns one ten good deeds.
Whenever one finishes reciting, attest to the truthfulness of Allaah,
and that His messenger Muhammad has delivered His message; dothis by
saying: "Our Lord! You have spoken the truth, Your Messengers have
delivered their tidings, and bear witness to this. O Allaah, make us
of those who bear witness to the truth and who act with justice."
After this, supplicate Allaah with prayers.
Try not to select certain verses from each chapter to recite, instead,
aim to recite whole chapters at a time.
If you put down the Quran, do not leave it open.
Do not place other books on top of the Quran; it should always occupy
a higher position than all other books, regardless of whether they are
books of sacred knowledge or not.
Place the Quran on your lap when reading, or on something in front of
you, but not on the floor.
Do not let a day go by without looking at least once at the pages of the Quran.
Do not trivially and playfully quote the Quranat the occurrence of
everyday events as by saying, for example, when someone comes (what
means): "Eat and drinkin satisfaction for what you put forth in the
days past" [Quran: 69:24] when food is brought out, and so forth.
Do not recite the Quran to the tunes of songs.
When writing the Quran, do so in clear, elegant handwriting.
If someone else is reciting, do not recite in a way in that would disturb him.
Do not recite it in marketplaces, places of clamour and frivolity, or
where ill-mannered people gather.
Do not use the Quran as apillow, or lean upon it.
Do not toss it when handing it to someone else.
Do not miniaturize the Quran, mix into it what is not of it, or mingle
worldly adornment with it by embellishing or writing it with gold.
Do not write it on the ground or on walls, as is done in some new mosques.
Do not to enter the lavatory with a paper or anything else on which
the Quran is written, unless it is encased in leather, silver, or
other materials, for then it is as if kept in the heart.
If you write it (on paper) and immerse that paper in a glass of water
to drink it (for cure or otherpurpose), then make a noble and worthy
intention, for Allaah only gives to one according tohis intention.
And if you finish reading the entire Quran, immediately begin reading
it again, so it does not become something that has been abandoned.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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