Before a Muslim woman seeks employment, she must carefully weigh all
of her options and prepare herself for inevitable challenges.
Every day, many Muslim women cope with the challenge of working in a
non-Muslim environment: a male employee offers his hand during
introductions, other employees begin to discuss private aspects of
their lives at lunch, an invitation is sent to all employeesfor a
get-together at the local bar; someone makes a joke aboutHijaab or
Salaah. These are just a few of the many possible situations that a
woman may face as she struggles to maintain not only her job, but,
more importantly, her Muslim identity.
All women who have been exposed to the workplace at some point in
their lives can fully grasp the myriad of reasons why working outside
the home is an enormous problem, in particular for Muslim women. There
are countless contrasts in the workplace to our Islamic value system.
There are valid reasons why laws were enacted for sexual harassment in
the workplace in the United States, and that is because it happens,
and often. Moreover, women should be aware that the laws can only do
very little to discourage it, after that you are on your own.
What is the Islamic perspective inwomen and work? What guidelines
should be followed if awoman works? What are some strategies that may
be effective in helping her to maintain Islamicvalues and behavior?
Setting priorities:
The most important role for a woman is motherhood. This special role
that Allaah, Almighty,has created for her, affords her honor and
respect in Islam. Where does she fulfill this role? Naturally, in
her home. Allaah, Almighty, Says (what means): "And abide in your
houses and donot display yourselves as [was] the display of the former
times ofignorance…" [Quran 33: 33]
This does not mean that a woman is a prisoner in her home,but only
that she should have a valid reason (meeting her basic needs) to go
out, to avoid any tribulation, trial, or temptation that may result
from mixing between men and women.
A woman should not work in a non-Muslim environment unless there is an
extremelly compellingreason for her to do so. Allaah, Almighty, has
not prohibited women from working, but He hasprovided numerous
protections for women, that are primarily concerned with where, how,
and with whom she associates. She should seriously consider the costs
and benefits for herself, and the impact on her ability to fulfill her
primary responsibilities,before taking on a job. There are many
situations that may make itnecessary for a woman to work, such as to
meet the financial needs of the family or to fulfill the needs of the
society (doctors,midwives, teachers).
There are several obvious guidelines that should be followed if a
woman must work:
First, she must obtain consent from her guardian or husband (if
married), who may offer a broader perspective on how her work may
influence the family and its functioning.
Secondly , a woman must ensure that her home and children are properly
cared for. Her husband may be of assistance in this area, or outside
help may be employed.
Thirdly , care must be taken to choose employment that is appropriate
and fits with her skills. Obviously, any work that deals with
forbidden activities, services, or products would not be allowed but
there is a world of possibilities available.
Forthly , any job that prevents herfrom fulfilling any of her Islamic
obligations, like Hijaab or Prayer for example, is not an option to be
Fifthly , while at the job, a woman must maintain her inwardly and
outwardly modesty and chastity.
There is an immense and growing need for Muslim womenin various
medical fields, in education, in helping professions such as social
work, counseling, psychology, psychiatry, and childcare. With the
growth of technology and communications capabilities, there are
unlimited opportunities for women to do some type of work or business
from home (such as secretarial and typing; writing, editing,
publishing; computer work, etc.). This would be an ideal situation
that would eliminate many of theconcerns that may arise for working
Maintaining an Islamic foundation:
This common concern for womenwho work outside the home must be taken
very seriously. Women need to be careful that the job they choose does
not leadthem to transgress the limits of Islam.
Fedwa is a successful computer programmer at a major University who
understands the risks of working in a non-Muslim environment. She
knows that if she is not cautious, others may begin to negatively
influence her. When she first began working, she would attend
luncheons withother employees, but soon discovered that much of the
timewas spent on idle talk and conversation about forbidden activities
(e.g. boyfriends, drinking). She decided that the best precaution for
her would be to avoid these luncheons completely, so that a bond
wouldnot be established between herself and her co-workers. This type
of influence could be so subtle, that a sister may not evenbe aware
that she has fallen into the trap. Listening to inappropriate
conversations on a regular basis may lead a sister to become
desensitized and therebyforgetful about appropriate etiquette.
Another sister, Layla, echoed the same concerns. Layla is a Dental
Claims Clerk at a major HMO who also decided to stop sitting with her
co-workers during lunch. She and three other Muslim sisters at the
same company have devised a creative way to preserve their identity
while socializing at the same time. Each Friday, the sisters pray
Thuhr (noon prayer) together in a conference room, followed by lunch.
During lunchtime, they study about Islam in a private halaqah (Islamic
study circle).
Layla also discussed her struggle with wearing Hijaab. When she first
became Muslim, she considered not wearing Hijaab to job interviews for
fear that potential employers would react negatively, preventing her
from being considered. This rationale carries a strong message. After
more consideration, she realized that Allaah would be the only OneWho
could assist her in finding a job, and if she did not wear it, she
would not receive Allaah's help. She wore the Hijaab and found a job.
She felt that the Hijaab was a barrier in only one of her interviews.
Since that time,Allaah, Almighty, has strengthened her faith. Her
advice to other Muslim sisters is to be open and honest about
religious beliefs and practices, and to incorporate this into
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