Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Duas - ,

1. When entering the cemetery
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When entering the cemetry
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ يَا أَهْلَ الْقُبُورِ يَغْفِرُ اللَّهُ لَنَا
وَلَكُمْ أَنْتُمُ سَلَفُنَا وَنَحْنُ بِالْأَثَرِ
"Oh inmates of the graves, salaam on you. Allah forgive us and you
all. You left first and we will be coming later".
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ أَهْلَ الدِّيَارِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
وَالْمُسْلِمِينَ وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ لَاحِقُونَ
نَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ لَنَا وَلَكُمُ الْعَافِيَةَ
"Oh Muslims residing here, salaams on you, by the will of Allah we
will also be coming to you. We seek safety for us andyou".
2. When consoling someone
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When consoling someone
When consoling someone, greet with salaam and say:
إِنَّ لِلَّهِ مَا أَخَذَ وَلَهُ مَا أَعْطَى وَكُلٌّ عِنْدَهُ بِأَجَلٍ
مُسَمَىً فَلَتَصْبِرْ وَلْتَحْتَسِبْ
"Definitely Allah has taken what belongs to Him. He has given us what
belongs to Him. He has stipulated a time for everyone (which He does
not chance by impatienceor plan). Have patience and hope for reward".
Prophet Mohammad's (SAW) action when bittenby a scorpion:
Once a scorpion bit Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) while he was in Salaat. On
completion of the Salaat he said: "Curse be on the scorpion as it does
not leave the person performing Salaatnor anyone else". He thenasked
for water and salt and dissolved that salt in the water. He rubbed the
solution on the wound and kept reciting Surah-al-Kaafiroon, Falaq and
(Hisnul Hasin from Tabarani in Al-Sagheer)/
3. At the time of fire
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
At the time of fire
Extiunguish the fire by reciting:
اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ
The author of Hisnul Hasin says that this is proven.
(Abu Yala and Ibn Al-Sunni)/
:[26.12.2012 - wednesday]
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