Tuesday, December 11, 2012


1. When someone is in a difficulty
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When someone is in a difficulty
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي عَافَانِي مِمَّا ابْتَلَاكَ بِهِ
وَفَضَّلَنِي عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيلَاً
"All praise belongs to Allah who has saved me from such a condition
which is afflicted on you and favoured me over many creations". The
virtues of this dua is that the reciter will be saved from the
difficulties he has seen.
Read the dua softly so that the person in difficulty may not hear
it,on the other hand if the person in difficulty is engaged in sin
then it should be read aloud so that they may learn a
2. When one sees a muslim laughing
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When one sees a muslim laughing
أَضْحَكَ اللَّهُ سِنَّكَ
"Allah keep you laughing" (Bukhari,
3. When fearing the enemy
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When fearing the enemy
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَجْعَلُكَ فِي نُحُورِهِمْ وَنَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شُرُورِهِمْ
"O Allah, we make you the turner of the (enemies) chest (heart) and
seek refuge in You from their evils".
(Abu Dawood)*******************************************************
4. When the enemy surrounds
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When the enemy surrounds
اللَّهُمَّ اسْتُرْ عَوْرَاتِنَا وَآمِنْ رَوْعَاتِنَا
"O Allah, save our honourand remove the fear and keep us safe"
(Hisnul Hasin)/


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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