Saturday, December 1, 2012

Be All About Allah

Be all about Allah and your connection with Him, no matter what's
happening around you. On Yawm Al-Qiyamah (the Day of Resurrection) it
will be you standing before Allah. No one will step in to take your
place. No one will disputetruth or promote falsehood. No bigot will
harm you, and no lover will help. Only your relationship with Allah
will matter, while all else will be irrelevant, so don't wait until
it's too late. Let it be all about you and Allah, right now.
Represent your faith. Liveyour deen with courage. With a single verse
of theQuran you could light up a city. With the Shahadah (the
testimony of faith) you could build a nation and part the sea, and I'm
not speaking of the Red Sea, but of the sea of chaos, suffering and
war that covers the world.
Be yourself, speak your truth, express love in your daily actions and
speech no matter what anyone else says or does. They are responsible
for their own souls, and you for yours. You will not be asked about
them, nor they about you. You will be asked what you did for Allah,
for truth, for humanity; but that is about you, not them. The end is
with Allah.
Don't give up on yourself.You have far yet to go, Insha'Allah. Never
hate yourself or harm yourself.You are more precious than the crescent
Follow the path of your dream like a bloodhound. Be the idealyou, the
you that shines in your imagination, the you that is brave and strong.
That image of the"ideal you" that you havein your head, that is not
asilly daydream, that is in fact who you are meant to be! Be that
person, step out of your chrysalis,emerge from the shadows, hold your
head up, and don't worry whatanyone thinks, because as Dr. Seuss
famously said, those who mind don't matter, and those who matter won't


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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