Friday, December 21, 2012

A protein that prevents tumors in mother’s milk: The HAMLET Protein

· How does the HAMLET protein, which was lately discovered in
mother's milk, prevent the formation of tumors?
· What are the characteristics of mother's milk that change according
to the baby's need?
Proteins are basic bioactive molecules and they are required for
thecell to carry out its functions. Some proteinsact individually or
together with other proteins. However, someof them need the help
ofchemical compounds that are not proteins. These non-protein
molecules can be vitamins, minerals or metal ions. Vitamins or
inorganic substances areauxiliary proteins and they are generally
named as co-factors. Iron, magnesium, cobalt,copper, zinc, selenium
are common ions and auxiliary inorganic substances. These proteins do
quite amazing things when they get connected to their helpers. One of
the most interesting of thesetakes place in mother's milk.
Allah Creates the Protein Called HAMLET in Mother's Milk As a Result
of Miraculous Processes
Mother's milk is a matchless compound created by Allah in orderto meet
the nutrition needs of the baby in full and to protect the baby
against possible infections. The balance of the nutrients in mother's
milk is in the most ideal measures, and in the best form for the body
systems of the immature baby. Mother'smilk, which is called "the
miracle mixture" by scientists as the nutritional values of this milk
are at ideal measures, is very rich in nutrients that make brain cells
grow and accelerate the development of the nervous system. Even a baby
formula prepared with the latest technology cannot replace this
miracle food. New benefits of mother's milk are found every day as a
result of research.
As is known, mother's milk includes many enzymes, vitamins,
nucleotides and antibodies. However, scientists have discovered a new
protein in mother's milk lately.
This protein, which is the main protein in mother's milk and known as
"alpha-lactalbumin", gives mother's milk a superior quality with
respect to cow's milk. This is because the protein called
beta-lactalbumin in cow's milk is rejected by the baby's body.
A protein called alpha-lactalbumin is produced at the last stages of
pregnancy and nursing time. This protein helps the sugar called
lactose inside the milk to be synthesized and makes the baby sleep
easily anddecreases the baby's tension. At the same time, when this
protein enters the baby's stomach, it combines with an auxiliary
proteincalled oleic acid. Oleic acid is a well-known fatty acid also
called OMEGA 9 (a basic component of olive oil). It decreases blood
pressure and prevents deadly diseases that affect the brain. However,
when alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid are combined, a miracle happens
and they produce an alpha-lactalbumin protein called "HAMLET" (short
for H uman A lpha-lactalbumin M ade LE thal to T umor cells) that is
deadly to tumor cells in man.
HAMLET Destroys A Great Number of Tumor Cells
As a result of the studies conducted, it was proved that mother's
milk, about which hundreds of articles were published, protected
babies againstcancer but its mechanism has not yet been understood
completely. This complexprotein, which is produced only in the baby's
stomach, kills 40 different types of tumor cells. This protein
attacksthe cell wall, enters inside and begins to change their shape
within half an hour afterit combines with tumor cells and kills them
in six hours on average. However, the interestingthing about this
protein is that it can distinguish healthy cells from tumor.Scientists
have not yet understood how this protein recognizes tumor cells. It is
of course impossible that cells with no mind or consciousness can
distinguish between healthy cells and tumor cells. These cells can
distinguish between healthy and dangerous cells only by Allah's
inspiration. In the Qur'an, Allah's sovereignty over all living things
is revealed as such:
" I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no
creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight
Path. " (Surah Hud, 56)
The interesting point is that the alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid
that form this protein do not have the ability to destroy tumors on
their own. Alpha-lactalbumin and fatty acids exist naturally in
mother's milk. But they need to turn into a compound in the baby's
stomach to become the HAMLET protein that destroys the tumor. It is of
course a great miraclethat Allah creates the cure before the disease,
and places all these molecules inside the milk that the baby will
When the protein in mother's milk, fatty acidsand enzymes in the
baby's stomach are not created at the same time, their ability to
destroy tumors disappears. No doubt that this is one of the best
examples of Allah's flawless art of creation. In one verse it is
" His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it, 'Be!' and
it is. " (Surah Ya Sin, 82)
Allah Creates Mother's Milk According to the Baby's Needs
It is clear that the mother has not decided by herself to produce
mother's milk, which is the most ideal nutrient for her baby, born in
need of protection and nutrition, on her own. Therefore, the
nutritional values of the mother's milk are not determined by the
mother; this is because the mother cannot possibly know the nutrients
required for her baby moment to moment. The mother cannot control the
contents of the milk that are formed inside her body. Even if its
qualitiesare not completely defined, the mother's milk changes
according to the growth phases of the baby, and the milk's content
differs according to the nutrients the baby needsduring a certain
period. Almighty Allah, Who knows the needs of every being and grants
them, creates mother's milk inside the mother's body for the baby:
Milk is a colostrum in the first days the baby is born, so it is rich
in protein and antibodies. This milk strengthens thebaby's immune
system and helps the baby's digestive system develop.
After the first three to four days, the milk turns into a thinner,
more fluid and sweet form. This is for the baby's thirst. Sugars,
proteins and minerals are there according to the baby's need. This
milk is low in fat and rich in carbohydrates.
In time, milk takes a thicker and creamier form. This is to appease
the baby. At the same time, the IgA level is highfrom the 10 th day to
at least seven and a half months. The antibodies of this milk are
individualized, meaning different compositions according to every
baby's need. This is because Allah had created a special system for
this. As the mother touches and hugs the baby, the mother's body
communicates with pathogens that colonize the baby, and the mother's
body produces the suitable antibodies and immune cells.
In the milk of mothers who cast, miraculously, there is more fat,
sodium, chloride and iron according to the baby's need. However,
inbabies who are premature and feed with their own mothers' milk,
superiorities such as better sight and better results in IQ tests have
been observed.
There is very little iron in mother's milk, because iron is a
magnetfor bacteria and gut flora; if there were too much iron in milk,
this might have caused an infection.
Allah creates special treatments and a special nutrient that contains
medicine for the baby. The production center ofthis medicine is the
mother's body. The mother's body detects the invaders by caring only
for the baby. This situation is so perfect that it cannot be explained
by coincidences. There is nodoubt that Allah creates a very special
connection between the baby and the mother. It is revealed in the
" We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused
his mother great debility and the period of his weaning was two years:
'Give thanks to Me and to your parents. I am your final destination. "
(Surah Luqman, 14).
Mother's milk is the nutrient that the baby can digest most easily.
Even though it is a very rich nutritional drink, its digestion is very
easy in accordance with the baby's sensitive systems. So as the baby
uses less energy to digest nutrients, it can use its energy for other
bodily functions, growth and development of organs.
Mother's milk, which is always ready with its ideal temperature, plays
an important role in brain development with the sugars and fats it
includes. Besides this, elements such as calcium play a major role in
the baby's bone development. Even though this miraculous mixture is
named as milk, 90% of mother's milk is actually composed of water.
This is also a very important aspect, because babies also need water
as liquidas well as nutrients. Water and other foreign substances
other than mother's milk may not be so hygienic. However,the baby's
need of wateris met with mother's milk, 90% of which is water.
HAMLET Is the Most Effective Medicine Yet Produced in the World
1- It kills a wide varietyof tumor cells. However, it does not
touch healthyand mature cells.
2- It kills more than 40 tumor cells, even those very difficult to
treat with medicines.
3- It kills tumor cells with a natural and non-toxic mechanism.
Therefore, it does not harm healthy tissues, in contrast to cancer
4- It exists naturally in human milk and causes lower risk of
cancer in children that feed with mother's milk and in their mothers.
Almighty Allah, the All-Knowing, created mother's milk and HAMLET,
which is an important protein complex in this milk, as one of the
strongest medicines. Our Lord's name "Al-Shafi" (One Who gives health)
is revealed in one verse as such:
"And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me;" (Surah ash-Shu'arah, 80)

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