Monday, December 31, 2012

24b) - Story - , Moons Peak [FINISHED]- Deal Breaker (chapter24)

24b) -
"Sheeba's dead." Satchel finally broke the silence. At the mention of
Trench's little sister, he froze. Both of us halted just inches from
the forest.
"I'll give you the chance to give Sheeba a proper burial too. Whether
you win or lose." This got his attention, just judging from his
contemplative expression. Satchel continued his talk-a-thon.
"You killed her." It wasn'ta question, it was an accusation. Satchel
shookhis head.
"She died fighting mama.They both died from eachother's hands." Trench
frowned and loosened his hold on my wrist. He'dmade an angry red mark
on it.
"And when I win?" Trench asked, making Satchel shrug.
"I'll walk away from everything." Satchel said finally. Trench
narrowed his eyes, cocking an eyebrow toward me.
"Even…her?" Satchel nodded.
"Even her. " He repeated blearily.
He gave a brief nod toward me, and I was sure my heart dropped inthat
moment as the words left his lips.
Like an invisible flame had been distinguished inside me. I blinked a
couple of times in astonishment. God! Was he serious?!
"Satchel?" I shot him a panicked look, but he just looked away in sadness.
He was giving up on me? The conviction in his voice sounded as much,
and I couldn't help but stop struggling in Trench's hold because of
it. Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe he didn't love me as much as I did him. Maybe he didn't love me at all.
Trench smiled, and nodded sharply.
"Deal." He lowered his mouth to my neck.
"Maybe our Happily Ever After came sooner than I hoped." He planted a
kisson the side of my neck, and the shiver that ran down my spine was
so unnatural. It was alarmingly comfortable and disgusting at the same
time. The bonding scent flooding my nose, itwas unmistakably
strong.Just what Trench had toldme.
"What are the rules?" Trench asked. Satchel managed a smirk of his
own, but I could tell it was forced.
My honey colored eyes met his light green ones, and I couldn't look
away. Was this our last goodbye? Do we exchange our last dramatic soap
opera worthy lines to say it? What if this was the last time, I would
see him…ever. What if he…didn't come back? I blinked away my tears,
and just stared at him. And stared a little longer trying to remember
everyline, every crease, every contour of his face.
His mouth twitched up toa smile, and he had his hand on his chest.
Rubbing the spot where his heart would be.
"Satchel…I." He shook his head, cutting me off witha hush.
"Don't." He smiled sadly. Ifrowned in protest. I had to let him know
how I felt, especially since this might be the last time I'd get to
say it.
"But…" I started, but he just shook his head again.
"Tell me when I get back," he said, resting hishand on his heart. "Now
go get Derryn, she's expecting you."
Those were the last words I heard from the shaggy boy I'd shared
mychildhood with.
Well, what little I did before my Grams took meaway from it all. The
one boy that I could see myself possibly spending the rest of it with
too. I stole one last glance at Satchel, trying my hardest to hold in
my protesting tears, and gave him a brave smile.
Go. He mouthed, and nodded in the direction of where Derryn would be
waiting for me.
It took all my self-control not to cry, letting my shoulders sag in
defeat, as I turned my back on him, and it felt like I was leaving him
all over again.
I'm still editing this right now, so there might be a few grammar
errors. In fact, I'm going to rewrite some of these chapters and maybe
fix up any errors since most of thesechapters were typed straight into
Goodreads. Anyway, I'll have more when I can..Also, there's only like
four more chapters left and then an Epilogue to go before I finish
this up. :) Hope youlike!
Thanks in advance. I love my readers!! :):)/

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