Monday, November 12, 2012

True stories » I wish you won't blameme

My love,
Sinful, secret, insatiable. You came and shattered my life as a spring
storm, you hurled away my peaceful days and nights.You keep a tight
rein on me and lead me in an unknown direction.
Where will I find myself? Who can give me the answer? The curtain of
the future is closed and I can't see the end of this love – sudden,
temporary, forbidden. I love you! I love you to distraction with that
sinful love of a married woman, torn apart between the allowed andthe
forbidden, the workday and the expectation. I have a family, a child –
you are single.
Sad and terrifying, isn't it?
I can't do anything to change your life the way you dream about it.
Don't blame me.
God, please help me.
Why did I let my heart be captured in that bottomless net from which
there's no escape?
But could I've commanded it?
Months had to pass until Irealized that what I felt wasn't just an
infatuation, an innocent flirt but something real and deep.
I restrained myself not to pass over the barrier for a long time. I
tried to be the master of my actions. But alas…
I found out that true loveis not ruled by reason. Emotions command
everyhuman thought and action. And when reason fights emotions life
turns into hell, and each day becomes endless suffering…
May be time will heal me,may be my heart will findrest.
But right now I don't need a remedy, I don't need a rest!
I love these stolen moments that make me happy.
There are memories which remain for a lifetime. They always return to
our thoughts and hearts and time is powerless to erase them.
It wasn't me but life that made the choice for me. And you know that,
don'tyou? Don't blame me. I'm not leaving…
My memories and my love will always be as youwill always be with me… for life….
I love you!


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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