Thursday, November 8, 2012

Translating the names and attributes of Allah into other languages and swearing by them

Is it permissible to translate the names and attributes of Allah into
a language other than Arabic, such as saying "God" in English, or
"Khoda" in Kurdish, meaning Allah? is it permissible to swear by these
names in the languages mentioned?.
Praise be to Allaah.
There are a number of conditions which must be met for it to be
permissible to translate the meanings of the names and attributes of
Allah into a language other than Arabic:
1. The one who is translating the words should have deep knowledge
of the Arabiclanguage and of the language into which he is
2. He should be trustworthy in his translation.
3. He should have knowledge of sharee'ah and he should be a
follower of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah, otherwise he cannot be
trusted not to introduce misguided and deviant beliefs into his
For a fatwa from the scholars discussing the conditions of this
matterbeing permissible, please see the answers to questions no. 9347
and 98553
One of these rulings is swearing oaths. Oaths may be sworn by any of
the names and attributesof Allah, may He be exalted, even if that is
in a language other than Arabic. Whoever utters these words referring
to the Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, then his oath is binding
and he must offer expiation if he breaks it.
Ibn Hazm said: There is no (valid) oath except one that is sworn by
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, either by one of His names or
by one of the attributes that He has told us of, and not referring to
anyone other than Him, such as the Controller of the hearts, the
Inheritor of the earth and everythingon it, the One in Whose hand is
my soul, the Lordof the Worlds, and so on.That may be said in all
languages. Or (one may swear) by the knowledge of Allah, or by His
power, His might, His majesty, and so on, as mentioned in the text.If
a person swears by any of that, he has indeed sworn an oath and if he
breaks it then he must offer expiation.
End quote from al-Muhalla, 8/30
Ibn al-Humaam al-Hanafi(may Allah have mercy on him) said: If he says
in Farsi "I swear by God",this is an oath by Allah.
End quote from Fath al-Qadeer, 5/76
Whatever the case, whoever refers by these words to the Lord of the
Worlds, then the shar'i rulings (on oaths) come into effect. If a
person swears an oath in his own language referring to the One Lord,
then theoath is binding.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:The
Lord, may He be glorified, may be referred to in Arabic as Allah,
ar-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious), ar-Raheem (the Most Merciful), and in
Farsi as Khoda and so on, but He,may He be glorified, is One, and
there are manyways to refer to Him.
End quote from al-Fataawa al-Kubra, 6/568
But what the Muslim should use in his worship, his du'aa'
(supplication) and all other circumstances when referring to Allah,
may He be exalted and glorified, is the word "Allah" as it is, because
that has become a symbol for the Muslims and something that
distinguishes them, and it helps to avoid any confusion between
whatthey mean and what others mean when they say "God", as others may
sometimes be referring to Allah, but sometimes they may be referring
to something else.
Everything that we have mentioned above applies to one who does not
have a good knowledge of Arabic; as for the one who has a good
knowledge of Arabic, it is permissible for him to use the translated
words in order to explain Islam and help others to understand it. But
when offering du'aa' or swearing oaths, he has to avoid doing that
with words other than the known Arabic words for the divine names and
attributes, as they are confirmed in the Qur'aanand Sunnah.
And Allah knows best.

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