Friday, November 2, 2012


1. Until such a time a person does not love and respect the exalted
Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) , even though that person
worships all his life, his worship is fruitless and rejected.
2. Numerous Jogees, Monks and Hermits taketo seclusion and spend their
lives in the Remembrance of Allah Ta'ala. Some of them even indulge in
the Zikrof "La ilaha illal lah" (There is no god but Allah), but they
do not respect and love Rasoolullah (sallal laahualaihi wasallam).
What benefit is such Ibaadah? Allah Ta'ala states in the Holy Quran:
"Whatever deeds they have performed, I have destroyed them all." (Para
19: Ruku 1)

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