Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Mother of all evils?

Imam al-Qurtubi mentions in his tafseer (al-Jami' li-Ahkam al-Qur'an)
that a man once saw a drunkard trying to fish the moon (yes, fish the
moon) in the heavy drunken state that he was in. The man upon seeing
such a despicable condition (and being so ghastly averse to it) made
an oath declaring his wife divorced if there was ever anything to
enter the belly of the son of Adam which was worse or more evil than
alcohol .
As oaths in matters of divorce are binding, he was told to seek a
juristicruling from Imam Malik who was in Madinah. Theman came to Imam
Malik and told him about his oath, seeking a fatwa from him; should he
divorce his wife or not? Imam Malik told him to come back in three
days while he looked into the matter.
After the three days passed, the man returnedto Imam Malik who then
said to him (read carefully):
امرأتك طالق إني تصفحت كتاب الله فلم أر شيئًا يدخل جوف ابن آدم أخبث ولا
أشر من الربا
"Your wife is divorced. I searched and studied through the Book of
Allah and I didn't see anything enter the belly of the son of Adam
worseor more evil than Riba (interest)."
Ok, other than the lesson to never make such crazy oaths in the first
place(!), this just further highlights the dangers and evil of
interest. And here we are today surrounded by it, in every place. May
Allah save us from it, ameen.
1 Comment from → Current Affairs , Quotes , Seeking Knowledge ['ilm] ,
Tarbiyyah [Training and Self-Development] , Thoughts and
Contemplations , Translations

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