Thursday, November 8, 2012

The meaning of thinking about going forjihaad, and combining da’wah and jihaad

Assalaau Alaykum,
My dear respected Shaikh,
I am an undergraduate student studiying in the field of Computer
Engineering in University of XXXXX . InshaAllah I will be graduating
next year. Alhamdulillah I am married and expecting akid very soon !
InshaAllah. AlhamdulillahI make efforts to gain knowledge and
implement it upon the way of Salaf-us-Salih and I know this is the
right way . But there is one thing I do not reallyunderstand : that
isthe issue of Jihaad. InshaAllah please do clarify this for me in the
following context:
1. My obligation with regards to Jihaad
2. The meaning of the Hadith : Whoever dies and did not fight in
battle, nor did he have the sincere wish to fight in battle, dies on a
branch of hypocrisy." [Muslim]
3. How do I prepare for Jihaad.
4. How should I weigh the affair between gaining knowledge, Da'waf and Jihaad.
I would also like to know what the major Ulama say with regards to this.
Jazakallahu Khairan.
Praise be to Allaah.
Imaam Muslim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his Saheeh:
"Chapter: Condemnation of the one who dies without having gone out for
jihaad or having thought of doing so." Then he quoted the hadeeth of
Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), who said: "The
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
'Whoever dies without having gone out for jihaad or having thought of
doing so, dies on a branch of hypocrisy.'" (Saheeh Muslim, 3533).
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:"What is meant is that
the one who does this is behaving, in this regard,like the hypocrites
who stay behind and do not go out for jihaad, because not engaging
injihaad is one of the branches of hypocrisy. This hadeeth also
indicates that the one who intended to do an act of worship but died
before he could do it is not to be condemned to the same extent as one
who died without any such intention."
Al-Sindi said, in his footnotes to Sunan al-Nisaa'i: " '… without
having thought of [it]…' means without having said to himself, 'I wish
I could go out for jihaad.' Or it could mean that he did not intend to
go out for jihaad, and the sign of intending to go out for jihaad is
preparing equipment. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And
if they had intended to march out, certainly they wouldhave made some
preparation for it…" [al-Tawbah 9:64]."
A person can prepare himself for jihaad in many ways, such as:
Learning the virtues of jihaad and the rulings concerning it;
preparing oneself with different kinds of acts of worship;
training oneself to makesacrifices;
forcing oneself to prefer others to oneself;
spending for the sake of Allaah;
studying and reading the biographies of mujaahideen and heroesof Islam;
studying Islamic battles;
constantly telling oneselfthat if jihaad is established and one has
the means and is able to go for jihaad, there is nochoice but to
knowing how sinful it is to run away from the battlefield or flee
beforethe kuffaar;
studying the Seerah (biography) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) during both the Makkan and Madani periods, and
studying his battles and campaigns, to see how he conducted the jihaad
in the context of his owncircumstances, what he started with and how
heprepared himself;
understanding that jihaad has to go throughstages, beginning with the
nearest enemy, until one reaches the stage of being able to fight all
the mushrikeen;
being aware of the movements of hypocrisy;
waging jihaad on four fronts – against one's own nafs or base self,
against the Shaytaan, against the kuffaar and against the hypocrites;
understanding the importance of waging jihaad with one's wealthas well
as with one's self.
Know, my brother, that it is not difficult to combine jihaad with
da'wah, because each ofthem has its own time and place. When the
mujaahideen were waging their conquests, they used to call people to
Allaah before the battle started. When they conquered a country, they
would call its people to Islam and teach them the religion. When there
was no battle or jihaad going on, the doors of da'wah were still wide
open, and they would make da'wah to their wives, children, relatives,
neighbours and all people, Muslim and non-Muslim, calling themwith
wisdom and beautiful preaching, andarguing with them in a way that is
better. May Allaah help us and you todo that which He loves and which
pleases Him. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

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