Sunday, November 11, 2012

Summary 1) Callers to Jannah (Paradise), and callers to Hell. 2) Iblees(Satan) is the leader of those who call people to Hell. 3) Iblees beatifies unchaste behavior. 4) Mentioning some of Iblees’ ability to misguide people. 5) Iblees has no power against true believers. 6) How to protect ourselves from Iblees. 7) The gradual methodof Iblees to misguide and delude people.

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May peace and blessing
be upon His Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon
him), his family and his companions.
Dear Muslims! Fear Allah in public and private, seek for the pleasure
of the Last Day and do not follow the path of the mischief-makers.
Know that every thing has its beginning and end. Be also aware that
you are now in the abode of trails and that your final destination is
either Paradise of Hell.
The Almighty Allah, has made Islam the only way that leads to Paradise
and He says, "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will
never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the
losers." (Aal-'Imraan: 85).
Allah ordains under the shade of Islam, good deeds than can save man
from destruction and protect him from evils. He, the Almighty, created
inhabitants for Paradise who will do righteous deeds, and those who
call unto it such as the Prophets (peace and blessing of Allah be upon
them) and their followers. They are those that Allah has favoured,
given the highest ranks and made them successful in the race towards
good deeds. Allah says, "And whosoever obey Allah and His Messenger,
then they will being in the company of those on whom Allah has
bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqoon (those followers of
the Prophets, who were first and foremost to believe in them, like
Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq) the martyrs and the righteous. And how excellent
these companions are! Such is the Bounty from Allah and Allah is
Sufficient as All-Knower." (An-Nisaa: 69-70).
Their conduct is excellent, their private is clean and their deeds
arepure. Their reward then was happiness in this world and the next,
crowned with everlastingdwelling in Paradise.
Equally, Allah Created inhabitants for the Hell-Fire and destined that
they shall not do but deeds that will lead themthere. Allah explains
the way that leads to Hell andwarns against treading that path. He
says, "And whosoever disobeys Allahand His Messenger, then verily, for
him is the Hell-Fire, he shall dwell therein forever." (Al-Jinn: 23).
Further, this abode in which Allah created different kinds of
everlasting torment has those who call unto it. Allah says, "And we
made them leader inviting to the Fire; and to the Day of Resurrection,
they will not be helped. And We make a curse to follow them in this
world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be among those who are
prevented from receivingAllah's Mercy or any good; despised or
destroyed." (Al-Qasas: 41-42).
Brothers in Eemaan ! Callers to Hell encourage man to disobey Allah
and call him to commit destructive sins. The mostwicked and vicious
one in this respect evil is Satan, the accursed. Allahhas put people
to test by him that He might know the obedient and disobedient ones
among His slaves and give the reward or punishment accordingly. He
says, "Andindeed Satan did prove his thought about them; and they
followed him allexcept a group of true believers. And he (Satan) had
no authority over them, except that We might test him who believes in
the hereafter from him who is in doubtabout it and your Lord is
Watchful over everything." (Saba': 20-21).
This extremely malicious creature who calls to every abominable act
hasbeen given only a limitedpower which he can never exceed. Also,
Allah has given the true believer a weapon by which he can drive away
his evil. He gave Satan an ability to cause devilish insinuations in
human mind, so that man may think of committing sin, then have the
intention to commit it and finally commit of that sin. Allah also gave
him an ability to present a sin to man ina favourable light. Allah
says, "And Satan made fair-seeming to them, that which they used to
do." (Al-An'aam: 43).
However, Allah did not give Satan an ability to create the love of
something in man's mind, for that exclusively belongs to Allah. He
says: "And know that there is the Messenger of Allah among you. If he
were toobey you (i.e. follow youropinions and desires) in much of the
matter, you would surely be in trouble. But Allah has endeared the
faith to youand has beautified it in your hearts, and has made
disbelief, wickedness and disobedience (to Allah and His Messenger)
hateful to you. Such are they who are the rightly guided."
(Al-Hujuraat: 7).
Also, Allah gave this vicious Satan an ability toinstigate the
disbelievers to commit sins as He gavehim ability to drive man into
rage and cause him to have devilish thoughts. Allah says, "See you not
that We have sent the devils against the disbelievers to push them to
do evil." (Mariam:83).
All these devilish tricks of Satan that Allah informedus about are but
weak tricks that get weakened and eliminated by Eemaan and seeking the
protection of Allah. He says, "Ever feeble indeed is the plan of
Satan." (An-Nisaa': 76).
Allah also says of him, "Verily! He has no power over those who
believe and put their trust in their Lord (Allah). His power is only
over those who obey and follow him(Satan) and those who join partner
with Him (Allah)" (An-Nahl: 99-100).
He indeed has no power over the believers who put their trust in
Allah. This enemy, whom we believe in his existence, whose impacts we
feel and the result of whose evil deeds we know has laid in wait for
men in ways that lead to good deeds in order to preventthem from doing
it. Allah says, "(Satan) said: Because you have sent me astray,
surely. I will sitin wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight
Path. Then I will come to them from their front and rear, their
rightand left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones."
Brothers in faith! We cannot prevent the evils of Satan, or render his
plans ineffective or escape from his traps except by seeking Allah's
protection. Allah says, "And whoever holds firm to Allah (i.e. follows
Allah's religion and obeysall that Allah has ordered practically),
then He is indeed guided to the right path." (Aal-'Imraan: 101).
Brothers in Islam! Allah has explained to us that this avowed enemy
leads man to sin and destructive acts and then abandon him. He has
made Shirk (associating partners to Allah in acts of worship) fair
seeming to the peoples of Noah , ' Aad , Thamood ; made sodomy fair
seeming to the people of Prophet Loot and made different kinds of sins
fair-seemingto many others, but when the repercussions of their evil
deeds came upon them, he disowned and abandoned them.
Allah says, "(Their allies deceived them) like Satan, when he says to
man: 'Disbelieve in Allah!'But when (man) disbelieves in Allah,
Satansays: 'I am free of you, I fear Allah, the Lord of all the
worlds'. So the end ofboth will be that, they will be in the Fire
abidingtherein. Such is the recompense of the wrong-doers" (Al-Hashr:
As for the Day of the Resurrection, Satan will stand on a mountain of
fire and deliver a speech to his followers as Allah informs: "Verily,
Allah promised you a truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. I
had no authority over you except that I called you and you responded
to me. So blame me not but blame yourselves. I cannot help you nor can
you help me. I deny your former act in associating me as a partner
with Allah( by obeying me in the life of the world).' Verily, there is
a painful torment to the wrong-doers." (Ibraheem: 22).
After this speech, nothingmore will be heard except sighing in a high
and low tone, regret, crying and wailing. Then Allah will say: "Remain
you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me." (Al-Mu'minoon:
Dear brothers! Evil of Satan can also be avertedby seeking refuge with
Allah from him. Allah says, "And if an evil whisper from Satan tries
to turn you away (from doing good), then seek refuge in Allah. Verily,
He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower." (Fussilat: 36).
In the Ha deeth , it is reported that two men abused each other in
the presence of the Messenger of Allah and the face of one of them
turned red (out of severe rage). The Messenger of Allah said: 'I know
a wordthat if this man says it, hisanger will go away. It is, 'A'oodhu
Billaahi Minash-Shaytaanir-Rajeem." (I seek refuge with Allah from
Satan, the accursed".
One can also prevent the evil plan of Satan by observing the prayers
in congregation. Allah says, "Verily, As-Salaah (prayer) prevents from
Al-Fahsha (i.e. great sins and every kind, unlawful sexual
intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism and every kind
of evil wicked deed)" (Al-Ankaboot: 45).
The Prophet also said: "whoever observes Fajr prayer in congregation
shall remain under Allah'sprotection until evening, so, do not let
Allah found you wanting in fulfilling His rights upon you".
Evils of Satan can also be prevented by reading Aayatul-Kursiy (Qur'an
2:255), Sooratul-Ikhlaas (Chapter 112) Al-Mu'awwidhatayn (Chapters 113
and 114) and Sooratul-Ghaafir (Chapter 40) at the end ofeach prayer.
One should also be reciting the Qur'aan frequently, for, the more he
recites; the more he protects himself from Satan.
Likewise is paying Zakaat , making voluntary charity and spending in
the good cause. The Prophet said: "Charity erases sins as water blows
out fire." When a Muslim is cleansed of all his sins, he is then
saves from a great evil.
One can also drive away evil plans of Satan by constantly remembering
Allah by saying "SubhaanAllah" (glory be to Allah), "Alhamdulillaah"
(praise be to Allah) "Allahu Akbar" ( Allah is the Greatest) "Laa
Ilaaha Illa Allah" (None has the rightto be worshipped except Allah)
etc. The Prophet e said: "Whoever says, "La Ilaaha Illa Allah
WahdahuLaa Shareeka Lahoo, Lahul-Mulk, Walahul-Hamdu Wa Huwa Alaa
Kulli Shay'in Qadeer," ( meaning: There is no deity worthy of worship
except Allah. He is One without any partner. To Him belongs
sovereignty and praise and He has power over all things) hundred times
a day, thatwill be enough for him asa protection from Satan for the
whole day. it is also as if he has freed a slave and one hundred
good deeds will be recorded for him."
Making Jihaad in the way of Allah, attending gatherings of
knowledgeand where good deeds are done, keeping away from gatherings
of play which Satan attends and in which he causes enmity, hatred and
misery also protect from the evil plans of Satan.
Further, foremost of the things that protect one from the devilish
plans ofSatan is Tawheed (belief in Islamic monotheism), putting one's
trust in Allah and being sincere in worshipping Him. Allahsays,
"Certainly, you (Satan) shall have no authority over My slaves except
those who follow you and those who go astray (the criminals,
polytheisms and evil-doers)." (Al-Hijr: 42).
Therefore, dear Muslims, beware of Satan's footsteps and evil plans.
Allah says, "O you who believe! Enter perfectly inIslam and follow not
the footsteps of Satan. Verily,he is to you a plain enemy. Then if you
slide back after the clear signs have come to you, then know that
Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise." (Al-Baqarah: 208-209).
Brothers in faith! Fear Allah as He should be feared and know that
Satan calls man to all evil things and prevents him from doing any
good deed. The first thing that Satan calls to is disbelief in Allah.
If one responds to him, he has surrendered his affairs tohim; Satan
will then lead him to all evil and destructive things in this world
and the Hereafter. But if man does not respond to him when he invites
him to disbelief, he calls him to Bid'ah (innovations in matters of
religion), for a person who indulges in Bid'ah does not generally
repent from it, because he regards that as part ofhis religion, and
this gladdens Satan. If Satan is unable to make him indulge in Bid'ah,
he invites him to committingmajor sins, then to minor ones. If he does
not succeed in doing that, he distracts him from doing recommendable
deeds with indulgence in lawfulthings and engages him with matters
that are of no concern to him.
Satan by his nature, searches man's mind and looks for his preferences
in order to approach himthrough that and make him commit sins through
what he has inclinations to. Allah says, "O mankind! Verily! The
promise of Allah is true. So let not this present lifedeceive you and
let not the chief deceiver [Satan]deceive you about Allah. Surely,
Satan is an enemyto you, so treat him as an enemy. He only invites
hisfollowers that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire."
(Faatir: 6-7).
Furthermore, Satan is pleased by sins that man regards as
insignificant, therefore beware of him.The Prophet said: "Satan has
lost hope that peoplewould worship him in the Arabian Peninsula, but
he is pleased to sow discard among you."

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