Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sufism and Islam

With more and more interest being shown in Sufism by Muslims and non
Muslims alike, we investigate whether or not Sufism is part and parcel
of Islam or a Myth introduced by outsiders into Islam to corrupt
Islamic beliefs. One thingis for certain that the term 'Sufism' did
not exist in the time of the Prophet (S.A.W) or during the time of the
First Caliphs but it was used during the period of the four great
Imams of Madhabs. Therefore, we shall examine what the four Imams had
to say about the Sufi people and their spiritual knowledge or Islamic
I mam Abu Hanifa (R.A) said "If it were not for two years, I would
have perished. For two years Iaccompanied Hazrat Jafer as-Sadiq (R.A)
and I acquired the spiritual knowledge that made me a knower in the
Way (i.e. Sufism)." [Ad-Durr Al-Mukhthar, Vol. 1, P43]
It is also mentioned in the book Ad-Durr Al-Mukhtar that Hazrat Ibn
Abidin (R.A) said, "Hazrat Abu Ali Dakkak (R.A) , one of the Sufi
saints, received his path from Hazrat Abul Qasim an-Nasarabadi (R.A) ,
who received it from Hazrat Shibli (R.A) , who received it from Hazrat
Sari as-Saqati (R.A) , who received it from Hazrat Maruf al-Kharqi
(R.A) , who received it from Hazrat Dawud at-Tai (R.A) ,who received
the knowledge, both the external and internal, from Imam Abu Hanifa
(R.A) , who supported the Sufi spiritual path."
Imam Malik (R.A) said ,"Whoever studies jurisprudence and does not
study Sufism will be corrupted. Whoever studies Sufism and does not
study Jurisprudence will become a heretic. Whoever combines both will
reach the truth." [Kashf Al-Khafa Wa Muzid Al-Abas, Vol. 1, P341]
Imam Shafi (R.A) said , " I accompanied the Sufi people and I received
from them three kinds ofknowledge:
1. They taught me how to speak
2. They taught me how to treat people with leniency and a soft heart.
3. They guided me in theways of Sufism." [Tanwir Al-Qulub, p405]
Imam Ahmed (R.A) advising his son said , " Omy son you have to sit
with the Sufis, because they are like a fountain of knowledge. They
recite the remembrance of Allah (S.W.T) in their hearts. They are
ascetics and they have the most spiritual power." [Ghiza Al-Albab, Vol
1, P120]
He (R.A) also said about the Sufis, "I do not knowany people better
than them." [Ibid]
This, then, is the opinionof the four great Imams of Madhab about the
Sufis and indeed they themselves were Sufis in their own rights.
But what about the generations after the four Imams, did they accept
Sufism or did they discover something objectionable about Sufism.
Imam Ghazali (R.A) , the Proof of Islam, said , "I knew it to be true
that the Sufis are the seekers in Allah's Way. Their conduct is the
best of conduct. Their way is thebest of ways. Their manners are the
most sanctified. They have purified their hearts from other than Allah
and they have made them as pathways for rivers to run receiving
knowledge of the DivinePresence." [Al-Munqidh Min Ad-Dalal, P131]
Imam Nawawi (R.A) said ,"The specification of the Ways of the Sufis are five:
1. To keep the Presence of Allah (S.W.T) in your heart in public and in private.
2. To follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W) by action and speech.
3. To keep away from dependence on people.
4. To be happy with what Allah (S.W.T) gives you, even if it is little.
5. To always refer your matters to Allah (S.W.T) Almighty and
Exalted." [Al-Maqasid At-Tawhid, P20]
So far, all the above mentioned are Imams that the Sunni Muslims (i.e.
Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat) accept, what about the opinions of the Imams
of the Salafi,Wahhabi and other non Sunni movements. What do they have
to say about Sufis?
Ibn Taymiyah , who deviated from the Ahle Sunnat Jamaat and whom the
Salafis and Wahhabis take as their Imam, has said, "Sufism is the
science of realities and states of experience.A Sufi is that person
whopurifies himself from everything which distracts him from the
remembrance of Allah (S.W.T) . The Sufi is so filledwith knowledge of
the heart and knowledge of the mind, that the value of gold and stones
will be equal to him. Sufism safeguards the precious meaning and
leaves behind the call of fame and vanity to reach the state of
truthfulness. Thebest of humans after the Prophets are the
truthfulones, as Allah (S.W.T) mentioned them in the Holy Quran, ' All
who obey Allah and the Messenger are in the company of those on whom
is grace of Allah: the Prophets, the sincerelovers of truth
(Siddiqin), the Martyrs and the righteous. Ah! what a beautiful
fellowship' [4:69] ...[Sufis] strive to be obedient to Allah. Among
them you will find the foremost in nearness by virtue of their
striving and some of them are among the People of the Right Hand.'." [
Majmu Afatawa Ibn Taymiyya, Vol 10, P497]
Ibn Taymiyya has praisedSufis and Sufi practices in many of his books.
He himself claims to be a Sufi Shaykh of the QadiriSufi Order. He
says, "I wore the blessed Sufi cloak of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani,
there being between him and me two Sufi Shaykhs." [Al Mas'ala At
Tabriziyya] . Ibn Taymiyya's Sufi lineage is given as follows: Shaykh
Abdul Qadir Gilani (R.A) , Abu Umar Ibn Qudama, Muwaffaq Ad-Din Ibn
Qudama, Ibn Ali Ibn Qudama and Ibn Taymiyya. [Majmu Afatawa Ibn
Taymiyya, Vol 10, P516]
After Ibn Taymiyya his great student Ibn Qayyim had this to say about
Sufis. He says, "We can witness the greatness of the people of Sufism
in the eyes of the earliest generations of Muslims by what has been
mentioned by Sufyan ath-Thawri, one of the greatest Imams in the 2nd
century and one of the foremost legal scholars. He said, 'If it had
not been for Abu Hisham as-Sufi, I would never have perceived the
action of the subtle forms of hypocrisy in theself.' [Manzil
Moving on to the Wahhabi leader Ibn Abdul Wahhab , whose followers we
generally know as Wahhabis, and his views on Sufis. His son Abd Allah
says, "My father and I do not deny or criticise the science ofSufism,
but on the contrary we support it because it purifies the external and
the internalof the hidden sins whichare related to the heart and the
outward form. Even though the individual might externally be on the
right way, internally he might be on the wrong way. Sufism is
necessary to correct it." [Ad Dia'at Al Mukhththafa Didd Ash Shaykh
Ibn Abdul Wahab, P85]
Coming on now to the religious "reformers" of this century, we see
that they all praised and agreed with Sufism, however, the followers
of these reformers are under the dilution that their leaders denounced
Sufism as being out of Islam.
Muhammad Abduh said ,"Sufism appeared in the 1st century of Islam and
it received tremendous honour. It purified the self, straightened the
conduct and gave knowledge to people from the wisdom and secrets of
the Divine Presence." [Majallat Al Muslim, P24]
Rashid Rida said ,"Sufism, was a unique pillar from the pillars of the
religion. Its purpose was to purify the self and to take account of
one's daily behaviour and to raise the people to a high station of
spirituality." [Ibid, P726]
Abul Hasan Ali An-Nadwi said , "The Sufis initiate people in Oneness
and sincerity in following theSunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W) , in
repentance from their sins and in avoidance of every disobedience to
Allah, Almighty and Exalted. Their guides encourage them to move in
the wayof perfect Love of Allah." [Muslims in India, PP140-146]
Abul Ala Mawdudi says ,"Sufism is a reality whose signs are the loveof
Allah and the love of the Prophet (S.A.W) , where one absents oneself
for their sake and one is annihilated from anything other than them.
It instructs ushow to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet (S.A.W)
." [ Mabadi Al Islam, P17]
Further he says, "The Shariah and Sufism; what is the similitude of
the two? They are like the body and the soul. The body is the external
knowledge, the Shariah, and the spirit is the internal knowledge."
All references presented in this article have been reproduced from the
book ' The Naqshbandi Sufi Way ' written by Sheikh Hisham Al-Kabbani
of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order.
In conclusion it can be established from the above information that
Sufism is Islam. If anyonechooses to deny Sufism, then they must
reflect ontheir own arrogance akin to the arrogance of shaitan. Let
them not accuse Sufism on the basis of coming across false people who
claim to be Sufis. Let them think by studying the lives and practices
of real Sufis, who practise Shariah to the letter and guide people to
the truth. It is a historical fact that the Sufis are responsible for
spreading Islam throughout the world. It is the Sufis that have
converted the majority of non Muslims to Islam.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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