Tuesday, November 13, 2012

stories »I hate you because I love you, and it hurts of this…!

I hate you so much!
I hate you, because you make me fall asleep in tears every night… and
with each tear I hate you more, because it hurts me more. I hate you,
because you frozen the blood in my veins…and you made the smile vanish
of my face.
I hate you, because any object is reminding of you … and you left my
soul rambling naked. I hate you so much, that your name leaves me
breathless, but when I hear it the hope for tomorrow is taken away. I
hate your shadow – your silhouette is e reflection of everything I
watch with contempt.
I hate you because I fell in love with you! I hate you because I can't
stand without you. I hate you because you steal my heart and you make
it incapable of loving somebody else. I hate you because you are so
far away from me… and the memory is burning me out.
I hate you because my life is senseless without you! I hate you
because everything beautiful is related with you and… with love. I
hate you because
I love you and it hurts of this…!

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