Monday, November 5, 2012

She has received a marriage proposal from a young man who suffers from social phobia

I am a young woman, twenty-five years old. I have received a marriage
proposal from a young man who is religiously committed and
respectable, and is one and a half years younger than me, but
hesuffers from social phobia and extreme shyness, to the point that he
told me frankly that he cannot imagine himself with a woman ina closed
room. He told me that he is going to seek treatment and that he will
get better after he has been married for a while. The problem is that
I am very shy and I would like my husband to have a strong character,
especially in sexual relations. I also suffered from waswaas with
regard to purification, but I have been healed from that, praise be to
My question is: should I accept this young man? Could our
psychological problems affect our children in the future and cause
them to inherit these mental illnesses?.
Praise be to Allaah.
We praise Allah for your recovery from waswaas, and we ask Him, may He
be glorified, to completeHis blessings and grace to you.
Social phobia is a kind ofpsychological disorder, that has its causes
and ways of treating it; it varies in its degree and intensity.
What this suitor has mentioned about difficulty in being alone with a
woman and so on, all comes under the heading of the symptoms of this
Our advice to you is not to go ahead and marry this suitor until he
has recovered from this illness, or it is apparent that he is only
suffering mildly from it. This can be found out by asking his friends
and neighbours, and the people at his mosque. Your guardian should ask
about him and find out about that, and also ask this suitor about the
stages of this illness and his treatment, and he should also check
with the doctor who is in charge of his treatment, if possible.
It is important that his looking to get married be based on his desire
and need, and it should not be in response to pressure from his family
or anyone else.
We ask Allah to decree happiness, guidance andwell-being for you.
And Allah knows best.

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