Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sayyeda Zainab (sa), the sage of Bani Hashim

Ibn Abbas quoted Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) as having said that her
daughter Zainab, likeher father, was unparalleled in literary
eloquence and courage. The speech she delivered in the assembly in
presence of Yazid was at the zenith of eloquence and impressiveness.
(Refer Famous Women, Dr. Ahmed Beheshti, and p.51)
After the demise of Prophet Muhammad (saw), there came the period of
distress and hardship in the life of Sayyeda Zainab (sa). She stood by
her mother as far as the question of supreme mandate of her father was
concerned. When her mother delivered the Fadak sermon, she was only 4
years old, but narrated the sermon so lucidly andexpressively that the
people from Bani Hashim remembered it by heart. Later the Shiite
scholars recorded it that is why she is called Zainab the narrator of
Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) Marriage
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) grewinto a fine stature young woman. When the time
came for marriage, she was married in a simple ceremony to her first
cousin, Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar. Her marriage settlement was equal
to that of her mother's. Imam Ali (as) told Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar
not to prevent Sayyeda Zainab (sa) from going on a journey with Imam
Hussein (as), her brother.
Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyarhad been brought up under the direct care of
Prophet Muhammad (saw). After his death, Imam Ali (as) became his
supporter and guardian until he came of age. He grew up to be a
handsome youth with pleasing manners and was known for his sincere
hospitality to guests and selfless generosity to the poor and needy.
Although Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) husband was a man of means, she lived a
modest life, not a life of luxury. She and herhusband were charitable
to the needy people. The Arab tribes called Abdullah Ibn Ja'far
Tayyar"the sea or the cloud of munificence".
The marriage of Sayyeda Zainab (sa) did not diminish her strong
attachment to her family.Together this young couple had five children,
of whom four were sons, Ali, Aun, Muhammad, and Abbas, and one
daughter,Umm Kulthum.

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