Monday, November 5, 2012

Remembering Often the Ender of Pleasures

You're sitting comfortably on the sofa watching your favorite
television show with your favorite person. Your laughter abruptly
stops and you're spellbound as your eyes hold an image you've never
seen before. And before you can say anything, your eyes are forever
closed as your soul is torn away from your body.
Are you ready to meet your Lord?
The angel of death can come knocking on your door as an uninvited
guest at any time and without a moment's notice.
You can't turn off the lights and pretend not to be home, for evenif
you do, he'll find a way in.
You'll be hauled back to the One who Created you, ready or not.
Whether you're an ambitious youth with dreams and hopes about the
future, or a wise elder with fond memories of the past, death is
inevitable and its arrival is unknown to you.
So it only makes sense that every breath of ours should be spent inthe
worship of the One who has granted these breaths because none of us
know which breath will be our last.
You may ask, how can I constantly be in a state of worship? Simple
answer, though difficult to follow at times: Live life in accordance
with the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad .
It's all about the intentions, and the sincerity of those intentions.
The Prophet has said: "Deeds result only from the intentions ofthe
actor. And an individual is rewarded only according to that which he
intends." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Take the simple act of eating for example.
If done with the intention of nourishing our bodies in order toworship
our Lord, it becomes an act of worship itself. Imagine that, something
as enjoyable as eating can gather up good deeds for you.
Of course you would want to keep the eating in check though! Take a
sip of water with the name of Allaah while sitting, in small amounts,
and then thank Him Almighty after, and the number of good deeds keeps
adding up.
Just the same, the routines of ourdaily grind can all become acts of
worship when we do them to refine our intentions and by emulating the
example of our beloved Prophet .
When working to constantly be conscious of Allaah, The Most High,
having that Taqwa (piety) and simply being aware that He The Most High
is watching over us at every moment will help us keep ourselves from
doing anything that would bring the displeasure of Allaah Almighty.
Knowing that death can come to us at the precise moment you decided to
look just once more atthe sister across the room will help us keep our
gaze lowered.
Remembering death does something else too. It forces us to realize the
reality of this world. It too will come to an end one day.
Life in this world is temporary and merely a means for us to fulfill
the reason why we were created in the first place: To worship the One
true God, Allaah alone. Realizing this truth, enables us to live as a
traveler as the Prophet taught us.
And if we were to die unexpectedly, what about those kids from high
school that you once fought with over somethingyou can't even remember
now and severed ties with them? Or that cousin that you haven't talked
to in ages because they didn't come to your wedding!
The Prophet Muhammad has said: "When the believers cross [the traverse
over] Hellfire, they will be stopped at a small arched bridge,
Qantarah, before enteringthe Garden, and will be given retribution for
injustices betweenthem until they become purified. Then they will be
permitted to enter Jannah or Paradise. So, by the One in Whose Hands
is my soul, they will know their way to their homes in Jannah, better
than they know their ways to their homes in this world." [Al-Bukhaari]
Thus, Al-Qantarah is a small bridge after the Siraat (the Traverse)
that the believers will have to cross before entering Jannah
(Paradise). Allaah, the All-Mighty, will ask the believers to settle
their issues here, right in front of the gates of the Paradise. And
your good deeds will continue to go to the person you've wronged till
they forgive you, and if you run out of good deeds, their bad deeds
will go over to you.
Now, is that fight really worth it?
My dearest readers; do yourself a favor today. Save yourself while
you're still a traveler in this worldand reconcile with the folks you
know you need to.
Send your apologies. Free yourself of this burden and save yourself
before it's too late.
Let us all prepare to meet our Lord, before the Angel of Death comes to meet us.

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