Friday, November 9, 2012

Muslims – What does the Qur’an say about Isa (Jesus)?

Over 1400 years ago, Muhammad (Mohammed)was born in Arabia. His father
Abdullah was of the tribe of Qureyshi, anddied before Muhammad was
As a lad, Muhammad traveled to Syria with his uncle on merchant
caravans. Years later, he made the same journey while working for a
wealthy widow named Khadijah. He later married her and, even though he
was 15 years younger than she was, they had a good marriage.
Muhammad soon gained rank among the notables of Mecca. The Meccans
claimed to be descendants of Abraham (Ibrahim).
As one who abhorred evil, Muhammad detestedthose who disobeyed
theScriptures. He was familiar with the teachings of the Jewish and
Christian holy book the Bible (perhaps in reading it himself, if he
was literate, or in learning of it through oral means via
storytelling). He was very upset with the hypocrisy among the people:
the idol worship, and anything dishonoring to God was very revolting
toHim. He believed that Allah had revealed the Torah and the gospels
(the Injil).
"ALLAH is HE besides Whom there is none worthy of worship, the Living,
the Self-Subsistingand All-Sustaining. HE hassent down to thee the
Book containing the truth and fulfilling that which precedes it; and
HEhas sent down the Torah (Law of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus)
before this, as a guidance to the people; and HE has sent down the
Discrimination (judgement between right and wrong)."—Qur'an, Surah
One who was greatly respected by Muhammad was Abraham (Ibrahim), whom
he called an upright and righteous man.
"Abraham was indeed a paragon of virtue, obedient to ALLAH, ever
inclined to HIM, and he was not of those who set up equals with ALLAH;
Ever grateful for HIS favours: HE chose him and guided him to a
straight path. And WE bestowed on him good in this world, and in the
Hereafter he will surely be among the righteous. And now WE have sent
revelation to thee, enjoining, 'Follow the way of Abraham who was ever
inclined to ALLAH and was not of those who set up equals to
HIM.'"—Qur'an, Surah 16:121-124
Abraham was also lookedupon as one who fulfilledGod's commands:
"And remember when hisLord tried Abraham with certain commandments
which he fulfilled, HE said, 'I will make thee a leader of men.'
Abraham asked, 'And from among my offspring?' God said, 'MY covenant
does not embrace the transgressors.'"—Qur'an, Surah 2:125
Muhammad also had great understanding of the scriptures and faith in
the angels who told Zechariah he would havea son (as in Luke 1:18,
"So her Lord accepted her with gracious acceptance and caused her to
grow an excellent growth and made Zachariah her guardian. Whenever
Zachariah visited her in the chamber, he found with her provisions. He
said, 'OMary whence hast thou this ?' She replied, 'It is from ALLAH.'
Surely ALLAH gives to whomsoever HE pleases without measure.
Then and there did Zachariah pray to his Lord, saying, 'My Lord grant
me from Thyself pure offspring; surely thou art the Hearer of Prayer.'
And the angels called to him as he stood praying in the chamber,
'ALLAH gives thee glad tidings ofYahya, who shall testify to the truth
of a word from ALLAH – noble and chaste and a Prophet, from among the
He said 'My Lord, how shall I have a son, when old age has overtaken
me already, and my wife is barren?' He answered, 'Such is the way of
ALLAH;HE does what HE pleases,'
He said 'My Lord, give me a commandment.' He replied, 'The commandment
for thee isthat thou shalt not speak to men for three days except by
And remember thy Lord much and glorify HIM in the evening and in the
early morning.' And remember when the angels said, 'ALLAH has chosen
thee and purified thee and chosen thee above all women of the time.
'O Mary, be obedient to thy Lord and prostrate thyself and worship the
one God with those who worship HIM.'
This is of the tidings of things unseen which WE reveal to thee. And
thou was not with them when they cast their arrows, as to which of
them should be the guardian of Mary, nor was thou with them when they
disputed with one another.
When the angels said, 'O Mary, ALLAH gives thee glad tidings of a son
through a word from HIM; his name shall be theMessiah, Jesus, son of
Mary, honoured in this world and in the next, and of those who are
granted nearness to God;
'And he shall speak to thepeople in the cradle, and when of middle
age, and he shall be of the righteous.
She said, 'My Lord, how shall I have a son, when no man has touched
me? He said, 'Such is the way of ALLAH. HE creates what HE pleases.
When HE decrees a thing HE says toit 'Be,' and it is;"—Qur'an,Surah
Muhammad also speaks of the resurrection of Jesus :
"Thereupon she pointed to him. They said, 'How can we talk to one who
isa child in the cradle?' Jesus said, 'I am a servantof ALLAH. HE has
given methe Book, and has made me a Prophet; 'And HE hasmade me
blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me Prayer and
almsgiving so long as I live; 'And HE has made medutiful towards my
mother, and has not made me arrogant and graceless; 'And peace wason
me the day I was born, and peace will be on me the day I shall die,
and the day I shall be raised up to life again.' That was Jesus, son
of Mary. This is a statement of the truth concerning which they
entertain doubt."—Qur'an, Surah 19:30-35
In calling Jesus a messenger, Muhammad was also correct. He did not
mean that Jesus was not the Messiah. Muhammad knew that one could be a
messenger and not be a Messiah… but as The Messiah, one is also a
Jesus was both a messenger and The Messiah that Allah had promised!
What is a Messiah? A Messiah is always known as "a Saviour… a
liberator and a deliverer." God had promised to send one (Messiah) to
pay the debt of sin for all mankind.
The Messiah!… God's gift to sinful man… The Saviour… The Liberator…
Our Redeemer. The prophets of the Torah foretold of His coming.
Muhammad and his Disciples revered Him… the Qur'an and the Bible
reveal Him! The Messiah…The Saviour of the world!Neither the Qur'an
nor the Bible speak of any other as being the Messiah!!!
Dear friend, that is the most profound truth! Andit is truth that
cannot be denied. Jesus is the one and only Messiah. He is the
Saviour. He is the Messiah of the Muslims, the Jews, and the Gentiles.
Millions throughout the world of every nation and creed accept Him as
Many have followed falseMessiahs and had their lives ended in death.
They were sincere, but they were sincerely wrong. Had they only
accepted the indisputable claim that Jesus is the Messiah, they would
have found the peace that they were looking for, and the eternal life
that God has promised to all who will accept Jesus as Messiah… the
Saviour of the world. Yes, Isah Al Masih loves you! The Messiah that
Muhammad wrote about… to forgive you and to be your Saviour… your
Liberator… your Deliverer from sin. History tells us that He was
crucified and died on a cross. History tells us that three days later
there was an empty tomb. History, and hundreds of eye witnesses, tell
us that He rose from the dead. But sadly many also reject thelove and
forgiveness God has offered in Jesus.
Allah has given you a freewill. YOU must make a choice. You cannot be neutral.
Don't take this writer's word for it. Investigate for yourself the
claims of Muhammad, the prophecies in the Torah, and the life of Jesus
written in the Bible. The prophecies that were fulfilled by His birth,
life, death and resurrection.
Check out the reasons why Paul, the greatest persecutor of Jesus'
followers, became such a strong believer in Jesus as the Messiah… and
why he became the world's greatest missionary.
If you are not already a follower of Isah (Jesus), you must make a
choice 1) to believe that Jesus is the Messiah OR 2) to reject Him as
Saviour. Youcan choose to believe theMessiah, Jesus, who said He
would, and did, rise from the dead. Allah gaveJesus, born miraculously
through Mary (Maryam, Sura 3:45) as Muhammed agreed, to the world… for
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
life."—John 3:16
("Son of God" does not mean that God had physical relations with Mary,
but rather that Godwilled it supernaturally that Mary would become the
earthly mother of Jesus even as a virgin. See Surah 3:47-48)
Allah loves you. How could anyone want to reject such a wonderful
love… reject Allah's forgiveness… His promises of eternal life? The
Bible teaches how we can know where we will spend eternity.
Explore what the Scripture teaches…
How can I be assured of spending eternity with Allah (God) in Paradise? Answer
Learn more about Jesus Christ. Who was he? Whatdid he claim? Was he
resurrected from the dead? Go…
The Messiah – Was Jesus really him?
Fulfilled prophecies about Jesus
Was Christ's body stolen?
Did Jesus really die?
Were the witnesses hallucinating?
What's so important about all this?
Resurrection – Did Christ really rise from the dead?
What does the Islam teach about the crucifixion of Isa (Jesus)?
Is the resurrection a myth?
What about all those Biblical contradictions?
How do we know the Bible is true?
Hasn't Evolution proved the Bible is wrong?
How can the Bible be infallible if it was writtenby fallible humans?
Divinity – Is Jesus Christ really God?
Do Christians worship three gods?
Muslims are seeking the truth by the thousands. Visit and learn about Hazrat Isa, dreams and visions
ofthe "Man in White", the holy message of the Al-Kitab, and more…

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