Monday, November 12, 2012

Imam Abu Hamid Al Ghazzali (R.A) - Sufism Biographies

I mam Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali was born in Tus in north-east Persia in
1058, three years afterthe Seljuks had taken over the rulership in
Baghdad. He followed the traditional course of theological studies
based on the study of Qur'an, the recorded actions and sayings of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and Islamic Law according to the school of
Imam Shafi'i. In the course of time, he was appointed as a professorat
the Nizamiyya religious school in Baghdad, where he taught theology
and Islamic Law.
In 1095, Imam al-Ghazzali went through a severe inner breakdown, a
spiritual crisis, and so, having ensured that his family was well
provided for, he left his teaching position to enter the spiritual
life. He encountered many Sufis during his travels and underwent
several spiritual disciplines. Later on, he returned to his home town,
now a completely transformed man, and resumed his teaching up until
his death in 1111.
Imam al-Ghazzali's book Revival of the Religious Sciences is
considered tobe his greatest work. It is the fruit of his religious
scholarship combined with his inner spiritual experience. His teaching
and preaching after his inner awakening consisted of the transmission
of the inner sciences and the integration of Sufi practices with
strict adherence to the outer Islamic Law. This made him one of the
most influential theologians in the Muslim world, as well as making
the orthodox religious scholars take Sufi movements seriously.
One of his famous sayings is, "Those which are learned about, for
example, the laws of divorce, can tell you nothing about the simpler
aspects of spiritual life, such as the meaning of sincerity towards
God or trust in Him."


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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