Thursday, November 22, 2012

He gives an employee ofthe company a percentage to arrange a meeting between him and the manager

I work in a media and advertising agency. Sometimes an employee from a
company comes and does some work with me, and if he brings me work
from thecompany I give him a percentage, as I give to representatives.
Please note that there is no bidding; rather it is so that he can
arrange a meeting between me and his manager or show him our prices.
Praise be to Allaah.
If there is no bidding and this employee is not responsible for
looking for offers and prices, there is nothing wrong with you giving
him some money or a percentage in return for his help and brokerage.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about the
ruling on looking forsomeone to rent a store or apartment in return
for payment from the one whose request is met.
He replied: There is nothing wrong with that; this is a fee and is
called commission. But you have to try hard to look for a suitable
place that the person wants torent. If you help him with that and find
a suitable place for him, and you help him to come to an agreement on
the rent with the landlord, there is nothing wrong with that, in sha
Allah, on condition that there is no betrayal or deceit; rather it is
done in an honest and truthful manner. If you are honest in looking
for what he wants without any deceit or wrongdoing towards him or
towards the landlord, then you will be fine, in sha Allah.
End quote from Fataawa ash-Shaykh Ibn Baaz (19/358)
See also the answer to question no. 45726
But if the employee is responsible for looking for offers and prices,
in that case taking money comes under the heading of bribes and gifts
to workers that are haraam, because of the report narrated by
al-Bukhaari (7174) and Muslim (1832) from Abu Humayd as-Saa'idi (may
Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) appointed a man from
al-Asad who was called Ibn al-Lutbiyyah in charge of the zakaah. When
he came he said: This is for you, and this was given to me. The
Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) stoodup
on the minbar and praised and glorified Allaah, and said: "What isthe
matter with an agent whom I send, and he says, 'This is for you and
this was given to me'? Why doesn't he sit in the house of his father
or the house of his mother and see if he is given anything or not. By
the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, no one of you gets
anything from it (unlawfully), but he will bring it on the Day of
Resurrection, carryingit on his shoulders, even if it is a groaning
camel, a lowing cow or a bleating sheep." Then heraised his arms and
said: "O Allaah, have I conveyed (the message)?" three times.

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