Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hazrat Pir Shah JewnaAl-Naqvi Al-Bokhari (R.A)

Spread of Islam in sub-continent is the fruitof the hard labour of
sufis and saints. The Darbar of Hazrat Shah Jewna enjoys a prominent
place in this prestigious list. The aim of all the saints of this
lineage was to spread the message of Islam.
The forefathers of the Syeds of Hazrat Shah Jewna, Makhdoom Syed
Jalalud Din Surkh Bukhari preached the message of Islam to Chengiz
Khan, who became very furious andthrew the saint into fire. But by the
grace of Almighty Allah the fire turned into a garden of roses.
Makhdoom stood smiling with flames all around him. (Tareekh-e-Uch by
Abdur Rahman).
The barbaric Tartars were stunned by this karamat and their
leaderChengiz Khan embraced Islam at that very moment.
Daira-e-Maarif-e-Islamiya mentions this incident in the
"The tales and traditions of Eastern Turkistan, like "Chengiz Nama's
portray this ruler of the world just like a Muslim Turk ruler. And the
traditions dating back to the start of the 15th century which have
found mention in the poetic works of Ahmedi and Anwari also say that
Chengiz Khan and his grandson Helugu Khan despite being non-Muslim had
an inclination towards Islam."
To introduce Islam to a barbaric nation like Tartars is a great
achievement for the Syeds of Shah Jewna. Hazrat Shah Jewna is linked
to Hazrat Imam AliNaqi by 16 generations and Makhdoom Syed Jalalud Din
Surkh Bukhari by eight generations. He was born in 895 A.H. (1493
A.D.) in Qanauj during the reign of Sikandar Lodhi, Bilal Zuberi
"When Hazrat Shah Jewna was born his father had a dream in which he
saw that a third Chiragh (lamp) hadbeen lit in his house. When he saw
the three lamps radiating light, he immediately packed up and returned
to Qanauj. On reaching home he hugged his son, kissed his forehead and
remarked that his child would earn a name in sainthood. He named
thechild Mahboob-e-Alam."
The grandfather of Hazrat Shah Jewna, SyedZain ul Abideen and father
Syed Shah Kabir were noted scholars of their time. In the field of
spiritualism, he benefited from both of them. He got education in
Arabic, Persian, Quran,Tafsir, Hadith and Islamicjurisprudence from
his teacher Qazi Bahauddin. And thus became a renowned scholar. The
fame of his piety and simple lifestyle spread tofar-flung places and
many ulema and dervishes of his time started paying visits to him.
Hazrat Shah Jewna was born wali. During childhood he started showing
his spiritual powers. One of these was the acquisition of religious
His grandfather Syed Zainul Abideen once saidthat Hazrat Shah Jewna
had some amazing innerpowers due to which he would immediately learnby
heart every knowledge that was imparted to him. And it would seem as
if they had become his second nature. He would alwaysremain with
ablution. His concentration and humility during namaz was exemplary.
He was amystic and had completed the difficult stages of
Ishq-e-Illahi. That is why his was a blessed soul.
In 960 A.H. (1558 A.D.) Hazrat Shah Jewna left Qanauj and undertook a
journey for preaching Islam. It was during the reign of Emperor Akbar.
For some time Hazrat Shah Jewna stayed in Hyderabad Deccan. Then went
to the shrine of Hazrat Khawaja Nasiruddin Chirag-e-Dehli. There he
got a hint about going to the southern part of subcontinent. So he
came to Lahore. Here in dream he met his forefather Hazrat Sher Shah
Jalalud Din Surkh Bukhari. He also gave him the same message.
Therefore Hazrat Shah Jewna started his southward journey again and
reached Pail Padhrar. In those days this area used to be barren. Here
in wildness he established his abodeand started reciting the following
"See you not that Allah sends down water (rain)from the sky and causes
it to penetrate the earth,as water springs, and afterward thereby
produces crops of different colours." (Al-Zumr: 21)
Within a few days, watersprouted from the hard soil. People got water
and food. Vegetation began to sprout and the whole place turned green.
Even to this day a well testifies the miraculous spiritual power of
Hazrat Shah Jewna. It is known as 'Pirda Kunwan' or 'Well of the Pir'.
People drink this water to their fill and get relief from bodily and
spiritual ailments.
For quite some time Hazrat Shah Jewna remained in Pail Padhrar. The
headstrongtribes of these areas embraced Islam at his hands. After
staying in Pail Padhrar for some time, he left for Jhang.
This place was not new for him. The city was set up by his forefather
Makhdoom Jalalud Din Surkh Bukhari. The Siyal tribe of Jhang was the
Murid of Makhdoom Jalalud Din Surkh Bukhari.
He had a special inclination towards surah Muzammil. He recited this
surah crores of times in the wilderness near the Chenab river and
reigned over the hearts of the barbaric tribes.
That is why he became popular as "Pir Karoriya"(Leader of Millions).
He would spend days together in this area andall the time his pious
followers would remain near him to obtain his blessings.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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