Thursday, November 29, 2012

Disciplining Oneself

How can the Muslim discipline himself Islamically, especially if he
has shortcomings with regard to his religious commitment, which Allaah
knows bestabout?
Praise be to Allaah.
Acknowledging your shortcomings is one of the first steps in
disciplining yourself.
Whoever acknowledges that he has shortcomings has startedon the path
to self-discipline. This acknowledgement is one of the things that
make us discipline ourselves and be persistent in doing so. This
acknowledgement should not put you off disciplining yourself. It isa
sign of Allaah's care when a person tries to change himself and
develop, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Verily, Allaah will not change the condition of a people as long as
they do not change their state themselves"
[al-Ra'd 13:11]
So whoever tries to change for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will help
him to change.
Each person is individually responsible for his own self, and will be
questioned individually, as Allaah says (interpretation of the
"There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most
Gracious (Allaah) as a slave.
Verily, He knows each one of them, and has counted them a full counting.
And everyone of them will come to Him alone on the Day of
Resurrection (without any helper, or protector or defender)"
[Maryam 19:93-95]
Man cannot benefit fromwhat he has been told about goodness unless he
himself takes an interest in that. Do you not know the story of the
wife of Nooh and the wife of Loot, who were members of the households
of two Prophets, one of whom was one of the Messengers of strong will?
Imagine how these Prophets strove to guidetheir wives and how much
guidance these wives received, but there was no interest on their
part, so it was said to both of them:
"Enter the Fire along with those who enter!"
[al-Tahreem 66:10 – interpretation of the meaning]
Whereas the wife of Pharaoh – even though she was a member of
thehousehold of one of the greatest evildoers – is presented by Allaah
as an example to those who believe because shedisciplined herself.
The ways in which a Muslim can discipline himself are as follows:
1- Worshipping Allaah,keeping in contact with Him and submitting
to Him. That is done by paying attention to doing obligatory acts of
worship well, and cleansing your heart of any attachment to anything
other than Allaah.
2- Reading Qur'aan a great deal, pondering itsmeanings and seeking
to understand it.
3- Reading useful religious books that describe the ways of
treating and cleansing the heart, such as Mukhtasar Manhaaj
al-Qaasideen, Tahdheeb Madaarij al-Saalikeen and so on; reading the
biographies of the salaf (pious predecessors) andlearning about their
attitude and behaviour, such as Sifat al-Safwah by Ibn al-Jawzi and
Aynanahnu min Akhlaaq al-Salaf by Baha' al-Deen'Aqeel and Naasir
4- Attending educational programs such as classes and lectures.
5- Making good use of your time and using it todo things that will
be of benefit in both worldly and spiritual terms
6- Not indulging too much in permissible things and not paying too
much attention to them.
7- Keeping company with righteous people and looking for righteous
companions, who can help you to do good. Those who live alone will
miss out on a lot of the characteristics of a good brother such as
preferring others to oneself and being patient.
8- Trying to act on what you learn and put it into practice.
9- Checking closely on yourself.
10-Having confidence in yourself – whilst relying on Allaah – because
the one who has no confidence cannot act.
11-Despising yourself fornot doing enough for the sake of Allaah. This
does not contradict the things mentioned above.Man has to strive hard
whilst still thinking that his efforts are not enough.
12-Practising withdrawal or isolation as prescribed in sharee'ah
(Islamic law). You should not mix with people all the time, rather you
must have some time which you spend alone, in worship as prescribed in
We ask Allaah to help us and you to discipline ourselves and submit to
that which Allaah loves and is pleased with. May Allaah send blessings
and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad andupon his family and companions.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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