Thursday, November 29, 2012

Battle of al-Ahzab (Tribes), Battle of Khandaq (Ditch, Moat, Trench):

The Qureshite communityhad one important dream: The destruction of
Mohammed and his religion. Pagan tribes outside Mecca were sharing
with them the same dream. Like the Meccans, these tribes considered
Mohammed a serious menace to their religion. This belief brought these
tribes and the Muslims into military confrontations in which the
Muslims had the upper hand. These tribes,therefore, were like the
Meccan community full ofresentment and rancor towards Mohammed and his
Non-Pagan Tribes
There were clashes between the Muslims andsome of the people of
scripture who were neighboring Medina caused by their breaching of
covenants with the Holy Prophet. Tribes from among them such as Banu
Al-Natheer and others were exiled by the Prophet.
A delegation from these people went to Mecca and other Arab
communities during the fifth year after the Hijrah,propagating war
against the Prophet and attempting to mobilize the Arab forces for the
proposed war. They did not need much effort to persuade the Meccans to
a military undertaking against the Prophet. Their response to the
invitation was prompt, and without hesitation, they mobilized four
thousand fighters. This army was supplemented with six thousands from
Ghatafan, Saleem, and other tribes. Thus, ten thousands strong marched
towards Medina.
The Holy Prophet received the news of the imminent invasion a few days
before their arrival at Medina. He consulted his companions, and
Salman Al-Farisi (the Persian) advised the Prophet to dig a moat
around Medina to prevent the invaders from entering it. The Messenger
commanded the Muslims (who were about three thousands) to implement
the plan. The moat was dug withinsix days.
Witnessing the moat, the invaders were surprised and realized that it
had become difficult for themto enter Medina. Thus they found it
necessary to besiege Medina instead of invading it directly. Banu
Quraidhah,a community from the followers of the Scripture, joined the
pagan army after its arrival. This community had a covenant of peace
with the Prophet. Their treacherous action was a frightening surprise
to the Muslims. By breaching the covenant, this community gave the
pagan army additional forces and equipment. It became the duty of the
Muslims to add to their defensive lines another line.
The Muslims in horror
There were many hypocrites among the Muslims who circulated
frightening rumors, which added to the fear of the Muslims. The Holy
Qur'an tells us of the psychological crisis with which the Muslims
lived during that period:
"Behold! They came uponyou from above you and from below you, and when
the eyes grew wildand the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye
imagined various (vain) thoughts about God! In that situation the
believers were tried: They were shaken with a mighty Shock. And
behold! The hypocrites and those in whose hearts there is disease
(even) say: God and His Apostle promised us nothing but delusion!
Behold! A party among them said: O people of Yathrib (Medina), you
cannot stand (the attack),therefore turn back! And a band of them ask
for leave of the Prophet, saying: Truly our houses are bare and
exposed though they were not exposed; they intended nothing but to
flee." (33:10-13)
The pagan army, on the contrary, was enjoying an extremely high
morale. Victory to them was certain. Medina was under their siege, and
its inhabitants did not possess the courage to come out of it. Their
confidence in victory andmorale went higher when Banu Quraidhah joined
them. This made them change their strategy from the siege of Medina to
a direct invasion.
Amr's Venture
Amr Ibn Abd Wodd, accompanied by Dhirar Ibn Al-Khattab, Akramah Ibn
Abu Jahl, and others, sought and found a narrow place in the moat.
Their horses leaped above the moat tothe other side. Had this
adventure succeeded many pagan fighters were expected to follow them
and make it feasible for the whole army to pass through that narrow
place, for they could have spanned the two sides of the ditchby
filling that narrow gap with soil.
The Muslims were in a state of shock and horrorbefore the passage of
these pagan soldiers to their side. The new danger, which was
presented by their passage, made the morale of the Muslims much lower
than before.
Men of strong faith
Though the hearts of most of the Muslims werefilled with fear, some of
them were unshaken by the new danger. It rathermade their faith
strongerin God, His Messenger, and the promised victory.These
individuals were ready to sacrifice themselves and one of them
certainly was determined to try to confine the danger, then to remove
it. The Holy Qur'an tells us of the morale of these believers.
When the believers saw the confederate forces, they said: This is what
God and His Apostle had promised us. And God and His Apostle told us
what is true. And it only added to their faith and their zeal in
obedience."Among the believers aremen who have been true to their
covenant with God: Of them some have completed their vow (to the
extreme), and some (still) wait; but they have never changed (their
determination) in the least." (33:23)
The Holy Qur'an does not inform us of the number of those believers
whose faith was increased by the increase of the danger. These
believers may have been scores or just a few. However, faithsometimes
remains only as a state of mind without being transformed into action.
Some of the faith is active, flowing with vitality and moving the
faithful to face the danger and to rise to its level and above its
The number of these distinguished believers remained unknown.
Ali's Response
However, history informed us of one of them because of his outstanding
achievements at this battle, in confining and removing the danger,
which shook the very foundation of the Islamic state. That man was no
other than Ali Ibn Abu Talib.
Amr Ibn Wodd, who crossed the moat, was well known among the Arabs. He
attended the battle, boastfully making his place known to people. His
very passage from one side to the other side of the moat, accompanied
only by a small number of fighters, indicates that the man was
extremely courageous. He was the only one from among theten thousand
fighters who tried to invade the Muslims directly and challenge them
totally while he was with them on one side.
The passage of Amr and his companions presented to the Muslims a new
and serious danger and a frighteningsurprise, which they never
expected. The doorwas about to be opened widely, and hundreds and
thousands were expected to follow. The surprise, however, did not
frighten or astonish Ali. History informs us of Ali's
present-mindedness and fast response, for he immediately moved to
confine the danger, then to remove it. Leading a small number of
believers, he went immediately to the point where the Islamic defense
line was broken by the passage of Amr. Hehad his companions stand
there, preventing others from attempting to follow Amr. And after he
confined the new danger, he managed to remove it completely.
While mounting his horse, Amr went around the area of Sal'a, facing
the Muslims and challenging them: "Is there any dueler?" He repeated
this call but there was no response on the part of the companions.
This compelled Ali to leave his place where he was deterring the pagan
forces from following Amr by crossing the Moat.Responding to Amr's
challenge, he left that place temporarily to be defended by the few
who were with him.
He neared Amr and askedhim to face him in a duel.At this moment the
Prophet (S.A.W.) uttered this historical sentence: "Entire faith is
facing entire infidelity" . Amr arrogantly replied: "Why,son of my
brother (Amr was a friend of Abu Talib,father of Ali)? By God, I would
not like to kill you." Ali replied: "But, by God; I would love to kill
you." A short but extremely violent duel between the two heroes took
place. Ali killed Amr immediately and Amr's companions ran away,
trying to re-cross the moat from the Islamic side to the pagan side.
Ali exclaimed: "Allahu Akbar," (God is Great) and so did the Muslims.
The death of Amr was theend of the new danger. Those who were with him
ran away, trying to save their skin; but most of them were killed
before they could cross to the other side.
Ali made a great contribution in the defense of Islam at this battle
during which the danger against the new Faith reached its peak.
At this battle the Muslims faced a greater danger than ever before.
The elements of the Islamic defense were the same three elements which
played their roles during the two battles of Badr and Ohod: The
firmness of the Messenger and his ideal leadership: the heroism of
Ali; and the determination of the Islamic army.
A fourth element was added at this battle: The role of Salman
Al-Farisi (the Persian) who counseled the Prophet to dig the moat
around Medina.
The role of the Islamic army during the Battle of Ohod was smaller
than itsrole during the Battle of Badr. And it was less important at
the Battle ofthe Moat than it was at the Battle of Ohod, for the
Muslims during the Battle of the Moat did noteven dare face the enemy.
They only dug themoat around the city before the arrival of the pagan
army then stood behind the moat until theend of the battle.
The roles of the first two defensive elements were similar to their
roles at Badr and Ohod and probably bigger. The firmness of the
Messenger, his leadership, his war strategy and his speed in digging
the moat were most essential in making the Muslims pass the crisis
Ali's role at this battle was outstanding in the history of the Islamic defense.
The magnitude of Ali's contribution
It would not be logical to say that the Muslims wereunable
collectively to kill Amr, who could not by himself prevail against
thousands of Muslims. But this was not the case.Amr was calling for a
duel. A duel could only bebetween two persons. It was considered to be
shameful for two men or more to have a duel with one man. Amr
challengedall the Muslims to send one of them to have a duel with him.
None of them was willing to face him except Ali.
Nor would it be logical tosay that Amr was the entire power of the
pagan forces, and that his death was a defeat for the whole
confederate army. But it would be logical to affirm two important
1. Ali's initiative to block the passage point and prevent others from
following Amr had stopped the danger and confined it. Had the passage
point remained open, a great number of the pagan soldiers wouldhave
followed Amr and their passage could have resulted in establishing a
bridge between the two sides of the moat. Such a bridge would enable
the whole army to cross.
One hour of negligence could have led to a decisive defeat of the
Islamic army. This did nothappen because Ali was fast in his response
to thenew danger, present minded, calm and collective and ready to
deal with the serious crisis.
2. The death of Amr proved to the pagan army that they were unable to
pass the moat again, and that what Amrcould not accomplish could not
be accomplished by others. By this the pagan army had to face one of
two alternatives: Withdrawal, or continuation of the siege until the
Muslims surrender or were forcedto cross the moat and fight the
pagans. The continuity of the siege of Medina was beyond the ability
of the pagan army. It did not have the food supplies for ten thousand
fighters and their horses and camels, which could enable themto
continue the siege for several months or weeks.In addition, a
hurricane like wind went on causing the pagan army many damages and
making its life miserable. The hurricane was preceded by an argument
between the pagans and their Jewish allies, which made their
co-operation in the battle highly difficult.
Thus, there was only one alternative for the pagan army to take after
the failure of Amr and his death: The withdrawal and that is what they
We ought not to forget an important matter! Thedeath of Amr and most
ofhis companions raised the morale of the Muslims. Their hope in
continuity of life and in victory was revived. All this was a result
of Ali's endeavor, and by this wecan understand the meaning of the
declaration of the Prophet: "The duel of Ali Ibn Abu Talib against
AmrIbn Abd Wodd at the Battle of the Moat out weighs the good deeds of
my whole nation until the Day of Judgment."
The Confederate Army withdrew and the Muslims passed the crisis
safely. They regained their confidence concerning the future because
of failure of the Confederate forces after their biggest mobilization.
The Messenger said after their withdrawal: "After today, we shall
invade them and they will not invade us."


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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