Saturday, November 3, 2012

An-Nuayman ibn Amr - Biographies of the Companions (Sahabah)

In spite of the fact that he fought in the battles of Badr, Uhud,
Khandaq and other major encounters, an-Nuayman remained a
light-hearted personwho was quick at repartee and who loved to play
practical jokeson others.
He belonged to the Banu an-Najjar of Madinah and he wasamong the early
Muslims of the city. He was one of those who pledged allegiance to the
Prophet at the Second Pledge of Aqabah. He established links with the
Quraysh when he married the sister of Abdur Rahman ibn Awl and later
Umm Kulthum the daughter of Uqbah ibn Mu'ayt. She had obtained a
divorce from her husband az-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam on account of his
harshness and severity.
Unfortunately for a time an-Nuayman became addicted toalcohol. He was
caught drinking and the Prophet had him flogged. He was caught a
secondtime and then he had him flogged again. Because he still did not
give up the habit, the Prophet ordered that he be flogged with shoes.
When all this did not persuade him to stop drinking, the Prophet
finallysaid: "If he goes back (to drinking) then kill him."
This was a severe Pronouncement and Umayr, one of the companions of
the Prophet, understood from it that should he return to the drinking
of alcohol, an-Nuaymanwould go outside the pale of Islam and deserve
death. Umayr gave vent to his anger and disgust by saying: "La 'nat
Allah alayhi - may God's curse be on him."
The Prophet heard Umayr's imprecation and said: "No, no, don't do
(such a thing). Indeed he loves God and His Apostle. The major sin (as
this) does not put one outside the community and the mercy of God is
close to the believers."
While being firm, the Prophet still held out hope for an-Nuayman's
reform especially on account of his past sacrifices as a veteran of
Badr. Because he was not someone who went outof his way to conceal his
actions,it was easier for him to acknowledge his crimes and repent and
seek forgiveness from God. This he did and he won the favor of the
Prophet and his companions who enjoyed his pleasantries and his
infectious laughter.
Once an-Nuayman went to the suq and saw some food being sold which
appeared to be tasty and delightful. He ordered some and sent it to
the Prophet as if itwere a gift from him. The Prophet was delighted
with the food and he and his family ate ofit. The vendor of the food
then came to an-Nuayman to collect the price of it and an-Nuayman said
to him: "Go to the Messenger of God it was for him.He and his family
ate it."
The vendor went to the Prophet who in turn asked an-Nuayman:"Didn't
you give it to me?" "Yes,"said an-Nuayman. "I thought you would like
it and I wanted you to eat some of it so I had it presented to you.
But I don't have any dirhams to pay the vendor for it. So, pay, O
Messenger of God!"
The Prophet had a good laugh and so did his companions. The laugh was
at his expense, literally, for he had to pay the price of the
unsolicited gift. An-Nuayman felt that two benefits came out of the
incident: the Prophet and his family ate food that they enjoyed and
the Muslims had a good laugh.
Once Abu Bakr and some companions went on a trading expedition to
Busra. Various people on the trip were given fixed duties. Suwaybit
ibn Harmalah was made responsiblefor food and provisions. An-Nuayman
was one of the group and on the way he became hungry and asked
Suwaybit for some food. Suwaybit refused and an-Nuayman said to him:
"Do you know what I would yet do with you?" and went on to warn and
threaten him but still Suwaybit refused. An-Nuayman then went to a
group of Arabs inthe suq and said to them:"Would you like to have a
strongand sturdy slave whom I can sellto you." They said yes and
an-Nuayman went on: "He has got a ready tongue and is very articulate.
He would resist you and say: 'I am free.' But don't listen
to him"
The men paid the price of the slave - ten qala'is (pieces of gold)and
an-Nuayman accepted it andappeared to complete the transaction with
business-like efficiency. The buyers accompanied him to fetch theft
purchase. Pointing to Suwaybit, he said: "This is the slave whom I
sold to you."
The men took hold of Suwaybit and he shouted for dear life and
freedom. "I am free. I am Suwaybit ibn Harmalah..."
But they paid no attention to him and dragged him off by the neck as
they would have done with any slave.
All the while, an-Nuayman did not laugh or batter an eyelid. He
remained completely calm and serious while Suwaybit continued to
protest bitterly. Suwaybit's fellow travellers, realizing what was
happening, rushed to fetch Abu Bakr, the leader of the caravan, who
camerunning as fast as he could. He explained to the purchasers what
had happened and so they released Suwaybit and had their money
returned. Abu Bakr then laughed heartily and so did Suwaybit and
an-Nuayman. Back in Madinah, when the episode was recounted to the
Prophet and his companions, they all laughed even more.
A man once came to the Propheton a delegation and tethered hiscamel at
the door of the Masjid. The Sahabah noticed that the camel had a large
fat hump and their appetite for succulent tastymeat was stimulated.
They turned to Nuayman and asked:"Would you deal with this camel?"
An-Nuayman understood what they meant. He got up and slaughtered the
camel. The nomad Arab came out and realized what had happened when he
saw people grilling, sharing out and eating meat. He shouted in
distress: "Waa 'aqraah! Waa Naqataah! (O my camel!)"
The Prophet heard the commotion and came out. He learnt from the
Sahabah what had happened and began searching for an-Nuayman but did
not find him. Afraid of being blamed and punished, an-Nuayman had
fled. The Prophet then followed his footprints. These led to a
gardenbelonging to Danbaah the daughter of az-Zubayr, a cousin of the
Prophet. He asked the companions where an-Nuayman was. Pointing to a
nearby ditch, they said loudly so as not to alert an-Nuayman: "We
haven't found him, O Messenger of God."An-Nuayman was found in the
ditch covered with palm branches and leaves and emerged with dirt on
his head, beard and face. He stood in the presence of the Prophet who
took him by the head and dusted the dirt from his face while he
chuckled with laughter.The companions joined in the mirth. The Prophet
paid the price of the camel to its owner and they all joined in the
The Prophet obviously regarded an-Nuayman's pranks for what they were
light-hearted sallies that were meant to create somerelief and
laughter. The religion of Islam does not require peopleto disdain
seemly laughter and levity and remain perpetually gloomy. An
appropriate sense ofhumor is often a saving grace.
An-Nuayman lived on after the Prophet and continued to enjoy the
affection of Muslims. But did he put an end to his laughter? During
the caliphate of Uthman, a group of Sahabah were sitting in the
Masjid. They saw Makhramah ibn Nawfal, an old man who was about one
hundred and fifteen years old and obviously rather senile. He was
related to the sister of Abdur-Rahman ibn Awl, who was a wife of
Makhramah was blind. He was so weak that he could hardly move from his
place in the Masjid. He got up to urinate and might have done so in
the Masjid. But the companions shouted at him to prevent him from
doing so.. An-Nuayman gotup and went to take him to another place, as
he was instructed. What is this other place that an-Nuayman took
himto? In fact he took him only a short distance away from wherehe was
sitting at first and sat him down.
The place was still in the Masjid!
People shouted at Makhramah and made him get up again all ina frenzy.
The poor old man was distressed and said: "Who has done this?"
"An-Nuayman ibn Amr," he was told.
The old man swore and announced that he would bash an-Nuayman on the
head with his stick if he should meet him.
An-Nuayman left and returned. He was up to some prank of his again. He
saw Uthman ibn Allan, the Amir al-Muminim, performing Salat in the
Masjid. Uthman was never distracted when he stood for Prayer.
An-Nuayman also saw Makhramah. He went up to him and in a changed
voice said: "Do you want to get at an-Nuayman?"
The old man remembered what an-Nuayman had done. He remembered his vow
and shouted: "Yes, where is he?" An-Nuayman took him by the hand and
led him to the place where the Khalifah Uthman stood and said to him:
"Here he is!"
The old man raised his staff and bashed the head of
Uthman. Blood flowed and the people shouted: "It's the Amir al-Muminin!"
The dragged Makhramah away and some people set out to get an-Nuayman
but Uthman restrained them and asked themto leave him alone. In spite
of the blows he had suffered, he was still able to laugh at the deeds
of an-Nuayman.
An-Nuayman lived up to the timeof Muawiyah when fitnah saddened him
and discord filled him with anguish. He lost his levity and laughed no


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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