Thursday, November 29, 2012

An introduction to first infallible Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)

Quraish Tribe
The tribe of Quraish was taken into consideration as one of the most
respectable and honorable one amid the honorable Arab tribes of Hijaz
(The land which is now known as Saudi Arabia was known as Hijaz before
the Saudi dynasty came into existence).
The great grand father ofthe Prophet (P.B.U.H.) known as Kisa Bin
Kalab was custodian of the Kaabah (The Haram of God). Quraish were
divided into many different groups and Bani Hashim was the noblest one
out of them.
Hashim was considered to be a noble, wise and honorable one among the
people of Mecca. He helped and assisted the residents of Mecca and
started the trading business in the summer and winter for the
betterment of their lives. Therefore, the people gave him the title of
Syed. This is the very reason why those who are his successors and out
of his and Prophet's race are known as Syeds. The sons of Hashim
following him known as Mutalib and Abdul Mutalib became the guardians
and custodiansof Quraish. Abdul Mutalib was a great personality. This
was during his age that Abraha attacked Kaabah, but the Almighty God
destroyed him. This added to the greatness ofAbdul Mutalib. He loved
Abdullah very much. Abdullah was married to the noble girl Amina at
the age of twenty-four years.
Two months after the event of Amul-feel Amina bore a child who was
named Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). Before the Birth of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
his father Abdullah had passed away and after a short period his
mother too breathed her last. The Prophet's (P.B.U.H.) grandfather
Abdul Mutalib took over as his guardian. The son of Abdullah, the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) with the grace and mercy of God grew up to be such
a young man with spiritual purity that the people of Mecca loved him
and used to keep their belongings in his custody. This is the reason
he was called"Amin."
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), with his force of faith, backed and assisted
the poor and oppressed ones, took his meals along with them, lent
earto their words and solvedtheir problems.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), when some of the young ones organized an
association known as the"Commitment of youths", joined them and
started backing them because their aim was supportingthe tyrannized
ones and waging jihad (holy war) against the tyrants and cruel ones.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), as his uncle Abu Talib (A.S.) advised him,
joined the trade caravan of Khatija (A.S.) and due to his correct and
right work became the leader of the caravan.
After some time Khatija (A.S.) got impressed by his virtues and wished
his hand in marriage. He accepted the proposal and the richest lady of
Quraish put all her wealth into his feet (This wealth which was the
greatest possible treasure of the Arab world of those days, was later
on used by him for the sake of helping poor Muslims and spreading
Islam) and at his disposal.
Khatija (A.S.) gave birth to Fatima (A.S.), to whose race belong all
the Infallible Imams of Islamic Ummah.
The Sagacity of Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
After ten years of his marriage a strong flood came to Mecca, which
divested and plundered the Khanae Kaabah. To avoid dispute, the work
of reconstruction of Kaabah was distributed among various tribes but
when the building construction was completed and the time for fixing
the Hajar-e-Aswad (a black stone fixed on a corner of Kaabah)
approached, every tribe had the desire to achieve the honor of fixing
They got very close to a war. He gave the decisionthat the
Hajar-e-Aswad be placed on a sheet of cloth and all of them should
carry it together and erect it.
Commencement of the Prophetic Mission
At the age of forty years the Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was appointed as Prophet.
One day when he was busy offering his prayers and was worshipping God
at the Cave of Hara (The Cave of Hara is known as Kooh-e-noor is about
6 KM from Mecca towards Mina) angel Gabriel brought him revelation
from God that he was chosen as Prophet.
After the revelation he went to take rest at his home. Once again, the
angel Gabriel descended and reveled the revelation of God to him for
starting the religious propagation.
To start with, Prophet (P.B.U.H.) secretly propagated and a few men
secretly accepted Islam. First of all, his wife accepted his Prophesy
and then Hazrat Ali (A.S.). He leveled the ground and made the
atmosphere for propagation ready for as long as three years.
God commanded him to invite the people towards one single God and
start a holy war and crusade against the idols.
This was a dangerous and perilous job because the chiefs of the tribes
had achieved the status of Kings and Monarchs and had made all the
others their slaves. Secondly it appeared to be difficult to break the
idols those, which had been worshipped by them, for ages.
But there was no alternative except to tolerate and bear the
difficulties for the sake ofachievement of the goal and high aim of
monotheism and constitution of Taw hid (One Gad).
After the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had extended the common invitation,
people started their resistance and enmity.
In the beginning, they tried to stop him (P.B.U.H.) by offering bribe.
But when they did not succeed, they used power and started teasing,
torturing, plundering the assets and making fun and cracking jokes
with his followers but this attempt also failed to stop the mission of
the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
The polytheists boosted up their brutalities and violence and ousted
the Prophet along with his family and followers out of Mecca.
Therefore, these people were forced to live in Shaab-e-Abu Talib for
three years, so as to get themselves saved from the evil activities of
the enemy. But the enemies did not content themselves and restrict
their activities to this.
They even besieged the Shaab-e-Abu Talib so thatthe food and water
does not reach them.
Some people played upon their lives to get them food in the darkness
of the night.
So the time kept on passing till the polytheist gave way to the strong
will and determination ofthe Muslims and decided to Kill the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.). They planned to select one young man from each and every
tribe and family so that no one should be able to ask them for blood
money. They fixed a particular night to attack the Prophet's house and
martyr him.
Migration to Madinah
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) came to know about their plan through
revelation. Out of his lovers, this was only Ali (A.S.) who chose to
lie down upon his bed and sacrifice his own life for the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.). The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) migrated from Mecca under the cover
of darkness of night. The polytheists gathered on the specified time
on thatnight to attack the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but when they saw Ali
(A.S.) on the bed of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) they were astonished and
immediately started the pursuit of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but they
came back without achieving their end.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), after a tiresome and inconvenient journey
reached Quba, a place near Madinah, where theinhabitants of Madinah
greeted and welcomed the Prophet (P.B.U.H).
After reaching this place the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) planned to construct
the Quba Mosque, so that the Muslims may gather thereto offer their
prayers andstart planning about their constructional works.
The work of the Mosque construction proceeded swiftly. The Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) also helped during the work. After the work got
accomplished the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) offeredthe first ever Juma
prayerin the same Mosque. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) delivered a short
speech and waited for his representative Ali (A.S.) tocome and join
him along with the ladies of Bani Hashim and then they enter the city
Ali (A.S.) remained in Mecca for 3 days after theProphet's (P.B.U.H.)
departure and surrendered all the deposits which the people had kept
with theProphet (P.B.U.H.) Then Ali (A.S.) left Mecca for Madinah
along with the ladies of Bani Hashim at midnight and later joined the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) at Quba.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) along with Ali (A.S.) and the ladies entered
the city of Madinah where a warm welcome of the city inhabitants was
awaiting them. Everyone was requesting the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to be
his guest. But he (P.B.U.H.) said leave the way of my camel, I
(P.B.U.H.) will become theguest of the person on whose door the camel
shall sit down.
The camel kept moving and crossing the streets of Madinah till She sat
down on the door of AbuAyub Ansari and the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) became
the guest of him.
After reaching Madinah, first of all the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) laid the
foundation of the Mosque so as to start the preaching and propagation
of his religion from this great and glorious base.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) immediately put and end to the war of Aus and
Khizra's tribes, which were going on for a hundred and twenty years on
the provocation of the Jews and made them, enter a truce.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) created the"brotherhood" between the Muhajireen
(immigrants) and Ansar (aiders) so that they do not become a burden
upon the later and they could live their lives together.
The Jews of Madinah who had the keys to the economy of that place felt
a danger approaching them, so they spoiled and deterred their
relations with the Muslims. They wanted to deter and finish the unity
of Muslims and kill them. But the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)was fully aware of
their activities and thus he would nullify and counter all their
The Deviation of Qiblah
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) used to offer his prayers facing Aqsa Mosque of
the Jerusalem for a period of thirteen years in Mecca and one year and
five months in Madinah. The Jews objected to it and said if we are not
on the right path then why do you offer your prayers facing our
After all, one day Jabriel (A.S.) descended from theheaven along with
the revelation at a time when the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was busy offering
his prayer he said: God has ordered you to turn your face towards the
Kaabah. Just now.
From that time onwards Masjid-ul Haram (Kaabah)is the Qiblah of
Muslims. The Jews felt bad about itand objected upon Muslims and said
if Kaabah was your Qiblah then why did you offer your prayers facing
Masjid-ul Aqsa (Jerusalem)?
They were unaware of the fact that the change of Qiblah occurred for
the very reason to distinguish the friends and enemies of Islam. So
that those who obey the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are distinguished from
those who disobey and oppose him.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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