Sunday, November 11, 2012

Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) and his two servants: Qambar and Saeed

After the martyrdom of Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as), Qambar, servant
of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) related that he very seldom had the
occasion to serve his master. Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) used to
do his work for himself, used to wash his own clothing, used even to
patch them whenever needed. He would draw water from the well for his
daily use. Imam Ali ibnAbu Talib (as) would give them good food and
decent dresses, and would himself eat and dress like a very poor man.
Let alone whipping or beating he never evengot angry with us. He never
used a cane even on his horse, camel or mule. These animals apparently
understood his mood and desire and would trot and walk as he wished
them to do. His often used phrase with them was "go easy child".
Continuing Qambar said:
Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as) and saving wealth (money)
Once and only once ImamAli ibn Abu Talib (as) got annoyed with me. It
was the occasion when I showed him the money that I had hoarded. It
was from my share of income given to me like others from the State
Treasury (Baytul Mal) andthe gifts I had received from the members of
his family. I had no immediate use of it and had collected the amount.
It was not much,being barely 100 Dirhams. When I showed him the amount
he looked annoyed and what pained me more helooked very sad. I
enquired as to why he was so sad, he said:"Qambar, if you had no use
of this money, were there not people around you who were in need ofit,
some of them might have been starving and some ill and infirm,
couldyou not have helped them. I never thought that you could be so
heartless and cruel, and could love wealth for the sake of wealth."
Qambar I am afraid you are not trying to acquire much from Islam, try
more seriously and sincerely. Take these coins out of my house. I took
them out and distributed them amongst the beggars in the Kufa mosque.
Is Money is everything?
Some people say 'Money is everything'. It will be advisable for such
peopleto consider the followingfacts:
"Money will buy a Bed but not sleep, Books but not brains, Food but
not appetite, Finery but not beauty, Medicine but not health; Luxuries
but not culture, Amusements but not happiness, Passport to every where
but not Heaven".
Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) and Generosity
At another time, Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) was returning from a
journey with a string of camels fully laden with goods. On the way a
beggar asked for a piece of bread. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) ordered
hisbeloved servant Qambar to give some bread to thebeggar. Qambar
started searching for bread. Aftera few moments Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib
(as) asked about the delay. Qambar said, "I am looking for the bread."
Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) said, "Give the bagger the camel which
carries the food." After a while Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) again
inquired about the delay. Qambar replied, "I am searching for the
camel carrying the food." "Give the whole caravan," Imam Aliibn Abu
Talib (as) ordered.
Qambar hurriedly jumped off from the camel and handed the reins of the
whole caravan to the fortunate beggar.
Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) smiled at the agility of Qambar and
asked him, "Why did you jump so quickly and handover the reins in such
haste?" Qambar replied,"Master, you are in such amood that on account
of a little delay, you gave away the whole caravan. I was afraid if
there was some more delay, you might give me away also with the
caravan. You will get a thousand slaveslike me, but where will I get a
master like you?"
Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali (as) and Gift giving etiquette in Islam
One day our first Imam, Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali (as) went to the
market with his servant, Qambar. There he boughttwo shirts, one which
was really nice and expensive and the other which was not as nice.
When Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) returned home he gave the better
shirt to Qambar and kept the other one for himself.
Qambar told Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali (as) that it would look better
if he wore the nicer shirt as he was the leader of the Muslims
(Commander of the Faithful) while Qambar himself was only a servant.
Imam Ali (as) answered that Qambar should wearthe nicer shirt because
hewas younger and so it would suit him better; but more importantly
Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali (as) told him that he was a guide for the
Muslims and so had to set a good example forthem by leading a simple
Saeed, another servant ofAmir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) says,
It was a very hot day, Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) was writing some
letters, he wanted to send me to call some of his officers, he called
me, once, twice and thrice and each time I purposely kept silent
anddid not reply. Imam Ali (as) got up to go himself and saw me
sitting not very far away from him. He (as) asked me as to why I did
not respond to his call, I replied: "Master,I want to find out when
and how you get angry." A smile played on his lips and he replied:
"You cannot rouse my anger with such childlike tricks, and then he set
me free and kept on supporting me till me death."
Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) amongst his subjects
When Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) was comingto Kufa, he entered the
city of Anbar populated by Iranians. The Iranian farmers were very
happy to see their beloved caliph, Ameer ul Momineen passing through
their town. Theycame to his visit. When it was time for Imam Ali (as)
to leave, they started running in front of his horse. Amir al-Muminin,
Imam Ali (as) inquired about this behavior.
"This is one way that we extend respect to our leaders and respectful
individuals. This is our custom that has been practiced for years."
Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali (as) said: "This behavior puts you in
discomfort in this world, and brings about humiliation in the next
world. Always stay away from practices that humiliate you. After all
what benefit is there in such a practice to the recipients?"
Haris-ibne-Shohail, one of the governors of the provinces, was in
Kufa, once he was riding through the city and saw Imam Ali ibn Abu
Talib (as) also riding. He got down from his horse to accompany Amir
al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) on foot. Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali
(as)stopped his horse and said. "It is ill for a man to lower himself
before anybody but his God, please get upon your horse, even had you
not been an officer of the state I would not have allowed you to lower
yourself like this, the sight of such humiliation of man before man
neverpleases me. It is the worstform of tyranny which can be
Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as) was passing through Ambar,
with his army. The rich men of the province, as was the custom of
those times, came out to greet him. They offered the best Persian
horses as presents, and requested his permission to act as hosts to
his army. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) met them very courteously, but
very politely refused to accept the gifts and the invitation, saying:
You have paid your taxes,to receive anything morefrom you, even when
youoffer it voluntarily and willingly, is a crime against the state.
But when they persisted and pressed their request, Amir
al-Muminin,Imam Ali (as) ordered that the horses could be accepted
against their taxes, and so far as the feast was concerned it must be
paid out of the war expenses.
Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) and rights of Companionship
In those days, Kufa was the capital and center of the Islamic
Government. All eyes of the vast and wide Muslim nation (withthe
exception of Syria) were fixed at this city waiting for orders to be
issued and decisions to be taken.
One day outside the city two gentlemen, a Muslim and the other from
people of the Book (Jew or Christian) met on the road. The Muslim was
going to Kufa and the other gentlemen to another place nearby. Since a
part of their journey was common, they decided to travel together.
On the way, they talked and talked on, various topics of mutual
interest and ultimately arrived at the point where their paths
separated. The non-Muslim was surprised to see that his Muslim
companion did not take the path leadingto Kufa but accompanied him on
the other path, where he was going. He asked: "Well, did not you say
you were going to Kufa?"
"Yes" Muslim said.
"Then why are you coming this way? The other one is the path to Kufa."
"I know. I want to walk a few steps with you to seeyou off as our
Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said, 'whenever two persons travel together
on the same path, they establish reciprocal rightsupon each other'.
Now you have got a right upon me and for the sakeof that right I wish
to walk a few steps with you, and then, of course, I shall return unto
my own path."
"Oh! Such an authority and power which is wielded among people insuch
a perfect way by your Prophet Muhammad(saw), and the amazing speed
with which his religion has spread in theworld, must be, I am
sure,because of his such noblecharacter."
The surprise and admiration of this non-Muslim reached its peak when
he learnt afterwards that his Muslim friend was Amir al-Muminin, Imam
Ali (as),the Caliph of that time. Soon after he embraced Islam and was
counted among the most devout and self-sacrificing companion of Amir
al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as).
Maula Ali (as): Taking care of old age people in Islam
The old man, a Christian by religion, had worked all his life; but had
not been able to save anything for his old age. Lately he had also
become blind. Old age, poverty and blindness had joined hands and he
had no other way except begging. He used to stand at the corner of a
lane for begging. People had compassion for him and gave him some alms
from which he ate every day, and so he continued his sad life.
One day Ameer ul Momineen (Commander of the Faithful) Maula Ali (as),
passed through the lane and saw the beggar in that condition. Imam Ali
(as), out of his concernfor others, enquired about the old man. He
wanted to know the factors which led him to that condition. "Has he no
son to support him? Or, is there no other way for him to live a
respectable life in his old age?"
The people who knew the old man came forward and informed Imam Ali
(as) that he was a Christian and had worked hard so long as he had his
eyes, and when young and strong. Now that he had lost his youth as
well as his eyes, he was unable to do any work; also he had no
savings, so it was natural for him to beg. Mawla Ali (as) said,
"Strange! Till hehad strength, you extracted work from him and now you
have left him on his own?"
His story shows that he had worked when he had the strength.
Therefore, it is the duty of the Government and the society to support
him till he is alive. "Go, and give him a life pension from the State
Treasury (Baytul Mal)."


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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