ALLAH - In The Name Of - The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. A CALL
This book is written for all those:
· Who sincerely want to know about the differences between the
scholars of the Ahle Sunnah School and the scholars of the
DeobandiSchool and who wish to remove the real obstacles towards
· Who in their private meetings address these serious and principled
differences as (1) a deceit of the Maulvis, (2) a means of making
money, (3) a way of making a living etc., - and who receive applause
from the people, for expressing such thoughts.
· Who, despite being highly educated, consider making attempts at
understanding and removing such differences as a waste oftime.
· Who consider the differences between the Ahle Sunnah scholars and
the Deobandi scholars, as merely trivialor secondary.
· Who spend their scholarly and research capabilities in clarifying
and interpreting the insolent writings of the Deobandis. (Perhaps
religion will remain incomplete without suchexplanations!)
· Who consider researching the differences between the Ahle Sunnah and
Deobandi scholars just a waste of time, whereas at the same time they
are the most zealous advocators of unification!
· Who consider that Teejah (meals for the poor on the third day of
passing away of a Muslim), Daswaan (mealsfor the poor on the tenth day
of passing away of a Muslim), Chaleeswan (meals for the poor on the
fortieth day of passing away of aMuslim), and visits to mausoleums are
the actual differences between the Ahle Sunnah scholars and Deobandi
· Who consider the publication and sale of literature based on
blasphemous and insolent writings, as the most important service to
· Who feel uneasy at the mention of religious differences, but who
spend all their physical and monetary resources in tolerating and
solvingwith elegance all their official problems and business affairs.
· Who advise that as per the circumstances, disputed writings &
problems should not be discussed - but do not render this advice to
the institutions that are ceaselessly publishing such literature.
· Who term the issues of (a) Respecting our Holy Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), (b) The status of the HolyProphet (peace and
blessings be upon him), (c) The attributes of the Holy Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him), (d) Veneration of the Companions and of
the members of the family ofthe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him), (e) Sainthood and (f) other Islamic issues, as
"Sectarianism" perpetrated by the Ahle Sunnah school of thought - and
in this way such persons intentionally or unintentionally support
infidelity and heresy.
· Who understand the real causes of the differences and have thetrue
spirit of presenting a program on the national (or international)
level, through which the wide gulf of differences can be bridged and
an initiative can be taken towards unification.
If you have a soft corner in your heart for the scholars of Deobandi
school, the obvious effect of reading this booklet will be that you
will close it and put is aside with frustration. However, if you are a
great thinker and have the spirit for searching facts by going deep
into events, you will definitely attempt to find out why the
foundations of this dispute were laid - and what are the causes owing
to which the dispute still continues allover the world, after so many
If the dispute was limited to a few people, it could be ignored by
considering that personal or family interests may be involved - but
the range of this dispute is so widethat not only the whole country
(Indian Sub Continent) but a very large region abroad has been dragged
into it. From mosques to religious schools (madressahs), all aspects
of our religious life havebeen so deeply affected by it that from
villages tocities, the entire country has been divided by it.
Therefore the real reasons that actually started the dispute cannot be
overlooked byjust terming it just as an individual strife between
Bareilly and Deoband.
Regretfully until now historians have not attempted make an impartial
research into the real basis of our dispute with the scholarsof the
Deobandi school - a dispute which is going on among millions of
Muslims at home and abroad since the last several decades. Due to it,
the entire Muslim society has fallen prey tospiritual agony and
confusion. Can there be a greater mockery of ourinnocence that our
protest is termed as"Spread of Dissension", whereas it the right of
every innocent individual to disclose his anger and sorrow?
After these introductory words, we now present the details of this
religious dispute before our readers trusting thatthey will ascertain
the real causes in light of what is written here below. Even if
reading this booklet is a burden on you, I would still request you to
read the details, because a seekerof the truth does not have a bias
towards any group.
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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