Friday, November 9, 2012

50 hadith found in ' The Quran ' of Malik's Muwatta.

Yahya related to me fromMalik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Hazm that
ina letter that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, sent to Amr ibn Hazm it said that no-one should touch the
Qur'an unless he was pure. Malik said, "No-oneshould carry the Qur'an
by its strap, or on a cushion, unless he is pure. If it were
permissible to do so, it would also have been permissible to carry it
in its cover. This is not because there is something on the hands of
the one who carries it by which the Qur'an will be soiled, but because
it is disapproved of for someone to carry the Qur'an without being
pure out of respect for the Qur'an, and in order to honour it." Malik
said,"The best thing that I have heard about this is the ayat 'None
touch it except the purified.' (Sura 56 ayat 79) It ranks with the
ayat in Surat Abasa (Sura 80), where Allah, the Blessed and Exalted,
says, 'No, it is a reminder, and whoever wishes will remember it. Upon
honoured pages, exalted and purified, by the hands of scribes, noble
and obedient.' "
Yahya related to me fromMalik from Ayyub ibn Abi Tamima as-Sakhtayani
from Muhammad ibn Sirin that Umar ibn al-Khattab was with some people
who were reciting Qur'an. He went to relieve himself and then came
back and recited Qur'an. One of themen said to him, "Amir al muminin,
are you reciting the Qur'an without being in wudu?"Umar replied, "Who
gave you a verdict on this? Was it Musaylima?"'
Yahya related to me fromMalik from Dawud ibn al-Husayn from al-Araj
from Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abd al-Qari that Umar ibnal Khattab
said,"Whoever misses readinghis hizb at night and reads it from when
the sun has passed the meridian until the dhuhr prayer has not missed
it, or it is as if he has caughtit."
Yahya related to me fromMalik that Yahya ibn Said said, "Once Muhammad
ibn Yahya ibn Habban and I were sitting down, and Muhammad called a
man over to him and saidto him, 'Tell me what youhave heard from your
father.' The man replied that his father had told him that he went to
Zaydibn Thabit and asked him, 'What do you think of reciting the whole
Qur'an in seven days?' Zayd said, 'That's good, but I prefer to recite
it in two weeks, or ten days. Ask me why that is.' He said, 'I ask you
then.' Zayd said, 'So that I can reflect on it and pause in it.' "

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